Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title value incorrect

  • I already submitted a ticket, but I've completed all the commendations but that title shows 17/120. I'm thinking it was at 0 at the start of the day and I've blown up 17 skeletons today. Other people I played with could just buy it for $0 but it's locked for me.

    Edit: Okay, I got it. Even though it shows it as unavailable in the commendations you can buy it from the Bilge Rat Rep for 0 gold.

  • 3
  • @aliasmask

    The same thing happened here. I honestly truly believe this is simply just a display bug.

  • @ginstinctstv said in Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title value incorrect:


    The same thing happened here. I honestly truly believe this is simply just a display bug.

    Yeah, I believe you are correct. Doing the event I never went to an outpost so I never saw the commendation there until the end of the night. The current event commendation happens automatically, but this one has to be bought from the bilge rats.

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