Thanks for announcing the upcoming future content video

  • Worrying about how long I might have to wait before I know if there will ever be a reliable way for me to enjoy the game was really bugging me, thanks for announcing your intention to release a video about future content next week. I'm quite content to wait a week, now that I know it's coming.

    For those who haven't seen it yet, here is the announcement. Scroll to the bottom to find the bit about the video.

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  • Don't get too excited. They did not specifically say it would be about future content.

    We plan to release a video next week updating everyone on how we plan to evolve Sea of Thieves moving forward.

    I am betting they worded it this way for a reason. #SeaofTease

  • @lifewcoke yeah, you could be right... I am already so disappointed by my experiences that I really can't afford to make that assumption though ;) for now I'm just gonna have to cross my fingers, and if the video doesn't answer any of my questions... well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Thanks for the reply!

  • @lifewcoke woah it will be about content dont you notice the "ASAP" ? The whole text is about content: We hear and understand that people are keen to understand what our plans are for updating Sea of Thieves, beyond the top experience fixes. We are currently in the midst of adjusting our roadmap based on feedback we have received since launch, with a ton of planning meetings continuing through this week. We plan to release a video next week updating everyone on how we plan to evolve Sea of Thieves moving forward. We totally understand that people want to see this ASAP, but the critical thing here is to have the right plan that allows Sea of Thieves to grow in the right way.

  • @mrguymm Thanks for the link matey! Lots of interesting stuff in there, and hopefully some answers to many of the questions bouncing about the forum these days.

  • @opatschi I read the whole thing but I have been around long enough to know that what they type and what they actually mean are usually different things. I am interested to see what they address but actions speak louder than words.

  • As an aside, since RARE has most likely not even started making the video yet, here is an example of a way they could tell us a bit about what they are planning while still keeping to their policy of having lots of surprises in store.

    Lets assume they have an update planned which will include the addition of a Megalodon Attack emergent event on the high seas, 2 new kinds of aggressive wildlife for islands, and a third ship to go alongside sloops and galleons. These could be announced in the following cryptic yet informative ways

    "The Kraken will be getting a new friend." This would let us know that a new high seas monster battle was on the way, but still let players have that "OMG it's a giant shark!" moment the first time they see a huge dorsal fin breaking the waves. For all we know, it could be a new version of the Kraken that behaves very differently, or a giant crab, or whatever else.

    "Islands will be getting more crowded, and more dangerous." Again, this would reveal that new somethings would be waiting for us on shore, but not clarify if they were animals, new skeletons, NPC pirates looking for a fight, etc.

    "The ships that sail the Sea of Thieves will be getting more interesting." Which could mean new ship customization, new ship types, new features aboard existing ships, and so on.

    Hope this in some small way helps RARE decide exactly what to say in their videos, the next one and beyond.

  • @lifewcoke well I get that let's wait for the coming week. In the meantime I still have fun with the game :D

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