I am the only real Pirate Legend in this game!

  • How I play:

    Step 1: Grab 3 Soul Quests

    Step 2: Collect a bunch of glowing Skulls real quick.

    Step 3: I decorate my ship with Glowing Green Skulls on the top / end of all the masts and Bow and Sides of the ship!

    By this time I have 300 Cannon Balls and I am a fully armed decked out glowing PVP War Machine!!!

    I sail the seas pursuing any ship I can find adding to my loot collection. Being a "Real" Pirate I don't hide anything! I bedazzle my ship with loot daring anyone to "come at me".

    I'm like that Crab on Moana.

    Why do I do this? I'll explain. IT'S FUN!

    It brings me joy, just imaging what the folks on the other ships must be saying and thinking and knowing how I am making their game experience that night so unique and exciting.

    The most difficult part is finding crew members that are OK with this. So annoying when I've gathered 8 skulls on my own and some random wants to go back to Port and sell them!

    I had some PVE'ers the other night join. They said they never PVP. When I explained the skulls and what I was doing they all loved it and even though we got sunk and lost all my decorations they said it was the coolest most fun they had to date.

    Plus the ship.that beat us got a great reward for doing so and imagine how fun it was when day turned to night to look behin them and see all this glowing chasing after them!!!

    Anyway, I already have my outfit. Not much else I need gold for. So I encourage anyone else at that point that enjoys PVP to start customizing their ships with loot as well.

    It's really fun for everyone and gives a great experience. Some ships will run from you, some will will chase you.

    So if you would be down for this tyoe.of play add me to your friends list please and feel free to join me!

  • 3
  • YES I agree I do the same thing, also I do not know if I am aloud to but I wrote my first story mind checking it out? - https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/61487/story-chapter-1-the-hungering-deep-captain-duro-hungering-deep-update-story

  • Thats what we do, put as many treasures on the outside as possible, line the planks with chests, line the masts with skulls, come try n get it, no one has yet

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