Hazelnutbeard error.

  • While waiting to receive a response from support, I ask you for a possible opinion. Since yesterday I can't access the game with the error: Hazelnutbeard.
    Thinking it was a possible error related to my internet connection, I assumed that my partner couldn't access the game either. (PS. He can).
    I tried logging in with another account (same PC) and the game starts without problems.
    What may have happened?

  • 17
  • @miyum95
    I've had this happen when somehow your slot in a session gets bugged. If your bug is the same as mine, using a game invite should fix the issue. Or you can load in a server on your own and then join their server.

  • I have the same problem since the most recent update and they don’t give me a solution

  • @grumpyw01f It doesn't work : (

    Meanwhile, Rare support has answered me, but they don't know how to fix this issue.

    "Unfortunately for the moment we do not have any additional troubleshooting that we can offer. As further troubleshooting is unlikely to resolve this issue, our team is instead working on a solution to roll out to all affected players."

  • I also keep getting hazelnut beard before I can get into a game. i've done all the steps and internet settings. Anyone have a solution yet?

  • @coastie94 Up! It's been like almost a week for me and I still can't play. None of the customer support solution is not helping either :/

  • @miyum95 I haven't been able to play for over a week due to this Hazelnutbeard error. This is what support said. What social channels are they referring to?

    Ahoy there,

    Thank you for your support request. I can confirm that the problem you are receiving is a known issue and the team are actively investigating a solution. Please keep an eye on our social channels for any further information surrounding this issue.

    We thank you for your patience while this issue is being investigated.

    Best regards,

    Sea of Thieves - Player Support

  • @cpt-stinkus same here! I was suggested (not by the support team) that i have been shadowbanned by the EAC because it has somehow detected something in my pc. All I can do is to just take a break. This has been going on for 4 days....

  • plz fix the error I can't log on since the EasyAntiCheat update arrived

  • Ahoy. Any of you have ended being red banned?

    It looks like a conflict with Easy AC, detecting like you are cheating.

    A friend had this problem, tried to play with my PC (spoilers: didn't work). Tried on his console with Game Pass (it worked)... then get banned.

    Rare didn't give him any reason why...
    My friend's been unable to play for 2 weeks... all of this is very weird.

    Rare... Why aren't you able to release an update without breaking +10 things??? At least give players and answer or update on this issue...

  • For two weeks the Hazelnutbeard became a permanent issue, I am stuck in an infinite loop whenever I try to connect to a server.
    I even did a complete reset of my pc and it does nothing..

  • Beyond a joke now this error is. my mates tried all the generic "advice" they spew out and nothing, reset his pc twice, bought it on steam, we managed a couple of hours before he got hit with it again mid-battle and now cant refund it.
    never had this issue prior to Eac and now the community is riddled with errors and bugs! follow social media for update on this matter, what updates?? where??

  • It's absolutely ridiculous. Trying to engage with the team on X or wherever is futile. They flat ignore any questions or comments regarding this. Meanwhile the majority of players are missing out on limited-time loot, competitions, the anniversary event and more because of this. Navigating the menus is a breeze in-game, but halfway through loading into an instance, Hazelnutbeard pops up. Rejoining the session gives me literally 30 seconds of game time. Can't even make it to my boat from the inn before hazelnutbeard strikes again and again and again and again. Imagine how many players out there purchased the Plunder Pass and are now unable to even play to get the rewards. Will those players be refunded in any way? I highly doubt it. EAC broke this game.

  • I'm having the same problem. Purchased the game 2 days ago and played for a couple hours completely fine day one. Now I can't last 5 minutes without getting kicked from the server.

  • I'm having a similar problem... At first I was having a problem related to an unknown file. When that was fixed, I am having this behavior where I only stay connected for 30 seconds before being kicked off.

    I just got this game on Steam and I'm just simply not sure what to do.

  • I came back to the game and 5 minutes later my first travel I got the hazelnutbeard error, since i keep getting hazelnutbeard error during the loading screen. i've done all steps and checking internet settings but the error stay on each loading...

  • Received this error after playing on a long session. Couldn't join back in and kept getting disconnected. Was able to join a different session however and play there.

    It seems that the game creates game files on your default drive possibly as form of caching. Check your remaining hard drive memory space and if there's available storage.

    Resolved the error by deleting files and allowing for more space within the drive allowing to join back in.

    I wonder if allocating more memory to the game would have meaningful impact in terms of this, but nevertheless please reply / upvote if this has worked for you.

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