That Pirate Legend that....Isn't.

  • I shot my last megalodon and collected my doubloons. Then with great haste I travel to the closest outpost and turn in the gathered treasure.

    I am so excited! I go and talk to Duke, yes. I rub my hands excitedly and start purchasing reputations, a little for the Hoarders, a little more for the Order and with a mad glee a ton towards the Alliance.

    Yes, I feel the rush as those around me take notice of my new status with the different groups. I saunter to the Mysterious Stranger. He introduces himself as George. He looks me up and down and says, "Your reputation is low as you arrive, my first goal's set all companies to five." I glance at him and proclaim, "But I'm .... fifty, " I shuffle to my letters of recommendation and show him a stack for the Hoarders, "See, and then there's this." A log is shown to George. He looks on nonplussed. "But, but," I sputter. "And I have these!" George is shown another stack of letters of recommendation, this time for the Order. "And these!" Liberte's voice raises, "And these!" She shuffles some recommendations for the Alliance, "Seeeeee. I have these! What you mean I have to be five! I ..." George just stairs at the raving pirate in front of him. Not saying a word. Then finally he says, "Good luck on your next voyage." I squint at him, "Riiiiight. I'll go somewhere else then!"

    Liberte turns and stomps off muttering something about five and what does he mean?! I push past any patrons either exiting or entering the tavern and stalk off towards the docks. Coming to a quick stop the woman screams, "Where's my sloop!"

    Behind her, Liberte hears a mad gufaw, "Lass, " Sue starts but is interrupted. "What is it Sue, tell me?" She points a finger towards where her sloop was anchored. "It was right there." Sue rolls her eyes and continues, "Well lass, after your run in with the megalodon, and you was turnin' in your loot from it...Well. " Liberte turns and stomps to Sue, "Well. What?!" Sue crosses her burly arms across her bossom and quietly counts, "Pirate Legends, what a bunch of sl....Waaaaaaiiiit." Sue tilts her head and looks at Liberte. She removes herself from her little shop and resumes eyeing Liberte. "I...What is this?" Sue pauses, standing right in front of the dumbfounded pirate, "You're no Pirate Legend."

    Liberte pulls out those letters of recommendation for the different companies and says, "I have the letters right here, Sue. Right. " The letters flap in the wind, waved right under shipwright's nose, then with a quick hand she stills Liberte's waving hand, "Lemme see you jackhole." Liberte freezes to let Sue look at the letters. The other woman rubs her chin, "Yes, those are real letters, not forgeries. But....I don't understand. What did George say to you when you spoke to him." Liberte snorts, "Something about me bein' five in all the companies, and good sailin'."

    Sue releases Liberte's hand, "I see." Liberte's eyes bug out, "What do you see?!" She returns to her post, behind the counter of her workshop. "Those letters are real enough, but....You failed to pay the requisite gold for yer promotions." Liberte nearly faints, "I what?!" Sue repeats, "I said, you didn't pay the requisite gold to get yer promotions with the companies."

    Liberte begins pacing, "I did so, I was talking to ...Mmmm, Horace, I think it was and I gave him some gold for promotions. Two I think." Sue laughs, "Right, but you be needin' to buy more. It's a thing." Liberte snorts, "It's a thing. Those ... I... But... Reallly?" And with a bang of the hammer Sue simply replies, "Really. Go talk to the companies and get yer promotions then go talk to George."

    Liberte stops pacing, "I'm going to another Outpost. George is a pimple on the wart of destiny." Sue laughs, "Right. Soooo, I see a mermaid lookin' for ya. You might want to get yer sloop if ya want to do that."

    And with a flourish Liberte heads to the mermaid, and her sloop.

    Editor notes - I started this game on or about 10/13/2018. My promotions are 2/10, 0/10, and 0/10. Athena is level 4.75ish. But, my levels are 50/50/50/4.75ish. So that's why Liberte, that's me, is the Pirate Legend that, Isn't.

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  • @dameliberte I remember (and happen to have video evidence of...) a certain Pirate that was rubbing their hands with glee as their rep ticked over to 50/50/50....sauntered over to the Mysterious Stranger expecting more than a 'come back when you are ready' speech....tried to play their way into the hideout...."not on the list" :D

    (but I much prefer your version!)

  • @triheadedmonkey Thank you. It was a deliriously fun adventure. And with the only goof of purchasing two promotions from the Hoarders (I contacted support asking if they would kindly do something. Nope. Well darn, let's continue sailing). Paying 0 gold for voyages. And yes, I recorded a video of getting all the letters and talking to George. I can't wait to tell people I'm 50/50/50 and then get them shot down when I tell them I am not really a Pirate Legend. Darn, I'm good.

  • @dameliberte
    [can you not just purchase the level upgrades from the Voyage vendors?!]

  • @triheadedmonkey Yep, purchasing them all can be done. But I think I'm going to hold off on doing that. Not being sure about the game mechanics, it begs the question: Does the appearance of difficulty rise as Reputation and promotion go up? Or are they mutually exclusive? For example, a player is 2 0/10 or a player that is 50 10/10 or even 50 0/10, which player is going to have an easy time beating the tons (tons is suppose to be read backwards, because the backwards version of this word seems to be restricted) out of the local skeletons?

  • @dameliberte The difficulty of skeletons depends on what voyage you are on. The skeletons are easy for everyone during an initiation voyage even if the whole crew is max level in everything.

  • @dameliberte

    Like @LONEGOATKNIFER said.

    Depends solely on what level the voyage is but a lvl 50 Merchant skeleton & a lvl 50 OoS skeleton isn't the same still.
    I think they rank like this atm: OoS, GH & MA as the least difficult one. Athena is obviously the hardest one!

  • I think we all did that... or at least everyone I know did it. Nice tale.

  • @itz-majman @LONEGOATKNIFER
    Yes, but since I'm Level 50, and have the promotion level of 2/10, 0/10, 0/10 I think that things might be different. After all, I am 50 in all spaces but don't have the promotions to make Pirate Legend so the game doesn't seem me as a PL. And I also submit to you, I pay 40,0,0 for voyages. Thus, I am purchasing Promotion 2 voyages for Gold Hoarders, and Promotion 0 for both Order of Souls and Merchant Alliance.

    There may be a way for me to test this theory; that is by sailing with another player and I put down a voyage from either OOS or MA and see how many whacks it takes to kill a skelly. And then I have that player lay down the same type of voyage and count the number of whacks. Of course the data may be skewed a bit because of point damage potential being different.

  • @dameliberte congrats! You have quite the story!

    I still buy voyages but I hardly ever turn anything in anymore. Still not a pirate legend and I have been playing since release. I like being the helpful sailor that pops in and leaves. It also helps me get to bed at a decent hour. Responsible sailing on my end.

    You've come far! Hope you found your crew! And I hope more people learn of the pirate legend that isn't.

  • @DameLiberte why don't you share more of your stories?
    They are entertaining!

    This is from months ago for those who never had the opportunity to read about her voyage on another crew's abandoned galleon.

  • @d-jaguar Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated. I'll see about putting up more stories as the sailing continues.

    Dame Liberte
    The Pirate Legend that Isn't

  • @dameliberte Eeek. What terrible treasure gain you must have.

    I mean, it is probably good for those commendations of castawats and fouls but oh man. I can not imagine being 50/50/50 and getting a voyage and it being 3 xs with castaways in them.

  • @shinten-rai Perhaps, but not much worried now that I'm a Legend, that isn't a legend.

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