Suggestion: A new Chest called the (Thieves chest)

  • A chest that steals gold from people who carry it and burdens them (slows them down) and the stolen gold adds to the reward pool But, extremely rare almost like the kraken "chests name: the Thieves chest.

  • 5
  • @foxdragon2208 weird idea, but one question what does the chest do to a pirate who is broke and has no gold?

  • @foxdragon2208 : could give a incentive to turn in said chest and could land you a fat hansom gold pile if say it was passed by pirate to pirate of course it splits the gold evenly to everyone in the crew.

  • @noxsamus good question well i thought perhaps it could just do nothing but gives the player who is broke that turned it in 800 or less gold . and maybe it could be gold locked i as in nobody whos has gold can not pick said chest up thank you for asking thoughh hopefuly i answered your question.

  • @foxdragon2208 sorry for the sloppy words and sentences just its early in the morning still waking up

3 out of 5