Anchored on Sloop but the boat still moves?

  • I was anchored at crooked masts in open water and during a storm my boat started moving fast like someone had lifted the anchor but it was down. it looked like it was down and when you went up to it the prompt to raise the anchor was showing. Then the boat starting spinning around in circles even when the anchor was down. Then i went to shiver retreat and the boat was anchored and the wheel had been turned and the boat was spinning the way the wheel had been turned. Im not sure if thats supposed to happen with this newest update but from what i understood when the anchor was down it would stop the boat from moving at all. wheel turned, sails down, boats at a full stop. thought it should be brought to everyones attention.

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  • Try contacting support.

    I know there are some instances where your ship will move while anchored, however It's known to be a bit janky from time to time. There are spots where the game basically says: The ship isnt safe here move it towards this place and starts moving your ship, shallows are a good example of this. The game will detect that you've anchored on solid ground and will slide your ship back in the water even tho the handbreak is on.

  • @hynieth yea i know that and ive had my ship despawn from shallow water and make those awful noises while it moves cause i parked too close. maybe its just the server im on... it just happened again at galleons grave outpost. sorry i didnt know where to post this is my first time using this site ill head to there too!

  • @thatcheshirecat We all appreciate the feedback, I'm just pointing you in the right direction. While making a post here might inform people of this bug or be a good place to ask others if they've had the same problem, nothing works better to solving such problems as making a support ticket. A support ticket goes directly to the support team who will make work of this problem, a post on the forums will mostly be noticed if there are a lot of people posting about it.

  • @thatcheshirecat That’s definitely a bug and needs to be reported.

  • @genuine-heather @Hynieth just reported it :)

  • don't drop your anchor if a meg is right below it :)

  • @goedecke-michel Oh man that would be such a cool feature.

  • It's a bug, I had the same thing the other night where my boat would not pick up speed at all regardless of wind in sails and when we were forced to scuttle it to try a new boat we found that anchor would no longer hold us in place regardless of where it was dropped.

  • i had this after i defeated the kraken, i raise everytime the anchor while fighting the kraken.after the fight i raised the anchor+sails jumped into the water for the loot and my ship just sailed away :D

  • @rusty-xbone I have seen this same issue, on a galley as that's what I play most, have had luck raising the sails then dropping them one by one until the ship picks up speed, annoying when chasing down another ship.

  • Yeah, there’re a couple of ship glitches out there. The other night on a galleon, our ship heading with the wind, sails adjusted accordingly and anchor up, was sailing along at a snails pace. We were passing islands as though we were simply drifting with the current. Unsure of how to fix it we loaded all of our loot onto a rowboat and took it to shore while two crew members brought back a respawned galleon. Sucked because we were on the final run of an Athena’s.

  • I had this happen last night myself. It started for me after I was standing in the row boat loading gunpowder in the back of my Sloop. I guess one of the barrels clipped in to the gap between the row boat and Sloop because it blew up like the ship ran in to it. I died, my friend died. Sloop took absolutely no damage and just kinda... drifted forward even with anchor down until I scuttled it.

  • I had a server merge after finishing a skelly ship battle. Once I merged, I realized I was moving. I went to drop my anchor thinking it was raised because of the server merge but it was still down. I had to raise it and drop it again for it to work. By the time I got my ship under control and brought it back to where the treasure should have been, it was gone.

5 out of 14