Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay

  • I’m quite sure this happens to other people as well. A couple friends and myself play together on Xbox, and when new content drops, tons of pc players come back to the game...

    We try to get one of the new reaper chests, and start heading back to port. A sloop shows up out of nowhere with obvious pc players on it. One of them boards us and just runs laps around us like it’s nothing. He kills all three of us extremely easily, takes the chest, and sinks our ship.

    Later on we go on a few simple voyages after taking half an hour to restock. Then we get attacked and boarded by a galleon full of, yet again, PC players, who do the same thing as before.

    Xbox players can hardly level up since pc players can just easily loot us whenever they want.

    I can’t be the only person that feels this way. I’m sure people play one or two days or so, then get driven away by the PC player base after we grind hours of voyages, just to get it stolen. My friends and I won’t be coming back to the game until crossplay is optional. It’s not fun any more, unfortunately. I love the game in, in general, but this is just stupid and no longer fun when you can hardly even turn in a few cheap chests without getting killed for them.

    When can Xbox players have fun?

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  • so what your saying is an xbox player can't be good so your opponents are always going to be a pc player. Nice.

  • What I’m saying is PC has a huge advantage over Xbox, due to higher framerate, faster processing speeds, and easier controls. I play games on both systems so I know it’s true that PC has a higher advantage at the game. And when one of the times we get attacked, it happens to be a streamer, so I know what I’m talking about. Especially when I say it’s pc players. After playing this games on BOTH systems, I can easily say it’s not fair for Xbox players.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips please enlighten us on how exactly you know these people are on pc? You seem so sure of yourself that you have undeniable proof and clairvoyant abilities to see which platform people play on.

  • @Dirty-Tuna-Lips
    Half an hour for restock by 3 or 4 players ? Do Xbox players have less carrying capacity than PC players or won't the boat move without 300 of each ?

    Sloops don't just appear out of nowhere, no matter if it's Xbox or PC crew.

  • You do know how to look up peoples names, right?

  • @lem0n-curry we tend to mess around and figure out what we want to do while we restock and fish for a few minutes, that’s why it takes us a while.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @lem0n-curry we tend to mess around and figure out what we want to do while we restock and fish for a few minutes, that’s why it takes us a while.

    So lots of messing around and fishing (to each their own) and 3 minutes of restock.

    Mess around much when having a Reaper's chest om board as well I guess ? As you didn't see that sloop coming.

  • Forced crossplay for me is the worst thing ever to happen in all my years on Xbox live.

    Your not the first to post on this concern, you won't be the last.

    Apparently 😂😂😂😂 there will be😂😂😂😂 an option to opt out coming soon😂😂😂

  • @lem0n-curry I was killed by a cannonball from a lucky shot from another ship before hand. so we had one person below deck patching a couple holes and looking for an outpost on the map and one at the helm steering us in the right direction just after we had gotten the chest. So, no, we couldn’t see the sloop upwind until I spawned back in and it was right in front of us.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips
    Small tip: before you dive for the Reaper's look on the map and your scoop which way the nearest unoccupied Outposts are that don't have boats in between.

    So, you didn't get beaten by one guy from the sloop, but by the combination of the sloop and the other boat who was there already before you got the chest ? So not just by the "PC sloop"?

  • @needsmokes you mean it’ll come out before arena?? 😂

  • @enticed-malice said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    @dirty-tuna-lips please enlighten us on how exactly you know these people are on pc? You seem so sure of yourself that you have undeniable proof and clairvoyant abilities to see which platform people play on.

    This is something we actively do on each session we sail, even if we see a player on the ferry of the damned, we check active players list and see which platform they are on, and adapt our strategy should we encounter them.

    But once you are in 1v1 PvP, there is no need to check recent players..
    Combat is night and day difference to recognise between platforms.

    Perhaps they should force all players on each platform to play at a max 30fps, have the exact same movement configurations, and a set time to return from death/mermaid and we all might be equal. Crossplay could work then.. No advantages for anyone, skill will be a factor, as it is supposed to be

  • @dirty-tuna-lips oh man, but I love killing whole crews... but my controller only let's me move so fast.

    As for loading times that's what an external SSD is for on an xbox.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips
    Ships dont come out of nowhere mate.

    If you got boarded, you already made a mistake. I play on xbox. I see no advantage. I know others do, so im not here to argue. But from your story, i can tell u that you guys dont pay much attention to ur surroundings.

    Ships comming out of nowhere.
    Players boarding you.
    Huge mistakes on ur part

  • So, another bad player spending more time whining than trying to win something by himself. Nothing new on this sea...

  • @needsmokes Since the update on Xbox where you can see who's on what platform, each time I was pretty sure it was a PC player, it was confirmed in the recent players list. It's not really hard to tell (the same as PC players can tell easily if it's Xbox player or not).

    I also think there's a latency difference (not sure how to call it), not saying I'm great at PvP, but when cutlass vs cutlass, when attacking at the same time, I'm often the one taking the damages (whereas against Xbox players, I didn't notice this issue or it was because I played bad)

  • @jetorchidee97

    On your controller, press Xbox button once, go left once, down to recent players, and click and view them. Takes a second to do..

  • @needsmokes a dit dans Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay :


    On your controller, press Xbox button once, go left once, down to recent players, and click and view them. Takes a second to do..

    Lol did you read my post? That's what I said.

  • @jetorchidee97

    Sorry, watching City Vs Spurs..
    Didn't read properly 😂

  • @needsmokes a dit dans Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay :


    Sorry, watching City Vs Spurs..
    Didn't read properly 😂

    Haha cheers! ;)

  • @needsmokes said “Perhaps they should force all players on each platform to play at a max 30fps, have the exact same movement configurations, and a set time to return from death/mermaid and we all might be equal. Crossplay could work then.. No advantages for anyone, skill will be a factor, as it is supposed to be.”

    Yes please.

  • @br0crastinat0r that sounds awful. Not even all xboxs are the same. This will surely change again next year when some people are playing on xbox scarlett.

  • @captain-coel what part are you referring to is awful?

  • @br0crastinat0r forcing 30fps, forcing same movement config. forcing respawn timer. So I guess all of it

  • @br0crastinat0r
    It would be annoying to be forced to use low sensitivity for one thing. I've trained myself for max, so I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to use it. Any other player can do the same.

  • @captain-coel ok so equality is awful.

  • @br0crastinat0r no equality is fine. I am an xbox player, how ever I play on an xbox x, run an external SSD, and have all my sensitivity settings maxed.

    Why would I want to be slowed down?

  • @captain-coel @BlazeDrake100 why do you play with max sensitivity?

  • @dirty-tuna-lips Im not even going to bother to write another answer i will copy my reply to someone to you.
    Let me debunk this poor rant,now let me go one by one and show how much drama you make over nothing.
    Lets start with Loading times many of us pc players uses SSD cards for faster loading now guess what? You can get an SSD card too and dont even dare say "but i dont want to buy extra" we dont get that with our computers we buy it, and the price of a new xbox 1 would give me a pc that wont even be able to run the game.
    Sensitivity most of us increase the sensitivity of our aim and it takes time to get used to it without flying around but after a while we get used to it and so can you. And dont bs about mouse & keyboard dont treat the game like its Counter Strike or COD 95% of the fights are in crowded tiny places so forget about 360 no scope.
    And in almost every fight we press on the wrong button and bring up a shovel or a bucket instead of a sword, everyone can vouch for that.
    IN GENERAL that would be the magic word pc players are friendlier then console players because that
    a minimal pc to run games is VERY expensive so most kids wont get for christmass/birthdays a pc they would get a console IN GENERAL pc players are more mature in age (IN GENRAL)
    And another fact for that is that more xbox players got banned for harrasments foul mouth and such, even if you include the hackers more xbox players got banned.
    (Sad isnt it)
    2 Pc players have mics far more then console players because its just pc culture in gaming and you see it less on consols and we can type.
    3 We have wider library of games im not talking about 200 300 500 games im talking about more types of games and more roleplay games so other then go in for the kill, many of us want interaction.
    So you guys asked for opt in and opt out from crossplay and you will get it but mark my word that you will not enjoy the game more, and those "advantages" are nothing.
    Cant wait to see you complaining about the next thing after they will make crossplay optional.
    Everytime i hear nonsense about pc players i will post this.

  • @br0crastinat0r

    @BlazeDrake100 I got this. Setting sensitivity to max allows us to turn faster and aim faster. I've even heard for people using elite, scuf, etc controller that using a longer stick on the right makes it even easier to fine tune the aim. I might not be able to spin around as fast as a pc player but I can sure as hell spin faster than most other xbox players.

  • @captain-coel lol, So for an advantage. I get max sensitivity in competitive gaming. Just dont see it necessary in the Sea of Thieves.

  • @dirty-tuna-lips said in Can’t enjoy the game with crossplay:

    When can Xbox players have fun?

    I've been having it since launch!

    But maybe that's just me. =P

  • @br0crastinat0r how is sea of thieves bot competitive?

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