Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?

  • I do not like the fact that you have to finish the skeleton ships in order to get the fort to pop. I assume this is due to performance issues, but perhaps someone knows better.

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  • It can handle them at the same time, the issue is that when a ship spawns a fort cannot but it works at the same time when a fort spawns letting a ship spawn.

    They are aware of this bug and until it's fixed just use it as extra incentive to get bonus loot from them before going to a fort.

  • @th3xr34p3r

    Skeleton ships are not worth, better to just fort hop.

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    It can handle them at the same time, the issue is that when a ship spawns a fort cannot but it works at the same time when a fort spawns letting a ship spawn.

    They are aware of this bug and until it's fixed just use it as extra incentive to get bonus loot from them before going to a fort.

    Can you link your source?

  • @crimsonraziel said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    @th3xr34p3r said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    It can handle them at the same time, the issue is that when a ship spawns a fort cannot but it works at the same time when a fort spawns letting a ship spawn.

    They are aware of this bug and until it's fixed just use it as extra incentive to get bonus loot from them before going to a fort.

    Can you link your source?

    @The3SheetsNeate states here they are aware of a number of bugs introduced since that patch in this video

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    @The3SheetsNeate states here they are aware of a number of bugs introduced since that patch in this video

    He didn't mention the fort/skelly-ship thing being one of these bugs. So far I've seen nothing that suggests this couldn't be on purpose.

  • @crimsonraziel said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    @th3xr34p3r said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    @The3SheetsNeate states here they are aware of a number of bugs introduced since that patch in this video

    He didn't mention the fort/skelly-ship thing being one of these bugs. So far I've seen nothing that suggests this couldn't be on purpose.

    Guess we'll see in one of the patches when they go live if they sort them or not with that one.

  • It could be on purpose but I don’t think it is — skull forts were available during the actual cursed sails event (after patch 1.2.1) which had ever-present skull ship events alongside skull forts. If it could handle both encounters then with no problem I don’t thik it would be any different now.

  • I guess its a mechanic to prevent skullfort hopping, and btw i love sinking skelly Ships...

  • @zannarii said in Game cannot handle skull forts and skeleton ships at the same time?:

    I guess its a mechanic to prevent skullfort hopping, and btw i love sinking skelly Ships...

    Agreed, love sinking skelly ships, just don't like stocking up for them. Which sadly means we only do them a couple of times a week. Where as, if a skull fort is up, we do it every time.

8 out of 10