Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..

  • "Achievement Rebalancing - We've listened to feedback and adjusted the requirements of some of the achievements related to cashing in items. These are: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls. Players who earned those achievements before the rebalance will receive an exclusive in-game item to mark their prowess over the next couple of weeks. If you find you now meet the requirements, just cash in one more item to trigger your achievement!"

    So in order to receive this 'exclusive in-game item' did we need to have ALL of these commendations completed? or just one of them? I had most of these complete except for stuff like forager one so It'd be a b****r if I miss out because I didn't know this was coming and didn't complete it.

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  • @conroar That's a good question. Not sure how we are supposed to interpret it.

    On another note, I really wish they would have given us a heads up that this was coming so we could try and complete them... Now I'll be missing some items because of this.

  • Good question, it is hard to tell. In any case though, I feel these "exclusive" items should be obtainable after anyone hits the original 1000 threshold. If it was known that there would be a reward there would be a lot more people actively trying to grind this out rather than leaving it a distant goal.

  • @conroar Sounds like you just need to do 1 of them according to the patch notes discussion video they just put out.

    If you do it you get an "overachiever sail."

  • So in order to receive this 'exclusive in-game item' did we need to have ALL of these commendations completed? or just one of them? I had most of these complete except for stuff like forager one so It'd be a b****r if I miss out because I didn't know this was coming and didn't complete it.

    At least one of the re-balanced Achievements needs to have been completed.

  • @conroar

    You might be interested in the latest dev update where Joe discusses the achievements and how this will work as well as the commendations (earlier)-

    Around 8 mins in

  • @rarecsm Any chance you can drop the suggestion to Rare that meeting the old thresholds unlocks the sail in game?

    Right now it sounds like they are manually adding it to players inventory. What if they make the old thresholds an in-game commendation that unlocks the sails as well?

  • So what about the rest of us that were really close to having one of these completed and not wanting the nerf in the first place? We get nothing? I am like 800/1000 sailed..couple more days and I would of finished now due to other people complaining it is too hard...I lose out on rewards..? I spend a lot of time and hard work and money getting all the limited/exclusive rewards for this game so now I don't get this one because people though something was too hard..? Are you kidding me? How about we stop giving in to the people crying about things being too hard and listen to the people that play this game every day of their life..I love how almost every update we are taking away from the people that play this game and giving to the people that play 1-2 times a week..this is honestly very rude. I hope someone at rare reads this post..because why would you not tell us this was coming..? I would of worked harder to be there! This is just so rude it blows my mind..I am so mad right now I am about to pass out..I play this game all the time and work so hard to have everything..and now I am be PUNISHED because people thought something was too due to that I won't get exclusive sails? I hope someone contacts me soon before I go off the deep end!

    Edit: I did just realize that miles sailed was not one of the achievements that they nerfed..but my point still stands that they should of said something to us so that maybe we could of worked harder to get one of those..I didn't think I was going to have to push hard to complete what was suppose to be a LONG TERM GOAL...

    Side note...other than this problem above..I love this update!

  • @nathanuserectus I was about halfway on the villainous skulls. I'm pretty confident if I had known this was coming I could have grinded out the OOS missions to finish it.

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah I agree! I am like 70% done with that and I have not even tried to get it! They should of let us know this was coming..I would of then completed it! but I had no idea that a LONG TERM GOAL was getting nerfed...once again cry babies win and the people that put their blood, sweat, and tears into this game get bent over again!

  • yeah i thought ok all of those things will come over time, so don´t worry and now this :(
    if i knew it earlier i would have grind one of those achievements instead of just play and have fun.

  • @nathanuserectus So I looked at the wrong achievement. I'm only like 36% of the way done that one but I still think it would be relatively easy if all I did was focus on OOS.

    Really hoping that it becomes an in-game unlockable.

  • @saskeks Yes this is my just out of the blue nerf something and not let us know this is happening or better yet let us know it is happening and that if we do it before whatever date we will get a reward! I expect to have this reward..if I would of known I could of has 2-3 of them finished..this was the last straw for me..honestly it was..they did this once or twice and now I am getting a little p****d off..all I do is stand by this game and support it and buy everything that I can because I want this game to be here forever..but this just pushed me over the edge. I work so hard and spend so much money to own every exclusive item in this game..the least they could of done is inform us that this was coming so I could of earned it too! And trust me I would of!!

  • @nathanuserectus

    yeah, i hate it when all chievos are done, and because there a never new ones i played it save and fun and not the grindy way like normal and put the game back when reching 100%.

    i have 101 Games @ 100% Gamerscore and i maybe had all GS except the Bananas and Powder Kegs maybe if i had played like i normaly do with GS in Focus.

  • @nathanuserectus @Saskeks I don't blame them. I think they were just trying to reward the players who put in a lot of effort to complete those achievements. But it was short sighted IMO.

    Perhaps we can petition them to keep the reward there for future players that complete them. Not sure what the best way to do that is so that it actually generations some traction. Feel like the devs don't read the forum and I doubt anyone will care on Reddit.

  • @xcalypt0x It was not right of them to do it without saying something..because this was a LONG TERM GOAL!!! So to just out of the blue say "Hey if you completed a long term goal you get a reward!" It would of been ok if they would of said something is in no way ok.

  • first the commendation nerf now the chievos :(
    an not even one new gamerscore were added with all the amazing addons, they should have fixed this instead of nerf them.
    tell one week before and i would have finished some of them.

    • kill 10 Megs 10G
    • sink 25 Skeleton Ships 10G
    • get hit by a Volcano 5G
    • finish 50 Missions in the ForsakenShores 20G

    From 1000 banana crates down to 50 now -.-
    i just imagine how the player feel that got all 1000 of them the regular way. to be the first and only one and now ? in a week there are 500k more with this one

  • @nathanuserectus I agree. At this point I'm about ready to give up. There are already multiple exclusives that were given to 1-2 people (banana, loot & lore). I don't think it will be possible to keep a complete collection. They are also coming out with content creator cosmetics.

    It does feel like we got robbed on this one though.

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah they other ones are deckhands..that is fine they get their own sails..and rare employees..that is also fine..the banana challenge..that is fine..because all this was legit fair and square earned..they are in the wrong on this one because they do not tell us anything!! All they had to do to make this right was tell us this was going to happen and then it would of been fine! but they just came out of no where and did what they did..and it was not right at ALL! They honestly just stole from me is what they did..I was almost done with some of those and they took it away with no warning.

  • @nathanuserectus said in Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..:

    So what about the rest of us that were really close to having one of these completed and not wanting the nerf in the first place? We get nothing? I am like 800/1000 sailed..couple more days and I would of finished now due to other people complaining it is too hard...I lose out on rewards..?

    No, you get the reward you were reaching for a little sooner. The other was a bonus for doing something you did not yet achieve that you had zero knowledge of just 24 hours ago.

  • @ghostpaw I think his point is that if he had known about it he would have pushed a little harder so that he could get it.

  • @ghostpaw The point is if I would of known I would of worked harder..the way they did it was stealing..they just out of the blue took away my LONG TERM GOAL without saying anything!!! and then gave out rewards for something I could of had done if they just would of let me know..

  • @xcalypt0x said in Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..:

    @ghostpaw I think his point is that if he had known about it he would have pushed a little harder so that he could get it.

    100% right.

  • @ghostpaw oh and another thing I wanted long term goals..I didnt want the reward I was reaching for a little sooner like everyone else that is crying about it..thanks though..

  • yeah, i like Long term goals too, even if im PL 10, have all commendations etc. i would have to do something to achieve.

  • @saskeks Yeah but we can never have any long term goals because "they are too hard!" No point in doing the new PL commendations..just wait a month or 2 and they will get nerffed..but if you don't have them done you will miss out on an exclusive reward..LOL

  • @xcalypt0x said in Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..:

    @ghostpaw I think his point is that if he had known about it he would have pushed a little harder so that he could get it.

    I do understand what they are angry about, but the point is, they were working towards something that they will get. To pretend and complain they get nothing is disingenuous. They get exactly the thing they wanted. The other was something to please the crowd that was upset the last time Rare dropped the requirements. What I find funny is people are angry about Rare making a reward easier to get, then they are asking Rare to make the bonus reward easier to get (no time limit).

    Here is the cycle being proposed:

    1. Reward X requires players reach a difficult goal.
    2. Players complain the reward is too difficult to reach.
    3. Rare decreases the difficulty to match player requests.
    4. Players complain the reward they achieved is diluted by decreasing the requirements.
    5. Rare grants those players a bonus for reaching the more difficult achievement.
    6. Players grab torches and pitchforks because they did not quite reach the requirements.
    7. Rare takes away the time limit required to reach the more difficult reward.
    8. Players complain the new reward is too difficult to reach. (There is zero doubt this will occur)
    9. Return to step 3

    If they had announced two weeks ago they were going to do this, players would have posted it was unfair because (Thanksgiving/vacation/work/in the hospital/kids/job/school/etc.) and they need more time. It is a never-ending cycle of griping about something.

  • @ghostpaw Players have no reason to complain about #8 though. I don't think anyone who has complained in this thread would be unhappy about the requirements to get the over achiever sails if they were made a permanently obtainable item (I could be wrong).

    They're giving the sails to people who completed the original achievements.
    They didn't tell anyone there would be a reward for this.
    Make it possible for everyone to get this if they complete the original achievement.

    Now all the achievement hunters got their easier achievements and those who care enough to complete them will still get the reward. Isn't that a win-win?

  • @xcalypt0x would be the perfect deal, and i would be fine with this

  • Yah I'm not happy about this at all. I coulda got one if they gave us just a couple days heads up. If they had said they were gonna do this back when they nerfed the commendations originally and said they were changing the acheivments, they coulda calmed a lot of the concerns then, and given people close a reason to do it.

    Instead we just get another round of disappointment.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..:

    @ghostpaw Players have no reason to complain about #8 though. I don't think anyone who has complained in this thread would be unhappy about the requirements to get the over achiever sails if they were made a permanently obtainable item (I could be wrong).

    They're giving the sails to people who completed the original achievements.
    They didn't tell anyone there would be a reward for this.
    Make it possible for everyone to get this if they complete the original achievement.

    Now all the achievement hunters got their easier achievements and those who care enough to complete them will still get the reward. Isn't that a win-win? Rare is doing exactly what many players asked/demanded last time they lowered the bar by giving a bonus reward for already achieving the goal. Now that they have done so, new players are unhappy.

    You are right, the people in this thread may not complain, but others who find the original 1000 goal line too difficult will. Why do you think they lowered it in the first place? Others have in the past. They were angry they couldn't reach the 1000 line to get the title. They won't be happy about not getting a sail until the 1000 line either. Someone, no matter what Rare does, will be angered because they will be unable to meet the demands to reach the title/reward/commendation.

  • @ghostpaw That's true. But if they are going to reward people who did that accomplishment, just keep the reward for all players who end up getting it. And then don't lower it because that's unfair.

    But I get what you're saying. Endless loop

  • @xcalypt0x It should still be available to do. One of those hidden reward things. I'm a bit peeved. If I'd known there would be a reward I'd have focused on some of those higher up one mores. I'm pretty close with some of them.

  • @shamanmclamie said in Regarding the Achievement Rebalance Reward..:

    @xcalypt0x It should still be available to do. One of those hidden reward things. I'm a bit peeved.

    I agree

  • @conroar They said "players" then I think you need only one of those achievements to receive the exclusive in-game item

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