A little Pirate Story that literally just happened.

  • First of all, YES I was Solo Sailing in my Sloop - had been doing some Gold hoards, and other fun quests but decided to just go sailing for a bit.

    Spotted another sloop, so I gave chase for the fun... We fired on each other a couple of times but never truly could do much as we were both just flying by each other very fast, maybe a single shot hit each, but they were quickly repaired and water bucketted.
    This took us both to complete opposite sides of the map!

    Deciding to give up on them, it was nearing dark and I spotted a Galleon had just docked on a nearby Outpost, he had on all his lights, and I was running dark.

    So I snuck up on the ship, anchored right next to them and Jumped aboard their ship -
    No-one around, so I lowered their sails, pulled the Wheel slightly to the left and began raising their anchor, just got it raised when one of the crew had just gotten back on board, a quick sword duel ensued that I managed to win, and I quickly jumped over board as his Galleon started sailing into the Sunset - Crewless in a LARGE Circle (hoping it would hit some nearby Rocks or something)

    So, I got on my ship and began following it too, put a few cannonballs into it myself, but somehow some of the crew got back on board (Magic, Mermaids, something?)

    Anyway, they tried to run away from me but I kept tail, and they must have given up as they Dropped Anchor neared some Large Rock clusters.

    I circled nearby a couple of times and put about another 6 Cannonballs into the hull but still wasn't going down... So I slowed up nearby and they started shooting at me, while one tried to board me - Sword duel again and I got lucky once more. But another had climbed up and got me with a Blunderbuss Shot.

    So in Deaths Grasp, the one I had killed and I had a quick chat and laugh about it, and called a truce... we got back to our Ships and they began sailing off, but collided with my Sloop and... started sinking!

    It was at this point I felt really bad for them, so I offered them safe Passage on my Sloop to the nearest Outpost so they could sell their chests - they thanked me, and I did just that.

    The moral of the story is, you don't have to be a Murdering Jerk to have fun, Kill them once, but then make peace.

    Also, 5 Guys on a Single Sloop - SO very crowded!

  • 7
  • @wulfric-nick83

    Quite the story mate, thank ye for sharing.

    If a crew ye be looking for , look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

  • @aodmarine59 Thank ye! I'll keep ye all in mind if my Cabins feel a bit empty!

  • @wulfric-nick83 said in A little Pirate Story that literally just happened.:

    @aodmarine59 Thank ye! I'll keep ye all in mind if my Cabins feel a bit empty!

    Ye be very welcome

  • its stories like this that makes this game!

  • @wulfric-nick83 Ha!! Great story!

  • @wulfric-nick83 said in A little Pirate Story that literally just happened.:

    First of all, YES I was Solo Sailing in my Sloop - had been doing some Gold hoards, and other fun quests but decided to just go sailing for a bit.

    Spotted another sloop, so I gave chase for the fun... We fired on each other a couple of times but never truly could do much as we were both just flying by each other very fast, maybe a single shot hit each, but they were quickly repaired and water bucketted.
    This took us both to complete opposite sides of the map!

    Deciding to give up on them, it was nearing dark and I spotted a Galleon had just docked on a nearby Outpost, he had on all his lights, and I was running dark.

    So I snuck up on the ship, anchored right next to them and Jumped aboard their ship -
    No-one around, so I lowered their sails, pulled the Wheel slightly to the left and began raising their anchor, just got it raised when one of the crew had just gotten back on board, a quick sword duel ensued that I managed to win, and I quickly jumped over board as his Galleon started sailing into the Sunset - Crewless in a LARGE Circle (hoping it would hit some nearby Rocks or something)

    So, I got on my ship and began following it too, put a few cannonballs into it myself, but somehow some of the crew got back on board (Magic, Mermaids, something?)

    Anyway, they tried to run away from me but I kept tail, and they must have given up as they Dropped Anchor neared some Large Rock clusters.

    I circled nearby a couple of times and put about another 6 Cannonballs into the hull but still wasn't going down... So I slowed up nearby and they started shooting at me, while one tried to board me - Sword duel again and I got lucky once more. But another had climbed up and got me with a Blunderbuss Shot.

    So in Deaths Grasp, the one I had killed and I had a quick chat and laugh about it, and called a truce... we got back to our Ships and they began sailing off, but collided with my Sloop and... started sinking!

    It was at this point I felt really bad for them, so I offered them safe Passage on my Sloop to the nearest Outpost so they could sell their chests - they thanked me, and I did just that.

    The moral of the story is, you don't have to be a Murdering Jerk to have fun, Kill them once, but then make peace.

    Also, 5 Guys on a Single Sloop - SO very crowded!

    Love this! Goes to show that even if you encounter battles, you can soon make your enemies become your piratey mateys!


4 out of 7