Rare's stream madness

  • I would like to redact my previous statements about Kato... it appears that was last week's stream!
    (he is still a good boy however, albeit tired clearly in that one)

    @Deckhands this is going in circles, any chance of some divine intervention?

  • Bottom line is you don't have to watch it and if you choose to stay tuned and watch it that't your choice. But don't post a lame topic complaining about how they play. It's for game play not for Q&A like everyone else has stated. Not all developers are hardcore gamers. They write code,compile it, and run it. The face that they do these streams weekly and drop hints on upcoming release content and answer questions is truly luck for us. No other publisher is doing that. So if you have to complain about something go complain to those companies.

  • @iceman-0007 said in Rare's stream madness:

    Bottom line is you don't have to watch it and if you choose to stay tuned and watch it that't your choice. But don't post a lame topic complaining about how they play. It's for game play not for Q&A like everyone else has stated. Not all developers are hardcore gamers. They write code,compile it, and run it. The face that they do these streams weekly and drop hints on upcoming release content and answer questions is truly luck for us. No other publisher is doing that. So if you have to complain about something go complain to those companies.

    ^ THIS ^

  • @sir-lotus said in Rare's stream madness:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Rare's stream madness:

    @sir-lotus sigh which is sad because you guys are actually using the words "if you don't like it" but never have I even said "Git gud you make me sick"

    just a few of your words:
    "watching the video of Rare playing the game themselves, I was going to pull my hair out."
    "Gawd that was awful lol."
    "Watching you 3 really frustrated me."
    "You need to learn how to play your game."

    i just kinda summed it up.

    "some" producers are good actors, just like some devs are good at their games. you can't expect all of them to be.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Rare's stream madness:

    I'm asking if the Dev's have basic knowledge on how to play their game.

    I still don't understand what do you mean by that. Knowing where islands are? Not basic. Noticing another player when streaming, thinking about questions etc.? not basic. Basic would be, if they didn't know how to move, shoot or repair the ship. And i think they were pretty decent at that.

    The Gawd that was awful was from when the clown was playing the Titanic sound. If you haven't heard it, look it up, Titanic whereever you are played on a recorder. Its meant to be funny but man is the recorder so bad lol. You don't actual give any opposite position of the argument. You just say "if you dont like it" While I've explained my position multiple times. I had a negative experience and voiced how negative it was. I gave feedback.

    Your whole argument is the whole "If you don't like it". Thats it, AND no they didn't even do any of that stuff right. It took them so long to do anything. They took forever to even bail, stood in front of holes not repairing. Talking about people climbing their boat but ignoring it while moving around in circles. One instance they got a skele ship with a freaking anchor ball and just kept sailing away from it.

    ONE MOR TING jackie chan adventures Im being critical of the whole team. Joe might have been answering questions but he wasnt the only one streaming.

    The funny thing my stance has already changed until after I watch a bunch of older streams, however I have to keep coming back to explain my views and what they are, all the while all you are doing is being dismissive because of how I delivered it. Its like someone being angry of a really bad review and then telling the person they need to be nicer because their review was too mean.

  • @drbullhammer The analogy was to show case how you can infer and give suggestions towards a person having a negative view on something. Someone saying they don't like something isn't an automatic sign that you should tell them that "if you don't like it" argument. Instead you can give them more options. There are some fish that are actually bad breaded and should be grilled. There are some that are bad grilled but are delicious breaded. I was suggesting that you should offer a different point of view. Instead you lash out and again miss the point because you can't handle criticism.

    So again try to offer a different point of view. Its called having a discussion, debate, argument. The way you do it is pointless and void of any intellectual substance.

    edit Most places that have fish serve it 1 of 3 ways. The same order of fish can be cooked either way. By what you wrote it seems like you don't know that. Again some fish are better 1 way than the other. I never said they gave it to you wrong, nor implied that. If you read carefully you will see that I put an analogy where you ordered something didn't like it the person sees that there are other options on how you can try the fish and maybe have a different experience. Again offer a different point of view.

  • Ask, and ye shall receive....

    And so he spaketh, "Discussions that are cyclical and in violation of the Forum [Commandments], shall be struck with the wrath of the almighty Lock."

    So please, you can be critical, but you have to be respectful about it.

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