What to do with spare snakes

  • I have come to enjoy a new tradition. Being the humble merchant I am, a world truth has shown itself to me. disaster can strike anytime. Be it pirate, a megladon looking for a snack, or a lightning bolt taking your pig. My new favorite bit of fun is to use my spare snakes I round up. At every outpost I offload at I hide a snake in one of 3 places, In the tavern to pester fresh spawns, In the Oos tent to spit on skull pawners, Or by the gold hoarders tent to torment the greedy. I have no idea if it has worked yet or not though if a snake spits on you in such a manner play your instrument let him dance and live to continue his mission.

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  • Snakes are useful for many things, and you added to that list of amusing things to do with them.

  • @mynuku I did chuckle a little at this post!
    It would be even better if you could release animals though from their cages - imagine the outposts when your crew unleashes 100 snakes, pigs or chickens upon the NPC masses few...

  • My family laughs because whenever we find a snake cage I find a golden snake to leave at an outpost. I hadn't run into one of yours, but I like your style! I however don't use your spots so I'm not infringing on any copyright ;) . At least once you've found my snake, or it's found you, you have a nice golden snake to turn in as compensation.

  • I have another separate very pressing question. I know it isn't acceptable to name chicken salad and pigs, (spot being my favorite spotted pig name), but is it acceptable to name cold blooded murders such as snakes?

  • I like to leave some on our ship as a defence mechanism against boarders!


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  • @witakking said in What to do with spare snakes:

    I have another separate very pressing question. I know it isn't acceptable to name chicken salad and pigs, (spot being my favorite spotted pig name), but is it acceptable to name cold blooded murders such as snakes?

    Chicken salad xD

  • I place them on the very front of the ships spear, so a ramming attack adds poison damage (at least in my mind it does). :-D

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