We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha

  • 5 Days fun... bought an extra headset, never had multiplayer before like this. Thx a lot

  • @khaleesibot Its been a blast, or rather its been like being blasted from a cannon while hurtling along at full pelt on a galleon and still landing perfectly, right next to where X marks the spot !
    Looking forward to the Beta now !

  • It was too short in my opinion, but it was good, and the closed beta is comming in 2018 so...

  • Thank you for the hard work on the Technical Alpha, hopefully you'll optimise the game even more before its release!

  • Can't wait for full release!

  • Thank you, Rare, for this beautiful game (and I'm not just talking about the visuals).
    One of my most played games in 2017 (even being a limited access alpha) and one of my favorite games of all time (even being unfinished).

    I can't wait for what's next (being a chicken-chaser??)

  • @khaleesibot Thanks for the oppourtunity to test this incredible game. Hats off to everyone at rare and the Deckhands for creating such a great experience at such an early stage for the game. Look forward to seeing more!

  • I had a blast playing the SoT TA i had only one problem yesterday but even though i got spawnkilled on my ship for 10 minutes though it was still really fun

  • One of the best alpha experiences I've been apart of. Not only were changes made and detailed to us but communication was huge. Thanks for letting me join, can't wait until the beta/full release.

  • Thank you to Rare for the opportunity to take part in this. I have had a blast with the Alpha so far, and have loved seeing how the game has evolved already. I also want to thank you guys for treating this as a proper Alpha rather than just a super early demo of the game. Too often these days game developers sort of muddy the water in terms of what "beta" means, which has created a lot of cynicism in regards to how much developers are listening to their player base, if at all. It has been very refreshing to experience this first-hand.

  • Thank you!! Thank you for allowing me to take part in the Alpha. Been here since the first 1000 picked. It has been amazing to watch it grow and evolve over the year =) here to more in 2018!! Merry Christmas to all
    Nekoish x

  • I realy enjoyed this Alpha, cant wait to Play the Beta and the füll Game at Release !

  • Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this adventure! can't wait to see you again in 2018!

  • Can’t wait to play the full game

  • @khaleesibot

    Was quite a ride, and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you so much to all the Rare employee's for choosing me to participate in the alpha for as long as I was able to! It's been an experience of a lifetime and i'll never forget it.

    Here's to bigger and better things! Including this fancy new badge!


  • @donnydanger78 I had no idea I was a founder I wonder what I did lol

  • Alpha was fun. Can't wait to see more pirates about these waters! Had a blast and can't wait to see more.

  • @glitterqueen86

    [Q]: My Technical Alpha badge has become a Founder badge. What does that mean?
    [A]: As we move into the next phase of development, we wanted to acknowledge all those players who've helped us build and polish Sea of Thieves by sailing in the Technical Alpha and sharing their feedback. So rather than just phasing out the Technical Alpha badge, we've changed it to the Founder badge to provide longer-lasting recognition of their contributions!

  • It has been an honor to be part of the Alpha testers and even more to continue being part of this great community.

    A greeting comrades!
    alt text

  • @glitterqueen86 the TA badge is now the founder badge as the TA is now over. Lol

  • @katttruewalker thankyou

  • good bye alpha i enjoyed playing this for sucha long time.

  • Goodbye alpha :'(

  • Thanks all, Had a great time with the game and on the forum.
    Thank you People of Rare for this experience and this great game.
    It has been alot of fun and i hope to come across you again on the vast oceans in Sea of Thieves.

    Happy Hollidays everyone.

  • Thank you Rare for the opportunity to participate in the Technical Alpha and interacting with the most welcoming and lovely community here on the Forums, (the official inofficial) Discord, the Xbox Club and on the High Seas!

    It was a blast - and i can't wait to see what's next - 2018 can't come soon enough!

  • alt text

    2018...cant wait!!

  • It has been a great honor and brought me only joy to have been invited into The Glorious Technical Alpha but alas, as you said, all things must come to an end eventually.

    However, let us not look upon this as the end of the alpha, but as yet another step closer to the release of this game that's shaping up to be something special, and the beginning of the exciting beta next year. I've made fun memories in this game unlike any other game I've played before. Thanks again, happy holidays, and see you next year! (Feels like a long time when you say it that way...)

  • i can t wait to play again

  • I had an amazing time during the Alpha. I can't even begin to put into words how thankful I am to Rare for the opportunity. I met some awesome pirates and shared amazing experiences. I've gone through the gauntlet of emotions during the Alpha. Anger, frustration, sadness, happiness, ecstatic joy; this game has put me through it all. I honestly very sad to have the Alpha come to the end, but it's greatly outweighed by the hope I have for the beta. I really believe this will be one of the greatest games I've ever played.

    I wish I were better with words to express how grateful I am, but anyone I have played with knows I'm a N*********l with no social skills. I truly am thankful, and look forward to seeing you fellow Founders during the beta. Happy holidays everyone

  • @khaleesibot looking forward to playing the beta and the full game, fully intend to purchase this upon release!

    Avast SoT!

  • Really enjoyed the Alpha, it was a while since i played SoT and argh you guys have improved the game! The graphics are amazing, very beautifull and perfect for the game. Sharks are scary.
    I cant wait to see what you will add to the game, the gameplay is so far engading and its so suspensefull when you come across another ship, "is it friendly, will they steal my treasures?". I had one session where I had four treasure chests on my boat, played by myself, and came across another single man ship when i was on my way to sell the treasure. I was so nervous he would chase and try to take my treasure so I decided to stop and ring my bell to try and figure out his intention. Turns out he was friendly and I jumped to his ship to check it out and to give him resources to become friends (yes, i only did it to protect my chests). On my way back to my ship i see three masts in the horizion... A big ship is incomming :D both of us on the smal ships freaked out and set sail to get away. It was great.

  • @khaleesibot you need to sppt more players.. only see 1 ship in one hour

  • @khaleesibot It was a wonderful experience, thank you. Greetings from brazil

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