Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?

  • So the Hungering Deep is getting closer and it seems that most people are saying it's a Megalodon Shark as the next big monster we are fighting. I personally like the idea of a giant shark to take on and it seems like people's evidence on it being a shark seems legit. However, we are just days away from this update and I think that maybe too many people are set on it being a Megalodon shark, and while I think so too...WHAT IF IT ISN'T?

    Now I'm not saying that people are wrong, but I don't want people complaining if it isn't, just like some people who were so fixated on things with the movie Star Wars Last Jedi when theorists were wrong about what was gonna happen in that movie started complaining when they saw the movie and found out they were wrong.

    Still a Megalodon Shark is good, but I did think of other possibilities for this sea monster we will be challenging. These are based off of somethings that I've watched other people mention on youtube, but still seem valid in my opinion.

    1. A giant sea serpent/Leviathan: a serpent or dragon like creature that the ancient people believed to be a shark, I think it holds up nicely. Maybe the depictions in the teaser trailer and on the islands were slightly off and it was a sea serpent or Leviathan that the ancient people worshipped. I can see this...

    2. A giant crab: people have taken notice to the crab at the start to the teaser trailer and there is one depiction of a crab with people around it looking as if they are fighting it with one person being sacrificed to it. Maybe what people saw in the water in the one picture that people say it's a shark is really a crab arm or pincer under the water. I don't know, but I can also see this...

    3. King Trident or Neptune in the form of a giant shark: I know this is technically the same as Megalodon Shark, but instead it's Trident or Neptune who appears this way. This is because of the water around shark bait cove (where most of the depictions for hungering deep seem to come from) center shark statue had the same tune as when a mermaid appears to bring you back to your ship plus also the unmarked islands when looking at certain statues or artifacts. Perhaps it's the mermaids...

    These are just my speculations, what are some other ones that you guys thought of and can hint off why so?

  • 18
  • This image convinces me...
    If not... it's pretty big anyhow... .:-)

    alt text

  • @piratecraggy to me, that picture makes me think it's more likely Leviathan or the sea serpent, with it's 2 eyes that seem snake like or serpent like...

    Whatever it is, it's gonna be huge...

  • @thegreatluthe

    You are right... it could be something else.
    However with the seas flooded with normal sharks at the moment I am guessing this could be their "mummy".... :-)

  • It's Could be some hybrid of a megladon and leviathan just based on how the forward shape looks. either way it will be interesting to see!!

  • @thegreatluthe said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    @piratecraggy to me, that picture makes me think it's more likely Leviathan or the sea serpent, with it's 2 eyes that seem snake like or serpent like...

    Shark eyes

    just my 2 cents

  • It's definitely a big shark.

  • @crimsonraziel oh...well, that shows how much I know about sharks. Still, it is gonna be interesting...

  • @thegreatluthe

    Think they have just used artistic license
    re. the double eye look... my money is still on Megalodon.
    Would love to be proved wrong..... I like surprises...:-)

  • @thegreatluthe If you look around other islands, you'll see giant birds and giant boars or at least paintings of them.
    That, combined with a leviathan you'll have the three mythical/biblical beasts.
    Giant bird = Ziz
    Giant boar = Behemoth
    Giant sea thingy = Leviathan

    So from that standpoint a simple "giant shark" wouldn't do the trick.

  • Given that the creature has four eyes, and is apparently massive, it would make more sense to call it a Leviathan rather than a megalodon- even if it is very similar to a shark.

  • @thegreatluthe Considering the new items have a distinctive "shark" theme. I think it's safe to say we'll be battling something sharky at the very least.

  • @thegreatluthe i don’t know how to link a time on a video, but on this video here at the 33:24 mark, you get a look at one of the devs monitors fullscreen, look in the bottom left corner, what do you see right underneath ‘Kraken’...

    Pretty much confirmed.

  • @solidsnakemig NOICE!

  • le·vi·a·than
    a very large aquatic creature, especially a whale.

    I'm pretty sure its going to be a shark themed Leviathan.

  • @el-dunco said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    a very large aquatic creature, especially a whale.

    I'm pretty sure its going to be a shark themed Leviathan.

    According to the Tanakh the Leviathan shares traits with dragons, snakes, crocodiles and whales.

    But sure, could be a shark themed Leviathan. And maybe a parrot themed Ziz in future updates! :D
    Lacking a suggestion for Behemoth. I know, I already feel bad. :(

  • @crimsonraziel said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    @el-dunco said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    a very large aquatic creature, especially a whale.

    I'm pretty sure its going to be a shark themed Leviathan.

    According to the Tanakh the Leviathan shares traits with dragons, snakes, crocodiles and whales.

    But sure, could be a shark themed Leviathan. And maybe a parrot themed Ziz in future updates! :D
    Lacking a suggestion for Behemoth. I know, I already feel bad. :(

    Is it weird that I want a Skull Island where a giant Donkey Kong makes an appearance?

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    @solidsnakemig said in Hungering Deep, Is It Really A Megalodon Shark?:

    @thegreatluthe i don’t know how to link a time on a video, but on this video here at the 33:24 mark, you get a look at one of the devs monitors fullscreen, look in the bottom left corner, what do you see right underneath ‘Kraken’...

    Pretty much confirmed.

    Ahhh, good catch.

    That pretty much confirms it. /thread. Thanks for coming out everyone!

17 out of 18