The Sword Lock-on, it's gone!

  • @teddy-25 said in Things that need to change for the PC version:

    You'll be pleased to know, that following more feedback on this after Final Beta - lock-on has been removed. Players rejoice! We may revisit this in future as an optional setting but for now it's gone the way of Davy Jones.

  • 49
  • This news made my day :D

  • @bbf-adrye
    Glad to hear my forum lurking can, in some way, positively contribute to your day! Have a wonderful Tuesday matey :)

  • Eh, never really noticed it.

    But good for the people it was bothering, I suppose.

  • what's sword lock-on? If it's locking on to a target when fighting, I didn't ever notice it.

  • @v**a-hombre
    It was definitely noticeable to me, playing on a PC. Although I never found it all that bothersome either to be honest. But seeing how the lock has been debated/discussed on the forums for so long, I thought I'd share the news :)

    While sword fighting, your camera would automatically go towards the person you were hitting. I don't really know how to put it into words, but it was kinda like auto-aim for a sword. Which, to a lot of players, felt unnatural.

  • A democratic pool made this possible!

  • Great news!

  • This is great news!

  • Thank god, in 1vs1 it wasnt that bad but in a skeleton fort? shiver

  • @erinom3 Hold on a minute! Do they only remove it for the PC but keep it for us Xbox p***s? I really hope they'll remove it for both plattforms. I can't stand the aimbot.

  • @erinom3 i actually liked that lock-on. It gone everytime you stopped spamming LMB

  • @finanzminister I agree the forts is when I noticed

  • Ye, it really felt clunky during forts. Forced me to swing on one skeleton instead of running away mid swings and doing fancy stuff like sidestepping and hitting 3 skellies at once.

    Thank god for this!! :D

    Hugs 'n' kisses
    Cpt. Lancia

  • Good. It always seemed like I got paralyzed as soon as someone hit me with the sword

  • @v**a-hombre same here lol

  • Is the lock on gone on xbox too? Because it was even annoying there.

  • @tm101593 different issue. The autolock would almost spin your character 180 to slash stuff. Really annoying on PC due to mouse and keyboard.

  • @cnt-thelrox hey dont hate on xbox users cause they put something stupid in the game haha

  • @erinom3 @teddy-25 What about the sword stun?

  • @foxdodge
    I don't have the answers :( I'm just the.. ehh.. messenger... ?

  • @erinom3 PC and XBOX?

  • I guess the 773 votes in this poll played its role. Thanks to everyone who voted! It shows that when we unite and show Rare there is a problem with something and that it's not just a few scattered rants over forums, they help and they solve. Thank you Rare.

  • @cnt-thelrox Lol, I'm on Xbox and hated the auto-lock, too.

  • Thank you Rare! Democracy prevails!

  • @papasohan
    @CNT-Thelrox is an Xbox user...

    I don't know if it's been removed for both platforms, I am merely a messenger sharing information with people who might not have found out otherwise.

  • thx god !
    now just remove the snare on aiming and will be perfect

  • I'm glad it's gone, it did get irritating a lot of the time.

  • @erinom3 dijo en The Sword Lock-on, it's gone!:

    @teddy-25 said in Things that need to change for the PC version:

    You'll be pleased to know, that following more feedback on this after Final Beta - lock-on has been removed. Players rejoice! We may revisit this in future as an optional setting but for now it's gone the way of Davy Jones.

    I really wanted this change. Thanks Rare!

  • @erinom3 sagte in The Sword Lock-on, it's gone!:

    @CNT-Thelrox is an Xbox user...

    I don't know if it's been removed for both platforms, I am merely a messenger sharing information with people who might not have found out otherwise.

    It would suck if we p***s keep the autolock but the elitists got it removed. Not fair.

    Enough reason for me to gather a few fellow plebians, equipped with pitchforks and torches to drive out the evil from the ivory tower.

  • I'm sorry to drag you into this @teddy-25, as I'm sure you're very busy. I realize you focus on the PC version of the game, but would you be able to provide some clarity if the "lock-on" has been removed all-together on both platforms ? That would fantastic, and really appreciated :)

  • Keep it positive folks, a little less of the "p**b" comments please :)

    Yeah it's turned off for controller and keyboard across both PC and Xbox. Like I say we may revisit it in future because it was there with good intent to help players aim but we appreciate not everyone needed it or liked it. The polls and public feedback was certainly almost entirely one directional.

  • @teddy-25 a dit dans The Sword Lock-on, it's gone! :

    Keep it positive folks, a little less of the "p**b" comments please :)

    Yeah it's turned off for controller and keyboard across both PC and Xbox. Like I say we may revisit it in future because it was there with good intent to help players aim but we appreciate not everyone needed it or liked it. The polls and public feedback was certainly almost entirely one directional.

    YES ! Many thanks. That's lovely to hear.
    Could we get rid of the stun too ? (not the knockback, only the stun)
    And a sensitivity slider for the eye of the reach.
    And that would be perfect !

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