Keyboard & Mouse

  • In view of recent events, it would be fair to add keyboard and mouse support. And 1080/60fps for Xbox One X. Want play on a par with the PC-players on Arena!

  • 6
  • LOL. Microsoft has mentioned that Mouse and Keyboard support should be coming 'soon.'

    You'll likely need tell MS to build a better console, if you want better performance. I could be mistaken, but I believe even most PC players who run at 60fps aren't running at max-graphics.

  • @wodyo mouse and kb support is here now...but not for SoT, yet

  • I believe it’s coming this week for select games. It might already be out, but SoT isn’t one of them yet.

    While I’m glad they are adding M&K (I’m hoping we can get some Pc mmos now) I just hope this isn’t seen by some developers as the fix for disparities between different input devices.

    Only time will tell I guess..

  • @schwammlgott
    It has finally arrived, eh? Cool.

    I would imagine the OP will get his wish, with The Arena. In basically every thread on this subject prior, it was always mentioned that Sea of Thieves is not a competitive game therefore the bulk of the complaints were taken with a grain of salt. But with competitive as the buzzword to describe the new game mode, I think the OP makes a reasonable request (ignoring the graphics part, lol).

    I noticed SoT wasn't on the list for November, so perhaps after the new year...

  • @wodyo the One X runs at 30 FPS 4k without any hiccups, why wouldn’t it be able to do 1080p 60fps?

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