My Athena Speed Run Method

  • Server hop until you're at Sanctuary Outpost. Roll voyages until all your voyages are on the NW part of the map or at least sailing from island to island without more than 2-3 island between. Never cross your path, always set a one path course. Collect pigs last thing so you don't waste bananas.

    The ideal run will be; Sailors Bounty ~ Smugglers Bay~ Lone Cove ~ Sanctuary Outpost ~ Cannon Cove ~ Golden Sands Outpost ~ Crescent Isle ~ Mermaid's Hideaway ~ then Wanderers Refuse for the chest. Never sail too far!

    One person will always sail, 2-3 people shoot off and tap the chests and hit the mermaid back to the ship, no need to collect the chests. Stop the ship at the skellies for respawns, then continue onward! Try to collect only animals when stopped doing skellies, stopping any other time only delays you. If you can't find anymore animals everyone on the island needs to die and they will respawn, just make sure all your items are on the ship when you do this and your pigs aren't hungry.

    My runs average between 60-80 minutes and the time it takes to server hop and get 3x voyages with a crew of 4 on pc's only delays us no more than 5-10 min so 70-90 min run times at max. Our fastest run was 47 minutes.

    If you have any suggestions feel free to post below.
    Have another favorite area? Share them!!


  • 31
  • @personalc0ffee
    Speed running is just to complete them. To level up. When I speed run forts, I only grab the skull and chest then leave everything else.

  • @personalc0ffee I'll try to explain. Imagine instead of drinking a cup of coffee you could just inject the corresponding amount of C8H10N4O2 directly in your vein to free up more time to do chores! Awesome, isn't it?

  • @crimsonraziel :D

  • @goryreceptacle Is there a need to collect animals? Won't the voyages just time out and "fail" anyway, leaving you free to concentrate on the other tasks?

  • @luciansanchez82 if u wait for merch to expire ur looking at around a 4-5hr wait period as Athena merch quests give u like 10-12 in game days to complete them

  • @simplybutta Ooooh right, best knock 'em out then!

  • To be honest (half the way to My Athena 10) i did legit way, then i started to speedrun them

    But now we have bomb skellys running around and do the hard work 4 you, so you dont need speedrun to make it fast haha

    2 days ago i did athena solo and did even pick up the loot from speedrunners that left even the skulls from there captains!! And did pvp, i would be Done in 3H <—- and this is solo guys

    Cant think How fast i would do it with the OG crew of mine! Wow we would blast this in notime!

    And the only big big thing to save time is to plan your voage.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    They don't care about the coin.

    @ant-heuser-kush That's correct!!

    @luciansanchez82 said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle Is there a need to collect animals? Won't the voyages just time out and "fail" anyway, leaving you free to concentrate on the other tasks?

    @LucianSanchez82 They time out after like 4 hours. These runs take 1hr 20min max, so there's no need to waste time waiting for it to time out.

    @alzheimeers said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    2 days ago i did athena solo and did even pick up the loot from speedrunners that left even the skulls from there captains!! And did pvp, i would be Done in 3H <—- and this is solo guys

    @AlzHeimeerS Yeah, I tried solo once and in the same time I could complete two speed runs. I'm already 50/50/50/8 with 2+ million spent on most in game stuff so I'm just doing it for the exp.

    @personalc0ffee said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @ant-heuser-kush I know why they do it.

    I just think it is silly and pointless. That's not the point of the quest.

    @PersonalC0ffee The point is to level up your Athena, this is the fastest way.

  • @goryreceptacle you should change the title to: Speed run Athena's without making money

  • @goryreceptacle Im alrdy 10 in Athena became 10 like a month ago haha :) so we did it the hard way without bomb skellys :)

  • @schwammlgott said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle you should change the title to: Speed run Athena's without making money

    @schwammlgott LOL!!! Is there a speed method that makes money? :p

    @alzheimeers said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle Im alrdy 10 in Athena became 10 like a month ago haha :) so we did it the hard way without bomb skellys :)

    @alzheimeers Yeah, I cleared 100+ Forts before the bombers... Haha!

  • @goryreceptacle said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @PersonalC0ffee The point is to level up your Athena, this is the fastest way.

    Exactly! And once you're Athena 10 you can finally start having fun.

  • @goryreceptacle What a boring way to play a game where levels mean nothing except time...

  • @zyrkal sagte in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle What a boring way to play a game where levels mean nothing except time...

    *insert thank you gif here

  • I don't think hopping around is worth the time. You certainly do want all islands close by. If you can do 3 voyages in a row on the same server then you are in the money because islands can double up after that ( I had an Athena voyage with only 5 unique islands, one of which was an outpost for both merch quests). Usually this doesn't happen because your 2nd or 3rd voyage give you all the leftover islands you haven't hit yet, which tend to have corner islands like marauders arch, discovery Ridge, smugglers bay.

    The best thing you can do besides what you already mentioned is recruit a noob sloop to join you. Have one reliable member of your crew (they can't ever die) sail to all your GH islands with the sloop and give them all your chests. This cuts the voyage in half at the cost of being 1 crew member short, and is very lucrative to a solo sloop who would only get a few seafarers on their own in this time. I have even heard that some people ask to join the boat when the solo sloop leaves to maintain control of both boats.

  • @goryreceptacle
    I speed run Athena as well. I have not tried hopping servers till I hit sanctuary though. (I will have to try this). I do leave the Marauders chest, and hateful skulls on the island. I collect my captains chest, and villainous skulls. I like to leave at least one of these on the barrels in the corner of the tavern for the next player that spawns in.
    Before I place my Athena I buy legendary merchant missions. I cycle through till I have what I fell are enough cages. I then hit Crooked Mast and load up on chickens and snakes. This helps two ways.

    1. I already have the items for merchant and those two missions are completed quickly.
    2. In the event I am sunk for any reason, I can go back to any merchant and get all the cages I need because I didn’t collect them for the mission.
      I then place my Athena. Most of the time I hardly have to change the color of animals as I have collected enough of all the colors the mission ask for. I then set off to collect my pigs and any gunpowder that I didn’t find on Crooked. Whatever animals or cages I have left get set at what ever outpost I have to turn in at.
      I also avoid shipwrecks, messages in a bottle, and forts. As they slow you down.
      My average run is between an hour to two hours from start till finish.
  • @crimsonraziel said in [My Athena Speed Run Method]

    Exactly! And once you're Athena 10 you can finally start having fun.

    Hahaha yessss!!!!

    @zyrkal said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle What a boring way to play a game where levels mean nothing except time...

    What other games don't? You should be able to buy levels... It requires times.. It's called leveling up right?

    @kzoo-kid said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    I don't think hopping around is worth the time. You certainly do want all islands close by. If you can do 3 voyages in a row on the same server then you are in the money because islands can double up after that ( I had an Athena voyage with only 5 unique islands, one of which was an outpost for both merch quests). Usually this doesn't happen because your 2nd or 3rd voyage give you all the leftover islands you haven't hit yet, which tend to have corner islands like marauders arch, discovery Ridge, smugglers bay.

    The best thing you can do besides what you already mentioned is recruit a noob sloop to join you. Have one reliable member of your crew (they can't ever die) sail to all your GH islands with the sloop and give them all your chests. This cuts the voyage in half at the cost of being 1 crew member short, and is very lucrative to a solo sloop who would only get a few seafarers on their own in this time. I have even heard that some people ask to join the boat when the solo sloop leaves to maintain control of both boats.

    Yeah, having another ship that wants to sail certainly helps if you stay in the same server, we've done 50min runs with other ships. I just don't spend that time doing that since we hop anyways. As long as it's island to island you're golden. I've gone from level 3 to level 8 in the last couple days.

    @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3 said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    I speed run Athena as well. I have not tried hopping servers till I hit sanctuary though. (I will have to try this). I do leave the Marauders chest, and hateful skulls on the island. I collect my captains chest, and villainous skulls. I like to leave at least one of these on the barrels in the corner of the tavern for the next player that spawns in.
    Before I place my Athena I buy legendary merchant missions. I cycle through till I have what I fell are enough cages. I then hit Crooked Mast and load up on chickens and snakes. This helps two ways.

    1. I already have the items for merchant and those two missions are completed quickly.
    2. In the event I am sunk for any reason, I can go back to any merchant and get all the cages I need because I didn’t collect them for the mission.
      I then place my Athena. Most of the time I hardly have to change the color of animals as I have collected enough of all the colors the mission ask for. I then set off to collect my pigs and any gunpowder that I didn’t find on Crooked. Whatever animals or cages I have left get set at what ever outpost I have to turn in at.
      I also avoid shipwrecks, messages in a bottle, and forts. As they slow you down.
      My average run is between an hour to two hours from start till finish.

    I did a solo once, never again! You generally avoid pvp and all that since you never stop unless at oos or for animals. Loading up before without collecting the Athena stuff does help if sunk but we normally just board and anchor anyone chasing us.

  • We usually leave ships on an Athena's voyage afloat and their cages in tact to farm them later. If I ran across a crew doing an Athena's speed run I'd prob snag their cages and make them wait it out.

    Better go get my loot, peasants.

  • @el-dunno me too 😂

  • @el-dunco said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    We usually leave ships on an Athena's voyage afloat and their cages in tact to farm them later. If I ran across a crew doing an Athena's speed run I'd prob snag their cages and make them wait it out.

    Better go get my loot, peasants.

    Hahaha, savage!!!

    @shut1td0wn702 said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @el-dunno me too 😂

    Get rekt!! Wahooo!!! Hahaha!!

  • Made this post when I was level 5 a few days ago. I'm gonna be hitting level 10 in the next two runs. Just so you guys are aware, I still prefer server hopping for Sanctuary.

  • @goryreceptacle ---- I don't understand why people like you do this. I bet you also discard voyages with only one map or more maps with only one chest... And I think you will never get the 1000 nautical miles archievement, like i have.

  • @xxmrvincexx said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle ---- I don't understand why people like you do this. I bet you also discard voyages with only one map or more maps with only one chest... And I think you will never get the 1000 nautical miles archievement, like i have.

    Haha, 49/50 Voyages completed, 759 nautical miles. 380 Seafarer's, 858 Marauder's, 701 Captains.

    (check with me in a week, all those will be capped)

  • @goryreceptacle said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @xxmrvincexx said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle ---- I don't understand why people like you do this. I bet you also discard voyages with only one map or more maps with only one chest... And I think you will never get the 1000 nautical miles archievement, like i have.

    Haha, 49/50 Voyages completed, 759 nautical miles. 380 Seafarer's, 858 Marauder's, 701 Captains.

    (check with me in a week, all those will be capped)

    Checking one and a half week later … at least 3 aren't. The other 2 I can't check.

  • @crimsonraziel said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @xxmrvincexx said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle ---- I don't understand why people like you do this. I bet you also discard voyages with only one map or more maps with only one chest... And I think you will never get the 1000 nautical miles archievement, like i have.

    Haha, 49/50 Voyages completed, 759 nautical miles. 380 Seafarer's, 858 Marauder's, 701 Captains.

    (check with me in a week, all those will be capped)

    Checking one and a half week later … at least 3 aren't. The other 2 I can't check.

    Considering I had to sail 2,000 nautical miles (or simply 2,300 miles on land) across the country due to moving I was unable to play for about a week. However here are my current stats so you can see what I've done in about 3-4 days of actual game play.

    57/100 Voyages completed ( 8 completed)
    983/1000 Nautical Miles (224 total sailed)
    457/1000 Seafarer's (77 total collected)
    1000/1000 Marauders (well over 400 collected)
    869/1000 Captains Chest (168 collected)

    Also taking into consideration that my internet is complete trash currently with max of 5mpbs and 1000+ ping. I've also completed all of the new events, that slowed me way down. Don't you worry boo, I'll have it all completed here soon!

  • @goryreceptacle 60-90 minutes run time, 30-40 minutes hopping servers and rolling voyages. Seems about the same honestly.

  • @jonaldinho said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle 60-90 minutes run time, 30-40 minutes hopping servers and rolling voyages. Seems about the same honestly.

    4 players hopping servers should only take 3-5 rejoins per player MAX so most of 10 minutes to find Sanctuary. Rolling voyages once in game should take less than 5 rolls as players should stack voyages while hopping.

  • @goryreceptacle All I see is excuses.

  • @crimsonraziel said in My Athena Speed Run Method:

    @goryreceptacle All I see is excuses.

    @XxMrVincexX Okay, done!! No way to do those fast... Glad that's over!! :D

    3 days ago:
    57/100 Voyages completed ( 8 completed)
    983/1000 Nautical Miles (224 total sailed)
    457/1000 Seafarer's (77 total collected)
    1000/1000 Marauders (well over 400 collected)
    869/1000 Captains Chest (168 collected)

    60/100 Voyages completed ( 3 completed)
    1000/1000 Nautical Miles (17+ total sailed)
    467/1000 Seafarer's (10 total collected)
    1000/1000 Marauders (poopy chests)
    1000/1000 Captains Chest (131 collected) Average 40+ a day.

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