Invicible Golden Players?

  • Hey everyone, relatively new to SoT, just curious, I was just carrying around maybe 30k in stuff, and some random sloop just appeared beside me (level 5 reaper emissary), even though they weren't there just moments ago (I was on the wheel looking around), then they fired their cannons at me UNREASONABLY fast. Like, so fast I couldn't even repair before another 2 or 3 holes were blown in my ship.

    Now, this player was OBVIOUSLY just one of those troll players that go around sinking ships not for the loot, but just because it annoys other players. So I am far from upset about the loot. It wasn't that much anyways. (And hey, that's SoT for ya. Everyone just trying to make everyone else mad. Why that's the objective of seemingly everyone idk, but it is what it is).

    What I am curious about, how the heck did they fire their cannon so fast, why did they not miss a single cannon ball, and mostly...

    Why the heck was their boarding player glowing like a phantom, but glowing gold? And why is it that despite me hitting him with dozens of shots, and sword hits, he didn't eat or anything. Almost as if he's invincible. Is this some in game item I just don't know about? Why couldn't I kill him?

    Were they cheating? It feels like they were cheating, but I don't know. I mean, Gamepass games that crossplay between PC and Xbox are pretty much all absolutely rife with cheaters. [mod edit]
    Is that what this was? Am I justified in feeling cheated out of my measley 30k? Am I right to just waive them off as cheaters, trolls, and nothing more?
    Or is there some item in the game that makes you fricken invincible??? Because if so, needless to say, I'd like to know so I can get that item too!

    I tried to do some googling, but came across no answers. Maybe someone here can help?

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  • There is a "Golden Phantom Curse" that can be earned through a LOT of PvP in hourglass. It doesn't make you invincible tho.

    They may or may not have been cheating. Dunno. You mentioned being new. They may have had their timing down good. That hitreg stuff people complain about can make a player seem invincible.

    If you think someone is cheating try to record it and submit a support ticket.

    If you're playing on an xbox- go in your settings, set up console/controller preferred amd the game will try to keep you with other console players only.

    You typically see the cheaters in hourglass mode where you get that golden curse.

  • @pithyrumble

    Thanks for the advice, next time I will try to grab a clip of it.

    I was more concerned with trying to not have my wife (who is brand new) immediately get trolled by a bully player.

    Alas, we had literally no chance, and she's vowed to never play the game again if that's the kind of thing this game is about.

    That's like the 10th player I've tried to introduce to the game that's been scared away by these bully players :(

  • I just want someone to play with that isn't only about PVP. I just wanna calmly collect my treasure and do events. And I don't want my loot to be limited for no reason just because I don't want to deal with these garbage troll players.

    Makes me very sad that Rare seems to have no interest in doing anything about it. Seeing as it's been a problem since the games inception, and why I put it down for good all those years ago...

  • @vetheongames If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

3 out of 5