Pirate Emporium price changes

  • I logged in today to see the prices for packs has gone down. Over all that is pretty cool. Conversion rate is still odd, but I can chalk that up to being an American while the devs aren't. I do want to know if there is going be any coins granted to early adopters? I was, and am, happy to support the game and don't regret my purchase. However it feels a little off knowing everyone that spent money day one have less to show for it than those that didn't.

    I'm happy with my pets and harbor no ill intent with this message I just felt I had to ask.

  • 19
  • Okay, so this makes things interesting for me in particular. I paid for a lot of ancient coins that I have YET TO RECEIVE. If and when those coins go through, will I be getting extra as a result of the delay and new price point or will I still get what I paid for at the old price point? 🤔

  • @galactic-geek
    They still haven't paid you?
    Yo @Deckhands

    So anyways, grabs popcorn and waits for fireworks and ragers because of price changes🍿
    I wonder if I'm gonna get some extra coins too 🤔

  • @the-true-pacman said in Pirate Emporium price changes:

    However it feels a little off knowing everyone that spent money day one have less to show for it than those that didn't.

    I couldn't care less

  • From what I am seeing, prices have NOT gone down.

    You may be referring to old prices that people took from a screenshot of the video talking about the Pirate Emporium before it was released. I've been looking around and most every guide/info site and post about it used that old picture (instead of their own from the day it actually went live). Those prices never went live.
    It was $34.99 for 4250 the day the emporium launched - not the 4050 that was previewed in that early video (that got screen-cap'd and used all over the place).

    If I'm wrong, someone's going to have to point it out. Are these the prices you think were at launch, because they were not.

    Again, the above prices NEVER went live. And a ton of news sites, resources and whatnot are STILL using this image and info as though it's correct. These prices are from a pre-release build

  • @electricknights No, I'm referring to day one I bought the 1000 AC pack for $9.99. when I signed on last night the 1000 AC pack was $8.99.

  • @the-true-pacman said in Pirate Emporium price changes:

    @electricknights No, I'm referring to day one I bought the 1000 AC pack for $9.99. when I signed on last night the 1000 AC pack was $8.99.

    Interesting. It's only shown as $9.99 when I've checked. Are you positive??
    I just wanted to stem off a possible false panic, since, when I checked everything seemed the same prices and then I searched to make sure and everything I found were the incorrect prices, as I mentioned before. :D

  • @electricknights Ancient Coin packs are showing as being discounted for me on the store website, this may not be reflected in-game. It also appears to be linked to having game pass maybe?

  • @d3adst1ck Yes, it's for games pass holders.

  • Oh wow. My bad. Apologies for jumping the gun and doubting ya, @The-True-Pacman !
    It looks like it is for gamepass only, so that's why it wasn't showing up for me. (at least I did discover that a lot of resources should update their info, lol.)


  • @electricknights no problem. Being the internet there is more false info than correct. If anything I appreciate your skepticism.

  • So when did this sale start and can I get my 2$ back or a handful of Ancient coins added? 😲☠🦈I have the ultimate game pass...🤔😔

  • @pithyrumble same here, I hold an ultimate game pass and bought 8500 coins day one. Ticket raised.

    Rare told me it’s not their fault and to speak to Xbox support. Xbox support told me there is nothing they can do.

    Gamepass discount should have been there day one but it wasn’t, resulting in thousands of dollars/pounds that was taken from people already paying for a discounting service (gamepass). Disgusting service.

  • People who bought the game don't deserve a discount??? Rare is slowly sailing into the red seas... with a lot of whales following them...

    I'm just seating on Devil's Ridge south beach, on my nice irl SoT towel that a irl friend bought me at gamescom to support Rare btw, with popcorn, waiting for the next scenery when the new emporium items drop and are nicer/better than the current ones... What a great documentary it will be, award winner for sure!

  • So they haven't gone down? This thread got my hopes up.
    Cant believe they never reduced the Bear and Bird set after the huge amount of complaints and feedback.

  • No, they haven't gone down, but like a day or two after the Emporium launched gamepass holders started getting a discount on the Ancient Coins. The items in the emporium itself are the same cost in Ancient Coins.

  • Dont think I'm ever gonna get that Bear and Bird Ship 😥

  • Yo!

    Noticed the discussion in here and wanted to clarify; what you're more than likely seeing are the Game Pass discounts that are applied to certain Microsoft store items. In this case, anyone playing Sea of Thieves through Game Pass will receive a 10% discount on Ancient Coins bought through the store. It's not a perk of Game Pass that's advertised all that much, but it's a thing!

4 out of 19