[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @cokney-charmer the logic that Deadstick and others are using is that Rare wants to improve their game, but with the objective of pleasing the player-base. Thus, they have instantiated this change for 1 of 2 reasons:

    1. It's actually a significant issue that needs to be addressed
    2. There was so much hue and cry and bad publicity that they caved into pressure even though their data said there was no such issue.

    Not taking a side here, just pointing out that either is perfectly possible. You're assuming 1 to be the case, Deadstick and others are saying maybe it's 2. They could be wrong, but they are making logical sense :)

  • @sshteeve

    Rare have already mentioned that this is something they'd like to see and are considering, if I remember rightly from the stream chats?

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Rare have already mentioned that this is something they'd like to see and are considering, if I remember rightly from the stream chats?

    I don't mean the fun ones where we can play our own games on multiple ships.
    I mean Solo servers.

  • @targasbr once again mods can we mute this guy posting things that obivisously are bait to get a fight started. Backyardigins really

  • @natiredgals hey! He's posting my quote from a while back!

    I do agree though that in this case I am happy with the Crossplay option. It's time for the constant moaning to stop now folks. Rare have spoken. Put down the pitchforks and torches and step away from the keyboard.

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Rare have already mentioned that this is something they'd like to see and are considering, if I remember rightly from the stream chats?

    Excellent memory!

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @d3adst1ck no its happening because some PC players are reacting this way. If it wasn't an issue RARE would not have considered and acted on it some 10 months since release. It is a positive thing where everyone can still win if it is done right, but it hasnt happened yet, and its still being worked on before implementing it.

    Its designed to make as much of the community happy as can be, and it deserves a chance to happen

    Well said. Let's see how it plays out and what it truely does to the player community. Rare isn't going to let a player base disappear. Just not going to happen. Tired of all the hypotheticals and the knee-jerk alarmist reactions. Give it a chance and let's see where it goes.

  • @d3adst1ck why do you always point accounts out you're litterally starting stuff.

  • @vorondil1 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @cokney-charmer the logic that Deadstick and others are using is that Rare wants to improve their game, but with the objective of pleasing the player-base. Thus, they have instantiated this change for 1 of 2 reasons:

    1. It's actually a significant issue that needs to be addressed
    2. There was so much hue and cry and bad publicity that they caved into pressure even though their data said there was no such issue.

    Not taking a side here, just pointing out that either is perfectly possible. You're assuming 1 to be the case, Deadstick and others are saying maybe it's 2. They could be wrong, but they are making logical sense :)

    They are, not taking that away but then you also look at how some trying to make the same argument are talking about Xbox players who asked for/happy to finally have this now. My point is it has taken 10 months for RARE to get to this decision, that is a very long time and they are not removing crossplay, just making it a basic option like all other crossplay titles offer console players and for very good reason.

    For me it was a common sense option that should have been in the game from the start, now it is and as someone who has raised this before on the forums only to be shouted down or mocked and attacked for it, and as I said earlier on, today I feel vindicated.

    Some are acting like this is the apocalypse and it isn't unless it all falls apart on release but we will soon see. Appreciate your rational response :)

  • @vorondil1 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @cokney-charmer the logic that Deadstick and others are using is that Rare wants to improve their game, but with the objective of pleasing the player-base. Thus, they have instantiated this change for 1 of 2 reasons:

    1. It's actually a significant issue that needs to be addressed
    2. There was so much hue and cry and bad publicity that they caved into pressure even though their data said there was no such issue.

    Not taking a side here, just pointing out that either is perfectly possible. You're assuming 1 to be the case, Deadstick and others are saying maybe it's 2. They could be wrong, but they are making logical sense :)

    I would just really really like to see this data that would be used to determine if its an issue? I mean, what data would provide the evidence other than players being reported and feedback from players? Alot of people throwing out the numbers of PC players vs. xbox players, but I have yet to see actual verifiable numbers. Has anyone else?

  • @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @oneeyedjack44 The Arena is not Rare adding competition.

    The Arena is Rare removing competition from the open-world and ghetto-ing it to keep the PvP riff-raff away from the pleasant adventure nobility.

    So when Arena comes out, there will be no more ship battles or fighting in the open-world? I guess I missed that in one of the dev updates. Can you point me to it? Here I was just thinking they were offering a mode where you can instantly find battles versus randomly encountering in the open-world.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    Those last three are almost inevitable in my opinion, given past behaviour/backsliding, and the rate at which people demand them on social media. They did also say that the game would evolve, and that they would listen to the community.

    I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going. I've always been resistant to change though. I like things as they are. I know that Rare aren't taking that away by making crossplay optional, but what they are doing is putting it in the hands of xbox users as to whether or not I will still be able to play the game that I enjoy today. At this stage I'm not sure even Rare know how this will play out. How can they?

    That's why I really want to know more about the exact reasons that they have decided to make this change. I'm happy for those that this change has long been asked for. I just hope that my enjoyment of the game doesn't end up being the price that has to be paid.

    I like this community, I like being able to meet xbox players and chat to them, try to spice up their adventures by showing them some of the cool stuff I've found in this game since I started playing. I hope that whatever happens with this change that something special about this game won't be lost in the process.

    There are times in this world where giving people an option to opt out of unity results in the worst possible outcome for everyone. There are some very high profile examples of this happening right now. I hope that I won't have to relive that nightmare in the place that has helped me escape from it.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @targasbr once again mods can we mute this guy posting things that obivisously are bait to get a fight started. Backyardigins really

    so did he say something in particular that irritated you, or are you just trying to silence him because you've disagreed with his posts in the past?

  • @sshteeve Funny how it's only now time to stop when you're getting what you want. When Rare spoke before, it wasn't good enough and now they've U-turned on yet another core premise, it's time for discussion to end.

    Rare, you get the level of discussion you invite, the community you choose to cultivate, the standards you uphold. Good luck swallowing this poison and keeping it down, but it's killed bigger and better than you.

  • @oneeyedjack44 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    So. non-Arena is not competitive?

    That is correct it "Adventure Mode" is meant to be a Casual Experience as player are not forced to compete with each other. There are non competiton elements such as LeaderBoards, Rankings, or Over win State as the game state is persistant.

    ship to ship battles? hand to hand? none of that is competitive?

    No. That is simply combat which can be casual or Competitve. Most players simply make combat competive.

    If that is the case, then why do players use any exploits or advantages that they can?

    Humans exploit and take advantage of any system there in it's in our very nature. Just becuase the game is meant to be a casual experiance it can't force us to play that way. So there are always going to be people who play it as if it were a competition.

    Just for the fun of it?

    Actual yes it is a game after all. The goal is to have fun. It's you know kind of the Point.

    I don't sail to feel the breeze in my slowly fading hair, I sail to win some loot and have some fun competitive battles.

    Thats nice all the power to you. But just know not everyone plays the game that way.

  • @vorondil1 yes he posted a picture of a kids show saying this is what sea of thieves is now he litterally just posted it

  • Ahoy @cokney-charmer ,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. I have moderated parts of your post as it was not in accordance with these rules, failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @natiredgals We have a cool feature on the forums! You can just enter in my PROFILE and click BLOCK_USER.

    Let me show you:

  • John Cleese put it best...
    "Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?"

    "Remain good humoured, & respectful, and you'll never let yourself down" Anon

  • @natiredgals okay. Well most everything these days is a matter of opinion, but that doesn't exactly seem mute-worthy to me. He was making a pretty important and substantive point using facetious humor, which is perfectly allowed.

  • @vorondil1 knowing its gonna start something isn't funny to me its adding to the pot and stirring it

  • @natiredgals I haven't started anything, and when I do point out troll accounts I've been right everytime.

  • @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @oneeyedjack44 The Arena is not Rare adding competition.

    The Arena is Rare removing competition from the open-world and ghetto-ing it to keep the PvP riff-raff away from the pleasant adventure nobility.

    The arena will be more balanced and fair.

  • Conspiracy Theory, Number Two

    Perhaps the real reason that Rare have done this is so that, when they are making their Rare Weekly Stream and they encounter a lone sailor on the seas (as they did this very week), then that player will not be bombarded with as many messages from would-be stream snipers begging to "join their crew".

    The Rare team (and their streamer guests), necessarily, will be playing with PCs, on a non-Xpartheid server.

  • @arecbalrin disse em [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @targasbr said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Sea of Thieves in December 2019:

    Couldn't really upvote it a second time, so might as well re-post it.

    I upvoted for ye.

  • @oneeyedjack44 I doubt very highly that my crew would bail on me. We work well together, and we enjoy sailing together. I am just frustrated. Coming here to read the forums is like watching Fox News and CNN on the same screen. I come back to see some of the long time posters that I know feel the same love that I do for this game, but outside of those scant voices of reason and sanity here, I just don't see people experiencing the same game as me most of the time. Now what I see as insanity (splitting the community) is a possibility for the future, I worry that the game I love will be changed for the worse. I will still wait to see how it all turns out, and hope for the best.

  • funny, this update news pops up when the 50% discount ends

  • Im not a troll account actually, i'm just not tied to my xbox gamertag. I'm a pirate legend rep 8 athena along with my 3 pirate legend friends and two near pirate legends and we have all been begging for this since March. It was also ironic that my post got upvoted multiple times before it got banned.

  • Roll on when I can flip that switch!.

  • To be blunt this whole Competitive Arena Mode and making crossplay a thing is just a waste of time. I dont play this game to be competitive or to be the best....

    And I dont understand why anyone would, its actually laughable when I think about it. This games supposed to be about laughing and having fun on a voyage, with your mates.

    We have alot of new players and the 1st content wave we get is all PvP oriented and competitive driven and even dividing the players.

    One of the most memorable gaming moments of my life was during the Hungering Deep. Getting a group of crews together sailing in a fleet across the sea, fueled by nothing but grog, Merriks Shanty and adrenaline of not knowing what was going to happen.
    Thats the type of event we need. An event to bring people together with a common goal not split them up. With all these new player we need to show them its not just crew vs crew always, its not just a pvp game..

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @oneeyedjack44 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    So. non-Arena is not competitive?

    That is correct it "Adventure Mode" is meant to be a Casual Experience as player are not forced to compete with each other. There are non competiton elements such as LeaderBoards, Rankings, or Over win State as the game state is persistant.

    ship to ship battles? hand to hand? none of that is competitive?

    No. That is simply combat which can be casual or Competitve. Most players simply make combat competive.

    If that is the case, then why do players use any exploits or advantages that they can?

    Humans exploit and take advantage of any system there in it's in our very nature. Just becuase the game is meant to be a casual experiance it can't force us to play that way. So there are always going to be people who play it as if it were a competition.

    Just for the fun of it?

    Actual yes it is a game after all. The goal is to have fun. It's you know kind of the Point.

    I don't sail to feel the breeze in my slowly fading hair, I sail to win some loot and have some fun competitive battles.

    Thats nice all the power to you. But just know not everyone plays the game that way.

    Man, I like to get into the servers that are casual as you explained, where you can avoid combat and just sail around, and combat is just optional (actually I wouldn't, I like the combat). Anytime that another player can dictate whether you have combat, it's no longer your option. Ironically, alot of the people that are making that case that it's adventureland now with arenas are the sames that bark that it's a pirate game and meant to be combat-driven. Also, how do you make combat not competitive? It's the very nature of combat, where two sides go against each other. There generally has to be a winner and loser in the combat. Unless you just fire a few shots and then run away (very un-pirate like). I agree that it's a game. Supposed to be fun. Which is why I don't understand why so many would be against an option that provides the msot enjoyment for players of the game.

  • @lord-pharqwad agreed! More events that require crew cooperation would be awesome! Would really help give new players a reminder about what type of game this is

  • @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    well i can see where this thread is going to go.

    Don't I know you? :P

  • Good. It's appropriate and necessary.

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