Sails seen on the internet

  • Hey guys! I've seen these sails in images and all but never in the game.
    Were they removed?

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  • @rvallez looks like the royal sovereign sails but I think the design and color change slightly.

  • @rvallez Ahoy there!
    We saw at launch that a lot of the designs used in Alpha, Beta and final stress tests were missing upon release, with some reappearing over time with new content drops and Bilge Rat Adventures.

    As @IceMan-0007 says (and I thought myself) it looks like part of the Sovereign set, but perhaps a new variation on it?

    Given the issues that we saw on the forum regarding the similarities between cosmetics, resulting in a cull of similar items from the stores, this one may never sadly see the light of day... :'(

  • They had a lot of cosmetics during beta and in promotionals that have yet to surface. I'm still waiting for @Kat-Truewalkerr 's hat to appear in game for us all to cosplay as her for example.

    We've only recently gotten the Kraken figurehead that's been in the second trailer of the game. (i'm probably wrong and it's the third or fourth trailer so please correct me)

    Judging by the look of this ship set and what the Trailer for the Arena showed us it really fits with the character introduced in that trailer so I'm thinking we'll see it soon(tm).

    I'm still here waiting for that hat and the Bow emote shown in an early trailer.

  • @hynieth I want the bow emote back it was in the beta

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