Stop racism and abuse in game

  • It's amazing the world we live in. There is no day that I play without racist comments. And I'm not talking about children precisely, although in one ear and out the other but they are an embarassment.

    I don't want to generalize but they are always from the same country. I hope that RARE can manage this, or like in the real world, set borders, that kind of people love them. That way they will have to be more original with their insults among them.

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  • @viejvs send a support ticket here with as much info as you can (including screenshot/video capture if you have it)

  • @drbullhammer @triheadedmonkey I try to raise a little awareness. I could be recording audios and reporting all the time but it is impossible to try to stop the tide.

  • @Viejvs Oh there's a potential can of worms here... all I can say is this:

    I too despise overt abuses and -ism's presented by my fellow players. I'm sure I've committed my own aggression, I'm human... and I am a pretty direct and aggressive person by demand anyhow.

    But if I have it my way, I'm right there with ya man. Calm repose and honest generosity is always better, eh?

    Heck, even a soldier prays for peace - perhaps more than others?

  • @viejvs I swear a lot in real life as it's part of our casual speech vocabulary in Australia... well for many of us. At least one bloody swear word in each sentence. lol

    But it's the tone associated by context that we know that most times it's harmless and sometimes even reason to laugh. "Hey ya bloody mongrel", etc.
    Unfortunately that same tone doesn't translate the same via text or to many other nationalities.

    I am guilty of verbally swearing on the Ferry but I was referring to myself and crew calling us "a bunch of old ....s" and even that was taken the wrong way. The other dude took it as if I was calling him that name.

    I have since tried to tone my language down even further.
    But there is simply no excuse for racism or calling someone's mother a derogatory name.

    We've had a crew member insulted on the ferry but he was smart enough to turn it into the abuser's frustration by repeatedly asking him "Why are you calling my mother a door?" between the abuser's insulting rants.
    It was funny at the time and I think the abusive dude may have "rage quit" the server.
    We should have just reported him. I think that I might still have the video recording of it.

  • This is an option to report via Microsoft, you can report them via gamertag. Not really sure how this is a RARE problem but I am one of these people that live where we like our borders I suppose, that in its self sounds racist to me but hey now days when you lose your lollipop it is generally race related. Good day & happy sailing ;)

  • @monstar-flynt yes, I want borders in game too. so we will never have to cross over. Good day & happy sailing for you too ;)

  • On chat in 'The Sea Of Thieves" ( don't know if I can quote) : "black persons without prophylactics "

  • @viejvs You sunglasses wearing so and so ;p

  • @capn-clegg dijo en Stop racism and abuse in game:

    On chat in 'The Sea Of Thieves" ( don't know if I can quote) : "black persons without prophylactics "

    @capn-clegg dijo en Stop racism and abuse in game:

    @viejvs You sunglasses wearing so and so ;p

    now yes ... I'm lost
    I don't understand anything or I've missed something. LOL

  • I've only rarely had people even shout at me in game let alone make racist slurs. When I watch US movies I hear a lot of cursting so it must be common there. Where I'm from there's some cursing but not as much as in the US.

    I've never understood why people want to close borders when a small demographic is being idiotic. I don't want to lose the ability to play with people from across the ocean because some of them shan't behave. (not that I've seen them a whole lot in my game time)

  • @hynieth My personal experience with people from US is nice. I think maybe it was a mistake to say that they are always from the same country. Although it's true, I didn't say which. I will not say it. They already know it, but if someone has felt alluded. I'm very sorry, it was not my intention.

    I have said about borders and many people have thought about Trump or something like that but I didn't refer to that border. LOL

  • @viejvs we'll build that wall and make the Americans pay for it!

  • Thank you @capn-clegg , your three comments in my post are of great value. sarcasm mode

  • @viejvs you meant sarcasm.

  • In all honesty, every country, race, etc, has their irritants that can reflect poorly. My clan is US based, but worldwide. We have a code of conduct against this kind of behavior. Some of the best people I know come from a myriad of different countries and we're much better off having access to each other.
    Sorry you've been having a rough time of it lately. Just don't think there is any wall that can be built to separate you from all players that you seek to avoid, because they cross all borders and creeds. Cheers

  • @viejvs I don't care what skin color a person is behind an avatar. I don't care if they are male or female or sea monkey for that matter. There isn't a reason for any name calling that involve what a person looks like behind the avatar or political..religious etc...
    There is no need for any of it in games. Nor do I think developers should support any real world issues in games for the most part. Though I thought when Christopher Reeve died and City of Heroes players paid tribute was awesome.

    So as others have said, report it best you can.

  • @doubledragun

    Sorry What!
    Keep to the OP's issue.... off topic attempt at humour.

    edit... I haven't experienced the OP's issue however. But I respect the sentiment.
    There are ways and means to report abuse to Rare I suggest @Deckhands can suggest the method

  • @piratecraggy Obviously you haven't read one message on this thread. Someone mentioned Trump and the Wall so I confirmed their belief.

  • @doubledragun
    well done then... impressive

  • @doubledragun

    Please do not post in all caps, and do not bait other users, especially with politics. All of these are against the forum rules. As you have been warned several times for rule violations, you will be temporarily banned.

  • Hi!

    You must be new so let me be the first to welcome you to the internet.

    In particular online gaming in particular Xbox Live.

    Hell if you think it’s bad now man you should have seen Call of Duty at its peak on x360.

    It’s way better now than it ever has been.

  • i don't like to pre-judge, but i feel pretty confident that the people throwing out racist and homophobic slurs left and right under the umbrella of the internet are amongst the lowest forms of humans i encounter. to quote the president, "really low iq individuals". instead of anger towards them feel pity.

  • @squallycircle7 yeah...the current occupier of 1600 is all about that 😆

  • My stream team actually has clips of a mother, her child and im guessing boyfriend just spamming voice with go F yourself you F'n, F. Like pure trailer park queen. We called her out on the fact that she is a mom gaming with her child and talking like that. All she could come up with... I hope you die. lol

  • @monstar-flynt said in Stop racism and abuse in game:

    This is an option to report via Microsoft, you can report them via gamertag. Not really sure how this is a RARE problem but I am one of these people that live where we like our borders I suppose, that in its self sounds racist to me but hey now days when you lose your lollipop it is generally race related. Good day & happy sailing ;)

    The problem with reporting via Microsoft is that it sometimes does not work. For example, I was streaming at the time when a "pleasant" gentleman came onto our ship and started griefing, throwing our loot from our ship into the water and insulting me. I was on a galleon with another crewmate who was AFK at the time, so it wasn't possible to brig the toxic player, but the video clip of the stream was sent to the RARE support to deal with his toxicity.

    If you're wondering, this is the link to the video clip (if it doesn't redirect you, the timestamp is 01:29:29) and you can see that Microsoft reporting simply fails to report him (and apologies for the Xbox app not being in English, I simply have no idea why it's in my native language, or how to even change it).
    I'm just hoping that RARE support can deal with the issue, because if he just came onto our ship like that, I am very certain he has done it to others, as well.

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