What happened to the gold hoarders?

  • Hi, recently I did a gold hoarder voyage and got 5 dig locations. So I thought that I had gotten a good voyage only to find that they were all seafarer’s. I also go another voyage that had two maps each with one dig location, both of these were seafarer’s as well. Does anyone know what’s going on? I’m level 34 and a half and have almost never gotten voyages this bad.

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  • @deviatevoyage41 Are these voyages that you paid for or are they from message in a bottle maps? From experience, it seems the message in a bottle maps have a wide variety of chest type that leans to the lower end of the value scale.

  • @deviatevoyage41 - The higher your level the more chance you have of better rewards. It's not a guarantee and it's still possible to get low value chest.

    I've purchased a level 50 voyage that turned out to be one map with one X. The chest I dug up was a castaway so I actually made a loss. I know some would be annoyed/frustrated with this, but I like the fact this is a possibility.

  • @deviatevoyage41 you are lvl 34...what did you expect? All captains? Not even with lvl 50 you are that lucky

  • If what you guys are saying is true me and my friend are getting SUPER unlucky, that’s 6 voyages (both of us are the same level) with almost nothing but seafarers, (there’s sometimes a marauders but only one at most.) We went from multiple captains per voyage to the only decent chest being from a message in a bottle. This also seems to have only started after the festival released.

    EDIT: these are the payed voyages, now I’m not sure (don’t really look too hard) but I think they also look like the level one scrolls as well. I’d add pictures but I don’t know how.

  • Have you bought the level upgrades at the gold horder? Regardless of your level, if you have not leveled that up, you will still be lower level in his eyes. You should be able to purchase the upgrade every 5 levels, if you haven't already.

  • Yes, both me and my friend have.

  • @deviatevoyage41 - Sounds like you're just having a bit of bad luck at the moment, I've gone days without digging up a Captains chest. On the flip side, I've had voyages that have only gave me captains.

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