What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?

  • Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , for once i have been able to make a Topictitle you could answer straight away.
    But i wouldn't be Old George ( * Old Nag was a better name...moron) if i wouldn't use a surplus of words that you don't need to read.

    This Forum is already in it's thirth year.It is not a secret that i adored and yearn for the Forum like it was in the very beginning.
    This was a peaceful, gentle Forum that had Magical Powers towards the more shy or uncertain Pirates in which i was one of many...i completely understand that ,when a game gains popularity , and the group becomes bigger that , on a certain point , you start to lose the "connection" with eachother.
    So no stigmatizing finger to anyone because we slowly but certainly became drifting apart as a Community...

    Oh, i do know ( * nothing?) that we have so many groups , Fleets and Friends in crews we play often with and i do know that it is nearly impossible to know everybody and determine their personality by reading their gamertag and remember who is behind that name...But still...i see many New Forummembers and the question to what has made you fall in love with piratism or this game crosses my mind ( * yer mind is a wasteland ,moron) more than you would realize…

    The Older Pillars of this Forum will immediatly recognize a necromanced or copied Topic and they are 120 percent more than right...i have no Talent nor intellect ( * now you're telling the truth , finally,fool) to come up with a Community Gathering Topic or question. i have stolen this question from a dear Friend of mine who had a very personal writingstyle that betrayed real love for this Community of Old . Miss Captn Jaq, who once again is missing...Sadly.

    Oh , i see the shining in yer eyes ,while you hold that Banhammer in yer hands , oh dear Moderators , but i try to take a torch in my hand that i immediatly want to give away to a more Talented and Community Orientated Pirate like Miss captn Jaq ,back in the day...You can acuse me as Necromancer or copycat , but i'm still typing…So who you gonna call , ( * certainly not Clumsy George) Ghostbusters? Whaahahaaa, you can't touch me , sorry for the few eighties jokes...

    No , i really have hold this Community dear but eversince the Game release a certain grimness has come as a dark cloud over this forum...Many were dissapointed because they expected a storybased game and never listened to a cristalclear Passionate explenation of the likes like Mr Chapman…

    The Old Pillars of this Forum have literally written off the fingerprints from their fingertips in order to write down how you should see and play this game...Many Great Pirates have left this Forum because of this constant bickering and relentless ,repetitive , explaining…

    But this Forum doesn't die and a whole new bunch of Pirates have flocked down to create a New and Different Forum...Myself , i have lost the connection with all of you ,i simply can't read nor translate fast enough to be able to read every Topic and answer , something i really regret but i had to throw the towel, let loose of a peleton i couldn't follow anymore because even if i could read and translate 24/7 i still wouldn't be able to follow so many Pirates…

    As a sad result , i don't know many of you , unfortunately .i'm still under the spell of this game that has teached me that there are real Diamonds and Pearls of Personalities amongst Old and New Pirates alike so that's why i reanimated an old question who did not come out of my brain…

    But i would be a coward if i only ask you a question and keep myself ,hiding in fear ,into the shadow.

    So my love for Pirates was triggered very early , back in the late seventies ( * Oh oooow, did i just see a dinosaur passing in yer memories? , moron?) our national TV broadcaster was in love with "old " movies . My favorites were historical based movies , from the Knights in Medieval Times to the Far West created by Ennio's Morricone Magistral Music ( * Aaiaiaaiaaa whaa whaa whaaaaa...He calls that squiling donkey music , marvellous , the moron - Come on , Sunshine , you love the Good the Bad and the Ugly theme too * Okay okay , i just want to thrash the old man ,okay, Captain Tearface?) towards the World War two movies , they all tied my four year old eyes to the screen...i couldn't read back then , not in my own language , certainly not in thy Beautiful Language , i also couldn't understand English back then ( * And now you do? ...Liar..).
    But as a kid i reenacted everything i saw , the Television was my extender of my dayDreams and those came to reality by using Playmobil...

    To the younger generation , Playmobil is a bit like Lego but you don't have to build that much…
    And so on a rainy , television bound day i saw the movie that would plant the seed of PirateLove in my carcass: The Crimson Pirate , a movie from 1952 ,in which Mr Burt Lancaster played the rooftiles of the ….uhm...Pirateship ( * what the hell, are you losing it again, punk?).He had a sidekick in a speechless Mr Nick Cravat, both were former circusman and they did all kind of scallywagging tricks with the ropes of their ship and other props…
    i looked up to both and thanks to their movie i was so tied to the story that in my reenactment games with my trusty ( * and only ) little plastic Friends ,i was able to seal myself off from the daily domestical arguements that darkened the mood…

    In all honesty , the way i could lock myself off has saved my sanity i think ( * No , you hope , fruitlessly...crazy fool). Still roaming at this age , still unable to read i came across to the Roodbaard , Redbeard comics . A property of my nephews who had a lot of comics ,but they never took care of them. i liked to look at the scenes which i glued a different story upon since i couldn't read back then…

    My Mother , who had discovered my love for Piratism ,had a marvellous idea , that went...wrongly a little bit.She loved history but knew nothing about Pirates , sadly... In my country you have the tradition of Sinterklaas or Saint-Nicolas as you would call this Holy Man...
    Children try to behave at their best in the months before he comes along. The better you behaved , the more gifts the Good Man would push through the chimney. He was a very old man but had a lot of help from his Black Pete's. Before you stand on yer hindlegs and acuse me from being a rascist ,i will explain the Origin of Black Pete. Black Pete was a cuacasian man or mutiple man , that dove in the chimneys of the children's parents houses in order to put the gifts in front of the fireplace...He took the carrot and the turnip for Saint-Nicolas his horse back up...After doing a few chimneys he became chimneydust black...That's where " Black" Pete is coming from…
    But back to my story then...i woke up on 6th december , Saint -Nicolas day, the most important day for children untill yer Parents dear , tell you one day it is all a hoax and it's the Parents that put it all there...That day , that comes to all my countrymen's Children, is a day where many ChildrenHearts get broken…
    But Saint Nicolas had dropped a Pirateship off for me ...but …"the Pirate" ship wasn't a Pirateship , it was a Vikingship? My Mother ,sadly , didn't knew the difference and had bought a Vikingship from a Playmobil copying company that is already long gone...But that didn't dampen my Pirate spirit , many ,many hundreds of adventures did i had together and thanks to my Plastic Friends , aaah those memories , it still brings a smile to my old mug ( * and a tear too it seems, crybaby).

    Much later , already grownup and scarred by real life , you know the feel , like your life just passes by while you stand in the Line of Life towards it's end amongst the other zombies , an old game called Seadogs passed by.

    For those days , it was graphicly splendid and played a bit like that other cultepisode from assassin's Creed 's Black Flag...An old Love was giving Fire of Life again and the embers of then , became a roaring Fire of yearning and Love for the Pirates Life.
    A few good Pirate games enlighted the Long years before the Pirate's Revelation that was to come around 2016...Tropico two , Pirate's Cove was another game that kept me busy for a long time. Sadly it was a islandmanager , in which the plunderjourneys were fought outside the screen...

    But all this yearnings towards the years of Childish reenactment would soon become stilled...in 2016 , Old george was surfing the internet while being bored , ( * he was so bored that he uttered his boredom at loud and two little rocks in the garden started to a fight to death in which death would mean a liberating escape from his nagging voice...ts ts tsss, moron), i suddenly came across of something called Sea of Thieves…

    i was a realistic graphic lover back then , so you could see my eyebrows frowns within the first minute...The trailer started with someone who came out of a Cavern looked around ,in which indie game like trees were visable, an impaled indie looking skeleton , and i feared that this was just a 13th in a dozen game...untill...a very detailed young cartoony female Pirate figure crossed my screen...The gamecharacter follows her towards a shore where a massive galleon was waiting for her , or so it seemed...Hmm, i remember hearing me say: " This doesn't look that bad...". but then something strange caught me eye...The Water...That Water was ...alive and realistic and didn't seemed to fit in that cartoony, and indie game style…

    i swiped away , but the seed was planted , a few months later i tried to recall the name of this game and after a few unsuccesfull attemps , i have a bad memorysystem ( * Yeah ,blame it on us , dumbo, you should never have falled that deep five years ago...moron) but Mr Google had found what i was looking for …

    i found this Forum and then i met my Personal Jezus in the shape of Mister Chapman and his sidekick , the Shenenigan Mr Joe Neate , who both explained in their own personal style what Sea of Thieves was and what lied underneath those beautiful ,livelike , waterwaves....and the rest ...well , that's history …
    i have and still have numerous edventures with my own crew and Random Pirates in which we try to spread the real reason for this game while being set in one of the most beautiful , Childdreamed settings i could only wish for, back in the days that dinosaurs still passed my bedroomwindow….

    So that was in short ( * IN SHORT?????? Are ye out of yer mind , call the paramedics , a few tens of New Pirates have fallen in a comateuz slumber, you idiot ...You have killed and stilled them...moron) how i became in Love with Piratism and of course this Beautiful Game...

    So i ask this to you as well, maybe you have time to tell us our story and grant me the favour of getting to know you a bit better , please…

    Oh, one more thing , i dedicate this question to the one who , years ago, came up with it ...This one is for you Captn Jaq , because i miss your Writingstyle , yer Positivity and Yourself as well...i cant' carry Your Flame of Positivity as i'm not that shiner like you once was but i'm holding up the torch towards he or she who wants to proceed with yer Positive Work of Old....

    An Old Man walks away towards his Sloop...He looks back to the beach of a small Island where a Bloodred Flame is waiting to return of Missing Captn. Jaq or her Successor...He Mumbles: " May your Flame warm my Old Shadowy Heart because , it never liked the Darkness which was induced there by the Elders...I'm missing you Captn . May yer Warming Flame inspire the New to spread thy message ...i'm too old and too cold to take this task upon me ...He turns around and walks towards his old Sloop...A tear drops on the sandy beach and reflects a rising sun...It is time for a New Adventure ...Maybe , it's time to catch me a sketchbook or two ...you never know if there is a new Story awaiting on the Horizon...
    A sail dissapears from sight but a Torch, an Everburning One , is still awaiting the Old or New soon the be Torchbearer...

  • 19
  • @clumsy-george said in What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?:

    Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast , for once i have been able to make a Topictitle you could answer straight away.
    But i wouldn't be Old George ( * Old Nag was a better name...moron) if i wouldn't use a surplus of words that you don't need to read.

    This Forum is already in it's thirth year.It is not a secret that i adored and yearn for the Forum like it was in the very beginning.
    This was a peaceful, gentle Forum that had Magical Powers towards the more shy or uncertain Pirates in which i was one of many...i completely understand that ,when a game gains popularity , and the group becomes bigger that , on a certain point , you start to lose the "connection" with eachother.
    So no stigmatizing finger to anyone because we slowly but certainly became drifting apart as a Community...

    Oh, i do know ( * nothing?) that we have so many groups , Fleets and Friends in crews we play often with and i do know that it is nearly impossible to know everybody and determine their personality by reading their gamertag and remember who is behind that name...But still...i see many New Forummembers and the question to what has made you fall in love with piratism or this game crosses my mind ( * yer mind is a wasteland ,moron) more than you would realize…

    The Older Pillars of this Forum will immediatly recognize a necromanced or copied Topic and they are 120 percent more than right...i have no Talent nor intellect ( * now you're telling the truth , finally,fool) to come up with a Community Gathering Topic or question. i have stolen this question from a dear Friend of mine who had a very personal writingstyle that betrayed real love for this Community of Old . Miss Captn Jaq, who once again is missing...Sadly.

    Oh , i see the shining in yer eyes ,while you hold that Banhammer in yer hands , oh dear Moderators , but i try to take a torch in my hand that i immediatly want to give away to a more Talented and Community Orientated Pirate like Miss captn Jaq ,back in the day...You can acuse me as Necromancer or copycat , but i'm still typing…So who you gonna call , ( * certainly not Clumsy George) Ghostbusters? Whaahahaaa, you can't touch me , sorry for the few eighties jokes...

    No , i really have hold this Community dear but eversince the Game release a certain grimness has come as a dark cloud over this forum...Many were dissapointed because they expected a storybased game and never listened to a cristalclear Passionate explenation of the likes like Mr Chapman…

    The Old Pillars of this Forum have literally written off the fingerprints from their fingertips in order to write down how you should see and play this game...Many Great Pirates have left this Forum because of this constant bickering and relentless ,repetitive , explaining…

    But this Forum doesn't die and a whole new bunch of Pirates have flocked down to create a New and Different Forum...Myself , i have lost the connection with all of you ,i simply can't read nor translate fast enough to be able to read every Topic and answer , something i really regret but i had to throw the towel, let loose of a peleton i couldn't follow anymore because even if i could read and translate 24/7 i still wouldn't be able to follow so many Pirates…

    As a sad result , i don't know many of you , unfortunately .i'm still under the spell of this game that has teached me that there are real Diamonds and Pearls of Personalities amongst Old and New Pirates alike so that's why i reanimated an old question who did not come out of my brain…

    But i would be a coward if i only ask you a question and keep myself ,hiding in fear ,into the shadow.

    So my love for Pirates was triggered very early , back in the late seventies ( * Oh oooow, did i just see a dinosaur passing in yer memories? , moron?) our national TV broadcaster was in love with "old " movies . My favorites were historical based movies , from the Knights in Medieval Times to the Far West created by Ennio's Morricone Magistral Music ( * Aaiaiaaiaaa whaa whaa whaaaaa...He calls that squiling donkey music , marvellous , the moron - Come on , Sunshine , you love the Good the Bad and the Ugly theme too * Okay okay , i just want to thrash the old man ,okay, Captain Tearface?) towards the World War two movies , they all tied my four year old eyes to the screen...i couldn't read back then , not in my own language , certainly not in thy Beautiful Language , i also couldn't understand English back then ( * And now you do? ...Liar..).
    But as a kid i reenacted everything i saw , the Television was my extender of my dayDreams and those came to reality by using Playmobil...

    To the younger generation , Playmobil is a bit like Lego but you don't have to build that much…
    And so on a rainy , television bound day i saw the movie that would plant the seed of PirateLove in my carcass: The Crimson Pirate , a movie from 1952 ,in which Mr Burt Lancaster played the rooftiles of the ….uhm...Pirateship ( * what the hell, are you losing it again, punk?).He had a sidekick in a speechless Mr Nick Cravat, both were former circusman and they did all kind of scallywagging tricks with the ropes of their ship and other props…
    i looked up to both and thanks to their movie i was so tied to the story that in my reenactment games with my trusty ( * and only ) little plastic Friends ,i was able to seal myself off from the daily domestical arguements that darkened the mood…

    In all honesty , the way i could lock myself off has saved my sanity i think ( * No , you hope , fruitlessly...crazy fool). Still roaming at this age , still unable to read i came across to the Roodbaard , Redbeard comics . A property of my nephews who had a lot of comics ,but they never took care of them. i liked to look at the scenes which i glued a different story upon since i couldn't read back then…

    My Mother , who had discovered my love for Piratism ,had a marvellous idea , that went...wrongly a little bit.She loved history but knew nothing about Pirates , sadly... In my country you have the tradition of Sinterklaas or Saint-Nicolas as you would call this Holy Man...
    Children try to behave at their best in the months before he comes along. The better you behaved , the more gifts the Good Man would push through the chimney. He was a very old man but had a lot of help from his Black Pete's. Before you stand on yer hindlegs and acuse me from being a rascist ,i will explain the Origin of Black Pete. Black Pete was a cuacasian man or mutiple man , that dove in the chimneys of the children's parents houses in order to put the gifts in front of the fireplace...He took the carrot and the turnip for Saint-Nicolas his horse back up...After doing a few chimneys he became chimneydust black...That's where " Black" Pete is coming from…
    But back to my story then...i woke up on 6th december , Saint -Nicolas day, the most important day for children untill yer Parents dear , tell you one day it is all a hoax and it's the Parents that put it all there...That day , that comes to all my countrymen's Children, is a day where many ChildrenHearts get broken…
    But Saint Nicolas had dropped a Pirateship off for me ...but …"the Pirate" ship wasn't a Pirateship , it was a Vikingship? My Mother ,sadly , didn't knew the difference and had bought a Vikingship from a Playmobil copying company that is already long gone...But that didn't dampen my Pirate spirit , many ,many hundreds of adventures did i had together and thanks to my Plastic Friends , aaah those memories , it still brings a smile to my old mug ( * and a tear too it seems, crybaby).

    Much later , already grownup and scarred by real life , you know the feel , like your life just passes by while you stand in the Line of Life towards it's end amongst the other zombies , an old game called Seadogs passed by.

    For those days , it was graphicly splendid and played a bit like that other cultepisode from assassin's Creed 's Black Flag...An old Love was giving Fire of Life again and the embers of then , became a roaring Fire of yearning and Love for the Pirates Life.
    A few good Pirate games enlighted the Long years before the Pirate's Revelation that was to come around 2016...Tropico two , Pirate's Cove was another game that kept me busy for a long time. Sadly it was a islandmanager , in which the plunderjourneys were fought outside the screen...

    But all this yearnings towards the years of Childish reenactment would soon become stilled...in 2016 , Old george was surfing the internet while being bored , ( * he was so bored that he uttered his boredom at loud and two little rocks in the garden started to a fight to death in which death would mean a liberating escape from his nagging voice...ts ts tsss, moron), i suddenly came across of something called Sea of Thieves…

    i was a realistic graphic lover back then , so you could see my eyebrows frowns within the first minute...The trailer started with someone who came out of a Cavern looked around ,in which indie game like trees were visable, an impaled indie looking skeleton , and i feared that this was just a 13th in a dozen game...untill...a very detailed young cartoony female Pirate figure crossed my screen...The gamecharacter follows her towards a shore where a massive galleon was waiting for her , or so it seemed...Hmm, i remember hearing me say: " This doesn't look that bad...". but then something strange caught me eye...The Water...That Water was ...alive and realistic and didn't seemed to fit in that cartoony, and indie game style…

    i swiped away , but the seed was planted , a few months later i tried to recall the name of this game and after a few unsuccesfull attemps , i have a bad memorysystem ( * Yeah ,blame it on us , dumbo, you should never have falled that deep five years ago...moron) but Mr Google had found what i was looking for …

    i found this Forum and then i met my Personal Jezus in the shape of Mister Chapman and his sidekick , the Shenenigan Mr Joe Neate , who both explained in their own personal style what Sea of Thieves was and what lied underneath those beautiful ,livelike , waterwaves....and the rest ...well , that's history …
    i have and still have numerous edventures with my own crew and Random Pirates in which we try to spread the real reason for this game while being set in one of the most beautiful , Childdreamed settings i could only wish for, back in the days that dinosaurs still passed my bedroomwindow….

    So that was in short ( * IN SHORT?????? Are ye out of yer mind , call the paramedics , a few tens of New Pirates have fallen in a comateuz slumber, you idiot ...You have killed and stilled them...moron) how i became in Love with Piratism and of course this Beautiful Game...

    So i ask this to you as well, maybe you have time to tell us our story and grant me the favour of getting to know you a bit better , please…

    Oh, one more thing , i dedicate this question to the one who , years ago, came up with it ...This one is for you Captn Jaq , because i miss your Writingstyle , yer Positivity and Yourself as well...i cant' carry Your Flame of Positivity as i'm not that shiner like you once was but i'm holding up the torch towards he or she who wants to proceed with yer Positive Work of Old....

    An Old Man walks away towards his Sloop...He looks back to the beach of a small Island where a Bloodred Flame is waiting to return of Missing Captn. Jaq or her Successor...He Mumbles: " May your Flame warm my Old Shadowy Heart because , it never liked the Darkness which was induced there by the Elders...I'm missing you Captn . May yer Warming Flame inspire the New to spread thy message ...i'm too old and too cold to take this task upon me ...He turns around and walks towards his old Sloop...A tear drops on the sandy beach and reflects a rising sun...It is time for a New Adventure ...Maybe , it's time to catch me a sketchbook or two ...you never know if there is a new Story awaiting on the Horizon...
    A sail dissapears from sight but a Torch, an Everburning One , is still awaiting the Old or New soon the be Torchbearer...

    mate i fell in love with pirate since i was a little boy and i had playmobil pirate toys and still do and when i found out about this game i wanted it so badly and i got it and i love it

  • @closinghare208
    Mr ClosingHare , Master of the Short Pirate Tale and Fellow Playmobillover...Thanks for sharing your inspiration for Pirates and by the SeaGods ...Playmobil Pirates seems to be a Prelude to Great Adventures on our Marvellous Sea ,filled with Thieves , waves....Thank you , Sir.

  • @clumsy-george said in What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?:

    Mr ClosingHare , Master of the Short Pirate Tale and Fellow Playmobillover...Thanks for sharing your inspiration for Pirates and by the SeaGods ...Playmobil Pirates seems to be a Prelude to Great Adventures on our Marvellous Sea ,filled with Thieves , waves....Thank you , Sir.

    you're welcome mate

  • @Clumsy-George
    It was the Disney Treasure Island and my love for these beautiful Ships of that era.
    I do not remember many movies that pleased me.
    Some Erol Flynn stuff my father had on 8mm and the red Corsair maybe, yes the Burt Lancaster movie.
    I remember how disappointed i was when i saw Pirates of the Carribean.
    And they became more bad with every new one. Salazars Revenge is an insult to my intelligence, sorry.
    The Dialoges are even to dumb for a 6years old.
    But i liked Black Sails the series very much and appreciated the story as a prequel to Treasure Island.
    But hear me, the most influencing thing is maybe that my parents and grandfathers always told me that my fathers side of the family had ancestors in scandinavia and my grandfather visited every day an old friend at a small red tower at the harbours entry of River Rhines Port in Cologne Germany.

    Bild Text
    In this tower you could move the small bridge around (Drehbrücke= Swing bridge) to a small island what at the time of the Roman Empire already marked the natural harbour of cologne. The bridge needed to swing around for larger/higher ships.
    I grew up on the opposite side of the street there, it's the deepest point of Cologne and the oldest known street where i lived, because it was the street from the natural harbour to the inner land for more than two thousands years and with that small upstream island .
    And my uncle had a small boat there back in the 80ies.
    There is a stone statue made from limestone we called "Tauzieher" (rope puller) i climbed as a child and sat on his head, and that was causing my mother to yell from the window over the street at me, because it is quite high for a 5y old :-)

    Bild Text

    Today the bridge isn't in use anymore. The tower is a Restaurant, the firepatrol ship station on the island became the Chocolate Museum for over 20 years already. Ah and btw there is a small church what was one of the first churches in Cologne if not the oldest one to bless sailors etc.. The whole Harbour Region is rebuild to some Hipster Terrain today with a sports museum, bars and business things and the so called "Kranhäuser" = crane houses what are mostly are business rooms, but one is the most expensive place to live on Cologne. iirc 150k per squaremeter and the apartments are big and for the high society only.
    Microsoft and EA own houses there.
    The Flair of the port is long gone.
    I remember i did my first graffiti there :-D

    All this makes me love ships and the Sea, although i am a child of the River Rhine (we colognians call him father and the City of Cologne Mother)
    When i'm at the North Sea i feel sometimes more at home as if i am in Cologne, no matter if it's the Netherlands, Germany or Denmark. I still have to visit Sweden, Finnland and Iceland, Orkney etc, but i will do for sure one day.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Thanks Mr Bugaboo Bill, not only for your story but also to add a lot of history into it...Yes , The carribbean Movies dwindled down by every new Episode , i loved the first one , even if it had a bit childish humor in it , i'm still 6 years old in my mind ( * Sigh , and believe me, this moron says that with pride inn his voice…)… Black Sails , i loved when the story progressed , in the beginning their was a lot of … ( * whahaahaa , he doesn't know how to write nakedness ...you're trapped now moron…)...hum...people without clothes who seemed to be imported to gain viewers ...After the first few episodes , the characters became more personalities with all their shadows in mind and past ...It is really a good series but started a bit slow and chaotic , for me...But i loved it and will review it one day ( * let's hope you rewatch it for the good reason and not for ...Nah , you're still a child and watch to the floor tiles if you see too much skin....hihihihihi...wallflower).

  • my first videogame i played was the secret of monkey island there was my love for pirates and point n click adventures born i guess,and sure i watched goonies plenty times as a kid;), or maybe anyone know the swedish childhood movie pippi in the southseas,the piratedaughter and strongest girlin the world:D

  • @clumsy-george
    haha, thought the same about Black Sails.
    I was ready to quit it because of the cheap triggerd that were used. naked womens and such.
    Not that they arent beautiful, but honestly too much of it, sie for GoT btw lets me facepalm only.
    But later on i realy enjoyed the character of the "cook" and how he became Long John Silver. It was done right somehow i also just liked him, like they all did ;-)

  • @Clumsy-George
    « Homme libre toujours tu chériras la mer »

    I like fantasy pirates (real pirates? Not sure though) from the same movies as everyone I guess but it’s the sea that I love the most and the freedom the game provides.

    I sure miss cptn jaq on this forum, I’ll raise my grog to her!

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    How could i forget this?!!

    I mean as a boy Pipi was a little bit strange, but when i knew her father, well :-)

    Efraim Langstrumpf
    Bild Text

    And Monkey Island 1+2 of course.
    Who can ever forget these games.

  • @clumsy-george said in What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?:

    Thanks Mr Bugaboo Bill, not only for your story but also to add a lot of history into it...Yes , The carribbean Movies dwindled down by every new Episode , i loved the first one , even if it had a bit childish humor in it , i'm still 6 years old in my mind ( * Sigh , and believe me, this moron says that with pride inn his voice…)… Black Sails , i loved when the story progressed , in the beginning their was a lot of … ( * whahaahaa , he doesn't know how to write nakedness ...you're trapped now moron…)...hum...people without clothes who seemed to be imported to gain viewers ...After the first few episodes , the characters became more personalities with all their shadows in mind and past ...It is really a good series but started a bit slow and chaotic , for me...But i loved it and will review it one day ( * let's hope you rewatch it for the good reason and not for ...Nah , you're still a child and watch to the floor tiles if you see too much skin....hihihihihi...wallflower).

    the first one was amazing and that what got me into pirates as well

  • @bugaboo-bill said in What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?:


    How could i forget this?!!

    I mean as a boy Pipi was a little bit strange, but when i knew her father, well :-)

    Efraim Langstrumpf
    Bild Text

    And Monkey Island 1+2 of course.
    Who can ever forget these games.

    I'm not a fan of pirates in particular, more a fan of fantasy in general. But I had a crush on Pipi back then and still have a bias towards red haired women. Efraim's reason for leaving her alone always seemed questionable to me. For me, he was the strange one. I also blame him for her math skills.^^
    I'm feeling old now ...

  • @Clumsy-George
    Honestly mate i never liked pirates. Or the ocean. Or thieves.

    But in my late 20s i was reading a book by my favorite writer R.A. Salvatore.
    He writes a series of books based in the Dungeons and Dragons world.
    Anyway one of his books is titled Sea of Swords. Its about his famous character named Drizzt Do'Urden sailing the seas looking for a friends lost weapon. During the story he encountered pirates. It was then my interest for them came alive.

    When the game was announced at E3 i didnt quite understand what the game was. After much research, i saw the passion Rare had for the game. I played alot of Rare games growing up and i know that their games are always a challenge.

    I saw that it was an open world game with no rules. Pure freedom. No safe zones unless you and your friends make it safe. The beauty of the seas. Everything looked amazing. I preordered the game instantly.
    I have no regrets.

    I have over 250 games in my xbox library.
    But i play only one.
    Im not sure another game will come along like this one mate. I have played games for over 30 years. But few have come close to the memories this game has given me. I truly appreciate all Rare has done to make a game like this happen.

  • @clumsy-george For me it was games, I always loved the idea of any game where you can “be” someone else.

    So when I saw SoT and it’s unique take on the open world and player encounters I had to get it.
    It’s had its issues but honestly it’s also made some of the most memorable game experiences I’ve had in my time!
    It’s truly unique.

  • @clumsy-george

    Well Mr George... it's simple for me.

    I am Pirate!!!!

    From my early days watching the "Goonies", cheesy Errol Flynn movies, to the mastery of Ray Harryhausen sword & sandals epics.
    To the more modern era of "Master & Commander" & "Black Sails"
    Simply hooked, and I'm not just talking about me hand.

    This scene from Jason & the Argonauts seals the deal... and is why I love this game, the nods & winks to my childhood memories.

  • I'm going to need to read through the other replies, but first I wanted to type while my brain was ready to answer (or try to answer such a great question).

    When I was a wee lad, a pirate ship found me, floating amongst an assortment of debris...
    Okay, never mind that. I'll tell the modern tale.

    I'd say my love for it was brought about through a number of introductions, layered over many separate years.
    At the youngest of ages, I recall the pirates in Peter Pan (and Pan himself) inspiring me very much. The occasional appearances of pirates in the Asterix books always stirred something in me as well. I don't recall if there were much any pirates in old L. Toons cartoons, but even Popeye gifted me with a bit of love for sea adventures.
    I've always loved old movies, that came before my time, and Ray Harryhausen's wonderful work in the Sinbad movies relates a bit to my pirate adventure fantasies! An old black and white favourite of mine was (is!) the Tyrone Powers in the Black Swan! His Zorro movie also stirred a fondness for swashbuckling, which I also relate to my love of pirates.
    More on target - one of my closest childhood friends had the Playmobil pirate ship - and I was always convinced it was the coolest toy ever built (even better than my Millennium Falcon - which also played into my love of piracy). Man oh man, I still think fondly of that Playmobil set.

    I've only ever been ONCE in my life, but when I was quite young, I went to Disneyworld and GREATLY loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. That always stayed with me.

    Movies continued to play a major role towards my love of pirates... From Yellowbeard, the Pirates of Penzance... and Goonies. I've been a Goonie my entire life and there's a great element of freedom and adventurous spirit that the Goonies is based around that will forever call to me.

    The BIG thing that really cemented a direct relationship of historical golden age piracy and I was Sid Meier's PIRATES! I got that game when I was mostly house-ridden with an illness for quite a while... and I loved it so much. My older brother often hung around with me while I played it. We laughed and talked a bunch while I set out to be the greatest pirate ever - which was sometimes very comical - especially Captain Yellowvest, who was quite close to being the worst pirate EVER, but who insisted on simply attacking port cities when he was absolutely without enough men, experience, and firepower - so, he would then go to jail for long stretches, and then, one day, decades after his "career" began, he somehow happened to succeed at sacking a very rich city - and everything turned around - he seemingly could no longer lose!! It was very silly! And great fun. :D
    I had other more consistent pirating careers in that game, as I played it many times, during different time periods and under the flag of different nations. Great game. (Recently, I was very happy to learn that Chapman and Mayles listed this game as an influence. I wasn't surprised, but it was great to see.)

    Personally, and in my real life, my lifestyle and personality contains elements of what I think of in classic pirates (at least within the fantastical pirate fantasy adventure fiction). I'm an artist. A bit of a bohemian, hehe. And, as a career musician, I realized that we travel around, live our lives as individuals, outcasts of normal (landlubber) society, win over people with our dazzling flare (and sonic skills), and we live and run away with the goods we take from town to town - living our best (and worst) lives on a journey of freedom and frivolity! That's a romanticized accounting of it, but there are elements of truth throughout. When you see the looks of the stodgy members of their society, who looked down on us, but see how enraptured their women (and/or men) are with us... ya can't help but laugh and sing a spontaneous shanty about it all! (as you dash away with said enraptured lovelies!) ;) I've often felt like a sonic pirate, thieving money from society as I live my life of freedom - deftly riding the airwaves, plundering their wallets, and inspiring rebellion within the youthfully minded (the golden age is far gone though, sadly - so, it be rough times, indeed).
    But the sea ever calls. There's a symbolic aspect of the seas & the winds that allow a tough, but liberating, life which I can relate to as an artist. Despite appearances, sometimes, it's not easy and it is dreadfully costly, but the urge, the compelling need, to continue that journey, that lifestyle, is a calling that I cannot shake. That's a calling I relate to my pirate adventure fantasy, and it's directly parallel to my mindset as an artist, a philosopher, and an outcast - so, I think it's relevant to this query! :D

    I have to say, I may not have remembered, or continued that connection for a bit of time, until the Pirates of the Caribbean movies began. At first learning of them, I thought that sounded rather ridiculous (basing a movie off of the ride?? What blatantly corporate absurdity! Screw that... wait, what?? It's a swashbuckling romp of great adventure and character??? Well, I'll be!!).
    I didn't become fully in love with pirates again, or start dressing as them or anything, but I thought the first 3 movies were great fun and it reminded me of my affection for all things pirate.

    I don't have much experience sailing, but my father used to take me out rowing and in a tiny dingy with an outboard motor. We would travel around the bay of Cape Cod, and he loved to push things out into the ocean now and then - which I LOVED. My brother - not so much, hahaha.

    My focus went back to more sci-fi pirates and fantasy settings - pretty much until I learned of Sea of Thieves.
    I didn't learn of this game until the first beta for those who signed up (and had been testing). I saw H2O Delirious and Ohmwrecker in youtube videos playing this game. I was greatly intrigued!!!!
    It led me to check more out on Twitch and to read more about the game and its development. I quickly signed up and got myself into the first Stress Test and all subsequent test periods after that.

    The things that sold me on it were the freedom, the physics, the overall design of the game and its systems - along with its obvious beauty!!
    Once I started watching all of the developers' inside stories, tavern talks, and assorted videos about the development - I was so in love.
    Mike Chapman possibly captures the type of passion, love, and sincerity about it all that matches my own spirit and excitement about it all. Although, obviously, I saw everyone within the team had outstanding aspects of passion, love, and character that they were pouring into this game.
    And it was not a standard game. They were taking some great risks and going against many grains. That calls to me. And I saw, understood, and believed in what they were working to do. I do wish I had arrived sooner, but I'm glad I did not arrive any later. :D
    Learning of their own influences and ideas about the pirate fantasy adventure made it impossible for me to not want to be a part of this journey. It even rekindled my interests in game design (something I've always enjoyed to a certain degree, but this had me re-thinking whether I wanted to actually pursue it as a career - for the first time since I was very young & filled out many a notebook with design ideas).

    Well, I could probably keep going on, but perhaps I should just end it here. The seas call and the wind is already blowing my mind elsewhere...

    Fair seas!!

    (forum-user formerly known as PDT Mindstream)

  • Waw, i'm really glad ( * oh yes , it's smiling and get's uglier by the second, poor fool) by so many great answer , i'm also glad to see names i don't see very often , actually ,that was the whole purpose ,to try to make newer Pirates feel welcome...

    The Forum may have lost some glance along the years as the Old Pillars moved elsewhere or became outnumbered but their Spirit has luckely inspired a lot of other Pirates as well...The Core has survived ...i hope that many of you will help somewhat rebuild that Great old Feeling...

    @ElectricKnights , thank you too for a long and enjoyable read ,but did you knew that the Pirates in Asterix are a Parody on Redbeard ? Not as a mockery but as a token of respect and Friendship towards the drawers and scenarists of both series...

    Thank you all, and if other Pirates would like to share something but don't dare , for whatever reason, then put it aside , just tell us where your love for Pirates came from and you will not only make my day ...That ,i do can promise...

  • @clumsy-george said in What triggered your love for Pirates and why did you bought or hired this game?:

    @ElectricKnights , thank you too for a long and enjoyable read ,but did you knew that the Pirates in Asterix are a Parody on Redbeard ? Not as a mockery but as a token of respect and Friendship towards the drawers and scenarists of both series...

    Oh! I did not know that! That's so cool. I was just reading more about that. I'm so glad I mentioned that now. I love learning stuff like this. I had no idea. All that main crew were parodies of the main characters from Redbeard. I love it, haha! It gave them a semblance of depth and interest, I think, just seeing the odd characters in there.

  • @clumsy-george I bought the game after I found my way on this forum and started to read all the great adventures people were having. I sailed alone in the beginning and it resulted in not playing the game for a few months. I met a few people who really loved the game and they got me hoomed again. I know you can play alone but this game is so much better when you play with friends! Before this game i wasn't really into pirates ( yeah i liked the pirates of the caribean movies) but since this game i started to read up about the history. This game is also our 'go to' game during our friday game evenings at work! So i can't imagine my life with SoT at the moment!!

12 out of 19