Pirate Legend & Athena 10

  • There have been a lot of discussions going on pertaining to certain topics related to PL and A10... I anticipate RARE is going to really do something cool in the future for the "end game." Why else would they want everyone to be a PL? PL and A10 feedback has to be amongst the largest in the game. Hopefully we can get some information in the future update coming out later today!

  • 10
  • @acebead40319154 what are you hoping for? :)

  • @kraken-slap Lol, good question. Honestly I have no idea. Some people mention that a prestige system would be cool and I'd be down. It's one of those things where other people's ideas are better than mine, so, I got nothing lol... I just think something exciting, long lasting, and unique would be cool.

  • @kraken-slap I just see the writing on the wall. Has to be something right? PL is super easy to obtain. Double rep for even Athenas. The game has been out a year now and is really built on loyal players who are probably at or near PL or above. The community here is basically a bunch of PLs, lol. Has to be something. Something no one expects and knows about, right?

  • @kraken-slap Sorry for the third response to your question. I guess my hope was a prestige system which starts at A1 to A10 and then resets. And at each reset, the color of your PL gear is green for prestige 1, red for prestige 2, purple for 3, all the way up to 10 prestige's with different colors. But to obtain athena's levels there is more to it than just running an athenas mission. Also boat cosmetics reflect the prestige. And the prestige levels can incorporate pve and pvp elements. Sounds silly, I know.

  • I'm hoping for a permanent quest involving flameheart or some end game boss for those that go far enough down the rabbit hole of pirate legend A10.

    Edit: maybe add scraps of story and part of the journey to that quest every 2 athenas levels.

  • @featuringturtle See that why in my above posts I said other peoples ideas are better, lol. Nice idea.



  • @sunbro95
    But what if everyone in your crew are all legends? Once everyone is special no one is.......

  • @acebead40319154 for a start I would have liked to have the ghost cannons, capstan and wheel to accompany the ship.

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