We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha

  • cant wait to play!

  • @abstractseven70
    Hiya! So, because you pre-ordered you should be able to partake in the closed beta early next year. I do not know of any other sessions besides the closed beta. They havent said anything about being able to play earlier than release either.

  • It has been an awesome journey. So excited for the next year of Sea of Thieves.

  • @khaleesibot it says im a founder in my profile and i played alpha in the finale session however it doesn't show when i post a reply in the forums

  • Cannot wait for the next play session, had a great time in Alpha. Excited to see what will come next!

  • @yoshirimitsu i never got a notification 😭

  • @xx-lyvielou-xx Feels bad man :(

    @marblesmile3631 That’s a question you should ask to Rare really.

    From my side I can add that being an Insider still gives you access to a forum where you can find plenty of amazing people and read through all the posts.

  • @marblesmile3631 Being part of the Insider Programme still gets you exclusive information and information before the general public gets it. This info is usually included in the emails that Insiders get.

  • @ajm123 Can you try logging of the forum, clearing your browser cache and logging back in? That could make your Founder badge appear. It is just a forum visual glitch.

  • @abstractseven70 The closed beta is coming sometime in January. We don't have an exact date yet but come January I would be keeping eyes on the forum or Rare's social media outlets for more news :)

  • Was Amazingly fun!

  • And I din't got to play it, got the email, but there was no instructions of how to download, is not fair... :-(

  • Well, it was an honor to take park of the Alpha! I hope to see more possibilities in the game soon. it is a game that you definitely need a microphone to discuss :)

  • Can't wait to see what's in store for next year! I haven't been able to participate as much as I would've liked this year (traveling, school), but I'm definitely excited to try out the Closed Beta. Thank you so much, and happy holidays!

  • @khaleesibot
    Thank you for the game we've all been waiting years for!! Played the Technical Alpha and was blown away, iv been itching to play it since it ended.
    What an amazing game - looking forward to 100's of hours of pirate adventures dead ahead in the new year w beta and full launch in march.
    Great job following thru on all the anticipation - think you've created something w a cult following to come!

  • @ionei-falcon i did that already

  • @ethan-kruger same i have it in profile not in forum

  • waits by the computer to set sail

  • It's a shame to see it go if only we could play up until the release of the beta 😢

  • @khaleesibot said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    Ahoy there Pirates!

    We hope those of you who had the opportunity to enjoyed your voyage this past week, and we’re so glad you could be part of the biggest and best Sea of Thieves Technical Alpha ever! We’ve had some epic stories shared with us, including an amazing gold haul!

    Alas, as with all good things - we must bring the Technical Alpha to a close. Your feedback and the data you've generated in the past year of testing has helped get Sea of Thieves ship-shape. To thank you for your help during this stage in development, we’ve granted you the title of Founder!


    So what does being a Founder mean? Well other than sounding incredibly fancy you get:

    • Guaranteed access to the Closed Beta in 2018 so you can continue your swashbuckling ways!
    • A brand new forum badge to show your fellow pirates you’re not to be trifled with.

    With the end of the Technical Alpha means we’re going to be doing some general housekeeping in the Forums, there will be categories that merge, some that have become read only and categories that have disappeared. Our goal in this is to open up the forums to use as we noticed that some categories (Technical Alpha and Insider) were used disproportionately more than others.

    We’ll be back in 2018 with information on the Sea of Thieves Closed Beta and even more sneak peeks for what’s coming in Sea of Thieves, so stay tuned!

    NO thank u see u in 2018

  • I need this game back in my life ASAP.

  • What does pioneer tester get

  • Its been a Rare game experiense for sure :-)

    Long time since I enjoyed myself so much in a game. Well done, and I look forward to CB and more importantly! Release

  • I can't wait for beta I love this game

  • Sad boi :(

  • Farewell for now maties. I hope to see ya in the closed beta.

  • Thanks for the months of awesome gameplay and memories! 2018 is gonna be awesome.

  • I wasn't able to play the alpha but I was invited so that means I'm a founder too?

  • @john-gribble said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    I wasn't able to play the alpha but I was invited so that means I'm a founder too?

    It would say Founder next too your name tag if you were

  • No game Fill my patience i need for Sot Beta... i was counting the day to january 1st... When suddenly i read a post who said the beta will probably start end of JANUARY!!!!!?????!!!!!! NOOOOOOO..... WHAT CAN I DOOO??? i post 100 time "pirate game" in google browser per day... look and relook Sot dev gameplay.... Think of futur naval tactic I might do with what i seen.... ( explosive barrils)... what a lovely tool i can t stop think about you!!! how will i use you!!!! HAHAHAHA (Evil laugh!)

    Serious.... is all this healthy??? i start to think i should go check my brain or put it to sleep till beta open!!!! FROZE ME PLEASE!!!

  • Thought that people who sign in before december 1st would be able to play in the alpha but apparently not... 😢

  • @p0ny-warri0r said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    Thought that people who sign in before december 1st would be able to play in the alpha but apparently not... 😢

    You could.. but only when the playsession was Live. (you got the founder badge)
    the playsession was live between Dec 14-20 if i remember correctly.

  • What an amazing Game!
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to experience the love that you all have pored into it! Keep up the fantastic work!

  • @khaleesibot nice !

  • @memmymo yeah but i'm talking about my Best friend who has not been invited, it kept saying that he was not authorized to play. But he has been invited to the Beta so just a couple of week to wait ! (sorry if my english is bad, not my first language)

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