[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @ogdirtyape said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @oneeyedjack44 I doubt very highly that my crew would bail on me. We work well together, and we enjoy sailing together. I am just frustrated. Coming here to read the forums is like watching Fox News and CNN on the same screen. I come back to see some of the long time posters that I know feel the same love that I do for this game, but outside of those scant voices of reason and sanity here, I just don't see people experiencing the same game as me most of the time. Now what I see as insanity (splitting the community) is a possibility for the future, I worry that the game I love will be changed for the worse. I will still wait to see how it all turns out, and hope for the best.

    Dude. I upvoted you on that one. I was just saying the same thing that these forums are like watching political sides go at each other. I love this game, it's been one of the few games that I have played as long as I have, since Day 1. I have never laughed as hard, or gotten as defeated as I have in this game. It's part of the overall experience. I just want my wins and losses to be based on my skills or lack of skills, not because of some inherent advantage. I really hope that it does work out for ALL players, because it's such an amazing game. If in the future, it takes away a truely enjoyable experience for PC players (and I don't mean beating up on xbox players with exploits, etc.), then I will call for cross-play to go back to what it was for the sake of the game, but with some tweaks to balance the fairness as much as possible.

  • @snowfire The Arena is of no concern, the effect will have on open-world PvP is.

    Every game which has had open-world PvP has killed it off whenever an instanced mini-game or Arena serparate from the open-world has been introduced. Inevitably, PvPers get drawn out of the open-world and into the instances, which has been almost the entire point of introducing these features. They are not done for the benefit of PvPers who when asked nearly always prefer spontaneous PvP in an open-world, they are done for the people who want to play in the open-world without PvP interfering.

    PvPers only 'choose' the new option because they are bribed to, every time. Extrinsic rewards are offered for the instance, but not for the open-world. We asked for it in SoT but Rare ignored virtually everything PvPers said.

  • This will be my only post on this (That lasted long lol!) as I personally have done my campaigning for optional input based matchmaking.

    Firstly I’m so happy the developers have finally addressed the concerns of us controller users, it was a hard battle and if I’m honest I lost some good friends from the forums over it.
    However this is great news and I couldn’t be more happy.

    My only concern is PC players who also opt to use controllers, they should not be punished or segregated because of there platform or input device, the servers should be open to all who use the input device of there choice.
    Which I’m sure will end up being changed after the feedback of this thread.

    Thanks to everyone who helped the cause against all the odds, abuse and bans. We finally got our voices heard and I personally am thrillled I will never probably have to have a conversation about crossplay again!

    Edit: Also as a request to the doomsday sayers, at least give us a chance. We have been forced into how you guys wanted us to play since launch.
    Let us have our time to try out our request and I’m sure if there are any major issues Rare will sort them.

  • so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

  • I believe this was well-intended and may be good news for a lot of Xbox users. Having played both PC and console, I understand the struggle. My wife plays on Xbox and definitely feels she's at a disadvantage competing against PC players. I agree.

    That said, this change will have unintended consequences. My wife and I sail together, her on Xbox and me on PC. Since most Xbox users will likely turn OFF optional crossplay, we'll be matched mostly with PC users. So now she's going to be up against more PC users, rather than fewer. In a way, this will unbalance things more than they were before.

    The obvious solution would be either for me to get an Xbox, or her to get a gaming PC. The former solution is silly since we definitely don't need or want two Xboxes. The latter option is better, but quite expensive.

    I recognize the inherent challenges in this issue. Crossplay is a great feature, even considering any imbalances between platforms. How do you truly make a level playing field for everyone? I don't think it's possible. There will always be some situation wherein some players have advantages over others. My wife's situation is a perfect example.

    I don't know what the solution is, if there is one. I'm simply giving feedback about an unintended consequence of this change.

  • @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

    Nope just two pools:

    1. Xbox console and controller only
    2. PC controller, PC K&M, Xbox K&M, Xbox and Controller who Opt in
  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

    Nope just two pools:

    1. Xbox console and controller only
    2. PC controller, PC K&M, Xbox K&M, Xbox and Controller who Opt in

    so if a xbox uses a kb/m they are grouped with PC?

  • Not happy with this at all, in fact I'm starting to regret ever purchasing this game(can I get a refund after 1 year? :P).
    Its been great fun so far to be sure, probably some of the best gaming experiences I've had.
    But I paid good money for the experienced of a shared cross-platform world, not for a game with segregated communities.
    This has to be the absolute worst decision RARE has ever made with this game, and extremely discriminatory seeing as how this option is for console players only, even though PC's are equally capable of running an XBOX controllers.

    RARE had something truly great here with such incredible potential, but now their just letting it run out into the sand and making it just like every single other cross-platform game that came before.

    What a shame.

  • @knifelife your joy is infectious and I feel encouraged after reading your post :) Happy that you got what you wanted/needed, and without resorting to toxic behavior or whining in the process. Wish you the best of luck winning those forum friends back with your characteristic charm

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

    Nope just two pools:

    1. Xbox console and controller only
    2. PC controller, PC K&M, Xbox K&M, Xbox and Controller who Opt in

    so if a xbox uses a kb/m they are grouped with PC?

  • @marsmayflower it appears so

  • @vorondil1 Ah, makes sense.

  • @crazed-corsair said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Not happy with this at all, in fact I'm starting to regret ever purchasing this game(can I get a refund after 1 year? :P).
    Its been great fun so far to be sure, probably some of the best gaming experiences I've had.
    But I paid good money for the experienced of a shared cross-platform world, not for a game with segregated communities.
    This has to be the absolute worst decision RARE has ever made with this game, and extremely discriminatory seeing as how this option is for console players only, even though PC's are equally capable of running an XBOX controllers.

    RARE had something truly great here with such incredible potential, but now their just letting it run out into the sand and making it just like every single other cross-platform game that came before.

    What a shame.

    If only I could get a refund for a game I played for a year and enjoyed.

  • @crazed-corsair you still have a shared platform, not every Xbox player will opt out.

    Seriously, this hasn't even been implemented yet, stop being so doom and gloom all those on PC opposing this.

  • @vorondil1 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @knifelife your joy is infectious and I feel encouraged after reading your post :) Happy that you got what you wanted/needed, and without resorting to toxic behavior or whining in the process. Wish you the best of luck winning those forum friends back with your characteristic charm.

    Haha they got banned 😂 as there passions ran to high so I doubt they will be coming back :P
    To be honest I’m amazed I didn’t, I’m pretty sure I was treading on very thin ice at times. But now I can just go back to trying to be a positive member of the community.
    Believe it or not I used to be one 😂 (I think)

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

    Nope just two pools:

    1. Xbox console and controller only
    2. PC controller, PC K&M, Xbox K&M, Xbox and Controller who Opt in

    My one hope of this not being terrible is in that it's actually

    1. Xbox players with a controller who opt-out

    2. Everyone else

    And that's a fairly important distinction

  • @dekeita from the reply to my post above, this would seem to be the case.

  • @marsmayflower well yah it is the case from how Joe described it, but it still kinda matters how they implment it, where the option is, etc

    And even so I'm not 100% sure that it'll be enough not to skew the standard crossplay servers.

  • @dekeita said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @marsmayflower said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    so are these all the possible player pools?

    PC + XBOX any controller
    PC + Xbox m/kb only
    XBOX any controller
    XBOX gamepad only
    XBOX m/kb only
    PC any controller

    Nope just two pools:

    1. Xbox console and controller only
    2. PC controller, PC K&M, Xbox K&M, Xbox and Controller who Opt in

    My one hope of this not being terrible is in that it's actually

    1. Xbox players with a controller who opt-out

    2. Everyone else

    And that's a fairly important distinction

    It sounded like there would have to be some intential opt-out from xbox players and that it wouldn't be a general default to non-crossplay. I would imagine they would encourage crossplay as much as possible and not leave the default to opt out. Xbox players will have a choice.

  • hopefully this game can keep a healthy playerbase on both platforms because I can see the dreaded server migration problem for PC users in the future which may turn people off and PC will become a wasteland.

  • This is like the resource barrels all over again.

    Only difference this time is that I am not worried about the effects it will have on the game.

  • @d3monwo1fx said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @crazed-corsair said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Not happy with this at all, in fact I'm starting to regret ever purchasing this game(can I get a refund after 1 year? :P).
    Its been great fun so far to be sure, probably some of the best gaming experiences I've had.
    But I paid good money for the experienced of a shared cross-platform world, not for a game with segregated communities.
    This has to be the absolute worst decision RARE has ever made with this game, and extremely discriminatory seeing as how this option is for console players only, even though PC's are equally capable of running an XBOX controllers.

    RARE had something truly great here with such incredible potential, but now their just letting it run out into the sand and making it just like every single other cross-platform game that came before.

    What a shame.

    I get it, I know your upset. No more free loot for you.

    What an intelligent response!
    Did you think that one up all by yourself?

  • I don’t comment much, but I have to say that I am disappointed about this.
    I am a PC player. I don’t aimbot, macro, double gun or cheat code. I get beaten in PvP about as much as I win, and have enjoyed the majority of the encounters I get on the seas, regardless of the outcome. All part of the story for me.
    The majority of people in this game are console players. I have several in my regular crew and they seem to do well in combat, against PC players or other Xbox players.
    Because of the hype of this change, I worry that the console folks will have an exodus and lean towards opting out of cross play, leaving the seas pretty empty. Can’t do much about it if you’re on the PC side of this decision. Less encounters, less story.
    I’ve played many online games, and I feel like this one has the least punitive death model of any of them. It’s nothing more than a loss of time. Don’t lose money, just the potential to make it. There are no PvP stats to tend to in order to assign value to your account; you win some you lose some, and it really doesn’t matter!
    Hoping that a healthy chunk of the Xbox players stick around to sail the seas with us PC folks- not all of us are as they describe on these forums. I doubt even the majority of us should be painted with the broad brush I’ve seen around here.
    All the best in your adventure.

    Fair winds,

  • @genuine-heather said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I believe this was well-intended and may be good news for a lot of Xbox users. Having played both PC and console, I understand the struggle. My wife plays on Xbox and definitely feels she's at a disadvantage competing against PC players. I agree.

    That said, this change will have unintended consequences. My wife and I sail together, her on Xbox and me on PC. Since most Xbox users will likely turn OFF optional crossplay, we'll be matched mostly with PC users. So now she's going to be up against more PC users, rather than fewer. In a way, this will unbalance things more than they were before.

    The obvious solution would be either for me to get an Xbox, or her to get a gaming PC. The former solution is silly since we definitely don't need or want two Xboxes. The latter option is better, but quite expensive.

    I recognize the inherent challenges in this issue. Crossplay is a great feature, even considering any imbalances between platforms. How do you truly make a level playing field for everyone? I don't think it's possible. There will always be some situation wherein some players have advantages over others. My wife's situation is a perfect example.

    I don't know what the solution is, if there is one. I'm simply giving feedback about an unintended consequence of this change.

    It's a fair concern and understood. You've got issues coming from both sides. I don't think you should have to buy another PC to be more "fair", just like I shouldn't have to abandon my xbox and buy a PC to also be more "fair". A tough predicament. I think (and hope) that you will find alot of folks in the same boat (pun intended) that have groups of both PC and xbox players that will still remain in the crossplay servers. Yes, of course, the ratio of xbox players will drop, but hopefully not too much. Time will tell...

  • @oneeyedjack44 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @oneeyedjack44 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    So. non-Arena is not competitive?

    That is correct it "Adventure Mode" is meant to be a Casual Experience as player are not forced to compete with each other. There are non competiton elements such as LeaderBoards, Rankings, or Over win State as the game state is persistant.

    ship to ship battles? hand to hand? none of that is competitive?

    No. That is simply combat which can be casual or Competitve. Most players simply make combat competive.

    If that is the case, then why do players use any exploits or advantages that they can?

    Humans exploit and take advantage of any system there in it's in our very nature. Just becuase the game is meant to be a casual experiance it can't force us to play that way. So there are always going to be people who play it as if it were a competition.

    Just for the fun of it?

    Actual yes it is a game after all. The goal is to have fun. It's you know kind of the Point.

    I don't sail to feel the breeze in my slowly fading hair, I sail to win some loot and have some fun competitive battles.

    Thats nice all the power to you. But just know not everyone plays the game that way.

    Man, I like to get into the servers that are casual as you explained, where you can avoid combat and just sail around, and combat is just optional (actually I wouldn't, I like the combat). Anytime that another player can dictate whether you have combat, it's no longer your option. Ironically, alot of the people that are making that case that it's adventureland now with arenas are the sames that bark that it's a pirate game and meant to be combat-driven. Also, how do you make combat not competitive? It's the very nature of combat, where two sides go against each other. There generally has to be a winner and loser in the combat. Unless you just fire a few shots and then run away (very un-pirate like). I agree that it's a game. Supposed to be fun. Which is why I don't understand why so many would be against an option that provides the msot enjoyment for players of the game.

    I don't think you understand the term Competive means in the context given. Combat is indeed optional as you are in know way Forced to fight to progress nor are you required to attack other player. Those are all player choices. A play can Choose to attack some one just as the player being Attack has the option to run away or scuttle if they get caught. However PvP is not optional as then there be know way to stop player from stealing loot.

    Due to the fact that all loot can be generated by the individual pirate and is not set limit it is casual. Cause you can play on a empty server and progress to PL just fine. There are no set goals or objectives for combat. You can choose to play competively or you can cooperate with each other. It's a Mindset. Your confusing what your Mindset is when you play this game beliving that this is how the game is meant to be played which is false. The game lets you play ghe way you want. Progression it self is meaningless unless you enjoy the grind.

  • @hoosyl The might as well add PVE and PVP servers while they are splitting up the player base.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @crazed-corsair you still have a shared platform, not every Xbox player will opt out.

    Seriously, this hasn't even been implemented yet, stop being so doom and gloom all those on PC opposing this.

    The very fact people will be able to opt out is a problem, it segregates the player base and community and further reinforces the "us vs them" mentality, and that is not a good thing.
    Your right, it hasn't been implemented yet, which is why now is exactly the time for people to oppose it.

  • @crazed-corsair yeah but many actually support this so, its happening. Will see how it goes and it can be reverted, but they are better to try and help encourage Xbox players back to the game whilst more PC players are starting due to attention from streamers in recent weeks.

    No one loses just yet and some actually win.

  • YES! Finally I can come back and participate in all kinds of PvP, having fair fights on an equal playing field.
    This change was needed badly. Many have quit the game over forced crossplay and a few veterans that joined the forum since its inception have been banned over this, unfairly in my opinion. Talking about splitting the player base, eh? You guys never cared for such a thing, only for your immense advantages against a big chunk of players.

    I hope those that have left will come back now if they stumble upon these sweet news.

    These new upcoming changes took me by surprise. I would have never imagined that Joe presents an actual solution to all of this today. I'm very glad that they (Rare) listened and now handles crossplay like every other dev studio in the industry.

    Optional crossplay exists for many reasons.

    Your sacrifice was not in vain, Logan.

  • Won't really know how this all plays out until it's done I guess but I do fear that the already extremely underpopulated servers will only become more underpopulated for PC players, as others have said. Sure, a lot of xbox players may choose to continue to play crossplay, but the first time they sink to another ship, that might change. Hopefully Arena brings more PC players to the game.

    We'll see, I guess.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    Those last three are almost inevitable in my opinion, given past behaviour/backsliding, and the rate at which people demand them on social media. They did also say that the game would evolve, and that they would listen to the community.

    I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going. I've always been resistant to change though. I like things as they are. I know that Rare aren't taking that away by making crossplay optional, but what they are doing is putting it in the hands of xbox users as to whether or not I will still be able to play the game that I enjoy today. At this stage I'm not sure even Rare know how this will play out. How can they?

    That's why I really want to know more about the exact reasons that they have decided to make this change. I'm happy for those that this change has long been asked for. I just hope that my enjoyment of the game doesn't end up being the price that has to be paid.

    I like this community, I like being able to meet xbox players and chat to them, try to spice up their adventures by showing them some of the cool stuff I've found in this game since I started playing. I hope that whatever happens with this change that something special about this game won't be lost in the process.

    There are times in this world where giving people an option to opt out of unity results in the worst possible outcome for everyone. There are some very high profile examples of this happening right now. I hope that I won't have to relive that nightmare in the place that has helped me escape from it.

    I've always had faith in Rare when it comes to Sea of Thieves. That they are true of heart and are committed to building this game according to their vision.

    My interpretation of their vision for this game was that it's a game that allows you to sink people, plunder their loot or ally and cooperate with them without the developer forcing a preference on us. Just letting us interact with the world and its players as we choose as long as we all act like good sports.

    The devs appear to be keen on the cooperating and allying part, and that's fine! Even so, I don't think they will yield to the cries for PvE servers, Safe Zones, and loot boxes. I predict the furthest they will go on this is Private Servers (not PvE servers) with disabled gold/rep. I'll admit that this crossplay move has given me a sour feeling in my stomach about that faith I have in them to do the right thing, but I'm still choosing to believe in them. They must stand strong against these cries for an easier/safer/more predictable game.

    I didn't come to this game for something that caters to young children that seek watered down challenges, consolation prizes, and participation trophies. If it comes to that, then I'll leave the game because it will no longer be the game that I loved to begin with.

  • @cokney-charmer How about listening for once?

    This does not need every Xbox player opting-out to be catastrophic for those on PC. It doesn't even need a majority. If the estimate that's been passed around is accurate and 15% of the active player-base are on PC, then it takes only minor changes in the Xbox population doing cross-play to severely-affect them.

    That it will trigger more server migrations is an obvious one, yet despite the mealy-mouthed words from Joe about how Rare thought very carefully about it, nothing is said about this nor any other mitigation for potential problems. Constant server migrations during a play session could be game-breaking, but Rare have nothing to say except that 'more details as we get closer to implementation'. From experience though, they leave it far too late to listen to the receiving end of their bad decisions, every time.

    I predicted Arena would ruin open-world PvP. Didn't expect it to ruin the game on a whole platform, but that is what it is on course to do. Some people in this thread want this argument to be over, but what's clear is that it hasn't really been had at all: one side talked over the other and directly to the devs, who returned the favour.

    Edit: The only way PC players will be able to avoid constant server migration is if they too get the option to disabled cross-play with the Xbox, meaning they only play with PC players and therefore reducing the amount of churn in the on/off-flows for servers.

  • @flint-hawkston said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I don’t comment much, but I have to say that I am disappointed about this.
    I am a PC player. I don’t aimbot, macro, double gun or cheat code. I get beaten in PvP about as much as I win, and have enjoyed the majority of the encounters I get on the seas, regardless of the outcome. All part of the story for me.
    The majority of people in this game are console players. I have several in my regular crew and they seem to do well in combat, against PC players or other Xbox players.
    Because of the hype of this change, I worry that the console folks will have an exodus and lean towards opting out of cross play, leaving the seas pretty empty. Can’t do much about it if you’re on the PC side of this decision. Less encounters, less story.
    I’ve played many online games, and I feel like this one has the least punitive death model of any of them. It’s nothing more than a loss of time. Don’t lose money, just the potential to make it. There are no PvP stats to tend to in order to assign value to your account; you win some you lose some, and it really doesn’t matter!
    Hoping that a healthy chunk of the Xbox players stick around to sail the seas with us PC folks- not all of us are as they describe on these forums. I doubt even the majority of us should be painted with the broad brush I’ve seen around here.
    All the best in your adventure.

    Fair winds,

    To be honest, we have the toxic PC player base to blame for this. And the fair PC players remained silent on their play style for the most part. I have no objection to playing with PC players (and actually do with some friends). But, it just got to be too much. Perhaps reducing xbox players in crossplay and making it more balanced with PC vs PC will shed more light on it, and push out those toxic players to make xbox players want to "come back". I'm hopeful for that. I still play the game with the current situation and would continue to do so for awhile, but eventually I would check out, like many I talked to if it remained unbalanced.

  • Honestly though I don't think this is a good call for the Adventure mode even if most players on Xbox do end up in crossplay.

    Its still an assault to the idea of it being a shared world we're all in together. If the Xbox only servers are the smaller portion of the community, well I guess it's good that some people will play that wouldn't have otherwise, but still, it's like the crossplay servers is the real SoT, and they're off in xbox/controller SoT.

141 out of 3601