Sea of Thieves ES — Guías e información

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    Hilo oficial de Sea Of thieves ES

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    [Post en construcción]

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  • Does this site translate at all?

  • @bloodfrenzy187 Ahoy! What we can, we try, yes!

  • @deividhero I wanna read all of the cards but don't know Spanish lol.

  • Soy Español y navego a diario en busca de botines, si quieren pueden unirse!!

  • @bloodfrenzy187 dijo en Sea of Thieves ES — Guías e información:

    @deividhero I wanna read all of the cards but don't know Spanish lol.

    Doesn't say anything important about cards. Just that they exist, that they are similar to the french cards, and they are in the shop.

  • Quieor verificar mi cuenta de Discord.! Yoel_caluva96

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