[CLOSED] Win Wednesday (Nov. 21, 2018) - Sea of Thieves Reaper's Shadow T-shirts Giveaway!

  • Hello Forumites,

    The Deckhands have snuck into the Rare warehouses and made off with some of the new swag to share with the community, and are here with another Win Wednesday giveaway!

    We're giving out five (5) of the Reaper's Shadow T-Shirts that are part of the Black Friday sale! So here's a chance to get one before the rush!

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    To enter, reply to this thread with an atmospheric screenshot of your pirate and/or ship showing off his or her Black Friday finest (black clothing, accessories, sails, etc.).

    We'll pick the five lucky winners randomly tomorrow at 4pm BST.

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  • @knightx13

    Shiver me timbers but we made away with the good stuff this time!

  • Wow what an awesome give awayyy!!! I wish I was close to my Xbox to be able to get involved in this! :(

    Either way nice one @Deckhands You all seem to becoming pretty adept at raiding Rares supplies! XD

    Edit: I was able to jump into my DVR on my phone so hopfully this will suffice! (If it shows up as I’m on my phone)

    Also apparently this image has 27k views??? Ummm that doesn’t seem right lol


  • @knifelife Who knew the key was under the third flowerpot on the left all along....oops

  • @knightx13 Wow!! And there was me saving my gunpowder barrels up for months to blow it open... typical.

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  • @knightx13

    Casting a sharp shade on the high seas... foretelling the coming of great deals!

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    The entire crew is in their best attire for this occusion

  • Taken during FotD

  • Black Friday on SoT

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    There it is ! Glorious moment ! Thanks for this giveaway !

  • old one
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  • What would be a Black Friday without bringing an explosive surprise to the Skellies?

    Here's my lovely Skulliah showing off his finest outfit for this event! :D

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    It also shows I could do with a new shirt ^.^

  • Keeps me safe when I'm jogging at night!

  • prepping my ship for the long voyage ahead

  • https://twitter.com/oo_prentiss_oo/status/1065306351121940485?s=21

    Our Black Friday sail! Get it?! Haha.. the grog makes this hilarious.

  • Sea Dogs!

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  • Perfect.

  • @knifelife one of your videos/photos had a huge number of views on the xboxdvr site

  • @triheadedmonkey I just looked, in total my Sea Of Thieves screenshots have a total of 78,000 views?!?!?

    I honestly don’t get it, it litrally must be SoT because none of m other games do. And I don’t event share them anywhere besides here lol

    Well for those people who say the game is dying I feel those unshared pictures say different lol!
    Shame I can’t get no ad revenue on them xD

  • "The enemy is approaching. Douse the flames, let the moonlight guide us."alt text

  • there you guys have it. all black :D yarr

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  • For anyone who's having trouble adding images, all you need to do is upload the image to something like imgur, pinterest or some other image hosting site, then right click 'copy image address' and paste it straight into the box on here :)

  • Setting up camp for the night

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