Xbox to Pc

  • On my xbox acc I had like 170k gold and decent rep. When I switched to pc and downloaded the game it asked me to make a new pirate(haven't done it yet) and i'm also sure that it is the same Microsoft acc. Can I not transfer over my progress or am I missing something?

  • 11
  • You must be logged in with a different account. Check which account is logged into the xbox app.

  • @reliableskunk
    As stated above you must be logged in on a device with a different MS account.
    Sign out of all your MS accounts on ALL your devices, PC, phone, console etc
    Then try signing in with your correct Xbox account details on your pc & also in the xbox app

  • Many windows 10 users get to create a new online account when installing their machine.

    You are indeed most likely not logged in with that same account in your xbox app / windows store

    Also - as you state you 'switched to pc' - did you purchase the game again?

  • @ravadosh
    He doesn't need to buy another copy, this is a play anywhere title, so can be installed on pc & xbox with just 1 copy!

  • @logansdadtoo that is actually not fully right ;) there is also a xbox retailed version which you can only play on xbox, the download version is for both platforms :)

  • @shikia-caeleaum
    hahaha, I guess I stand corrected, I have not bought retail for so many years now that I forgot about that possibility :D

  • @logansdadtoo said in Xbox to Pc:

    He doesn't need to buy another copy, this is a play anywhere title, so can be installed on pc & xbox with just 1 copy!

    Well yes that was my thought exactly hence the discusssion about have the same account or not :)

  • @shikia-caeleaum
    I'm sure the OP is aware of that, hence why they said they had downloaded the game to their PC (therefore digital play anywhere version!)

  • @logansdadtoo I did reply to the wrong person sry I meant to reply to @Ravadosh since he asked about the second purchase :D
    and yes I am sure the OP knew about that :)

  • @shikia-caeleaum
    No probs buddy ;)

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