How to Flag Posts.

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    Please find below links to detailed instructions on how to effectively FLAG a post/topic/user to get the attention from our Sea of Thieves Forum Deckhands & Crew.

    But first, a small disclaimer from the Deckhands.
    We would like to thank everyone for taking the time and consideration in making the Sea of Thieves Forum a welcoming and enjoyable place to be. Without you, we have no community and thankfully for us we have one of the best communities around!

    We'd like to keep it that way, because as the game nears closer and closer to launch, we expect forum traffic to increase and with that more posts to review and moderate. Contrary to popular pirate belief the Deckhands don't see everything which means we are going to need your help!

    To keep this place looking ship-shape we ask that you assist us, the @Deckhands, with keeping an eye on things. If you find a topic, a comment or a user you feel goes against our Pirates Code (detailed below) we would appreciate it if you could anonymously flag it for review.

    Quick Links -

    1) What is a Flag?

    2) What should be Flagged?

    3) The Pirate Code

    4) How to Flag Forum Content

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  • What is a Flag?

    This one should be easy, right?
    We're all Pirates here, we all KNOW that a flag is used on a ship like much like a signature to the Captain & their crew. To strike fear into the hearts of those at sea...

    But what about a "FLAG" in the context of a Forum?

    Well, a flag is a way of notifying the moderation team about anything you read on the forum that you believe breaches our Code of Conduct... or more thematically, the Pirates Code.

    By following the below steps you can send a private notification to Rare's community team and the Deckhands for case-by-case review. So please while you browse, interact and engage in discussions aboard with your fellow Pirate, be sure to flag anything that doesn't belong among our community.

  • What should be Flagged?

    Unfortunately, not everyone on the internet is as pleasant as you and I and some times that will mean we find a troublemaker below deck...

    What do we do with troublemakers? We send 'em to the depths!

    Below are some of the main reasons you may consider to Flag content.

    • Offensive Language
    • Adult Content (R18+)
    • Personal Attacks / Threats
    • Spam (Repetitive Content)
    • Malicious 'Trolling'
    • Non-Disclosure Agreement Breachs
    • Duplicate Topic / Comments
    • Personal Information (Emails / Phone numbers)

    We thank you for considering the above and avoiding to post anything that breaches the Microsoft Services Agreement or the Xbox Live Code of Conduct

  • Sea of Thieves promotes a positive multiplayer experience and below you will find The Pirate Code which the community helped develop alongside Rare Ltd. These articles apply to everyone in the community, in and out of the game.

    click the picture for a larger view
    OR click here for the Pirate Code discussion

  • How to Flag Forum Content

    So you've found something you believe needs to be reviewed, it's time to flag it.

    In this example, I'm upset with @KattTruewalker for getting 136 upvotes for a picture of gold whereas my post only got 12!... Please note, this is NOT a valid reason for a flag. I'm just hilarious...

    alt text

    At the bottom right hand corner of the problem post/topic or user you will find the Helm icon (1) follow the below steps.

    1. Press the Helm icon - A drop down menu will appear.

    Filling in the Flag Request

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    (1) Once you have optioned to flag a post you will see the above window appear. You may either submit the post as SPAM or OFFENSIVE by pressing the quick report buttons


    (2) You can specify why it is you would like to flag the post/comment or user with more detail. This option may help our moderation team understand why you are bringing attention to the post.

    (3) After filling in the appropriate details, Press the SUBMIT REPORT button.

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