New and maybe missing it

  • After buying yesterday and trying to play, was in auto crew and picked gilded voyage on advice of someone there. Waited as he said, died i guess, couldn't find anyone gave up. This figured out can get on a ship only (no voyages) and sail aimlessly to nowhere. Is there a good beginner guide or am i just missing the point of the game. Looks fun but not sure how to actually play :-) Thanks for anyone willing to guide me

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  • The game does not have a tutorial or guide and thus the player needs to learn the game on there own. However there are guides and tutorials here on the forums that might help ye and of course ye can always ask for another pirates help. There are plenty of helpful lads here on the forums who are always happy to lend a hand.

  • Use this forum to find someone who teaches you. Would be easier if you'ld tell us about the timezone and language you speak :)

    You could use "Looking For Groups" or Discord to get in touch.

  • @lokijake77

    Ahoy there, sorry to hear this, we'd recommend browsing the Gameplay Guides and Tips section - this is a fairly comprehensive tutorial and also contact Support regarding your Gilded Voyage being lost.. they may be sympathetic to your plight!

  • @lokijake77
    Eredhar's here, have no fear! Sea of Thieves can be a bit overwhelming when you start for the first time. But, it can and it is an amazing place to be in. Take some time to read a few things and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them.

  • Search for a guide on YouTube there's plenty of videos on how to get started, how to fight etc goodluck and welcome to the seas!

  • @katttruewalker Thanks! This is just what i needed and support is considering my request :-)

  • @lokijake77 youtube help me a lot learning the game and then if you have questions you can always ask fellow pirates

  • If you give your gamertag we can play together and I can give you some tips and tricks to play

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