Hold to Sprint

  • Hello,

    I recently started playing Sea of Thieves and I feel like the hold to sprint is missing. Some will say it's a thing you can get use to or that it is better with toggle, but everyone is different and I know I'm not the only one wanting a hold to sprint. A toggle option in the pause menu would be awesome. I heard on youtube that the options are changing a lot lately so why not adding this ?

    What do you think ?

  • 6
    questionwindows 10feedback
  • @lothereal said in Hold to Sprint:


    I recently started playing Sea of Thieves and I feel like the hold to sprint is missing. Some will say it's a thing you can get use to or that it is better with toggle, but everyone is different and I know I'm not the only one wanting a hold to sprint. A toggle option in the pause menu would be awesome. I heard on youtube that the options are changing a lot lately so why not adding this ?

    What do you think ?

    I've been playing for a minute and I'm still not use to it. I'd love a hold to sprint option.

  • Posted my take on this on another post, it got immediately locked lol
    The post was 3yrs old and the latest reply to it was 1 yr old so I thought I could also post within 1 yr of that post
    They called it necro'ing even tho it's still the exact same issue 3 yrs later

    @BurnBacon I agree, but that's exactly why I looked up "hold to sprint"
    Because currently holding sprint doesn't put you back into it when it cancels

    And sprinting cancels alot especially since SoT is one of the few games that doesn't let you sprint and move to the side (e.g: W and A key at the same time cancels sprint)
    Most games allow this at the cost of side movement being much less/greatly reduced

    So when it cancels, and your holding the sprint key out of habit. Your not sprinting .-.
    Not until you release n press it again, its a bit disorienting since you kinda expect to b sprinting and your holding down the button for it after all

    Was jst now watching a YT video n Summit missed a jump he would of made, you can see it was because his sprint got canceled before he jumped
    But in the middle of the action, you play by what you already know: hold sprint to make sure your sprinting

    This is only one of the many other small things
    Like closing some menus don't work with TAB or X, have to press ESC
    Can't navigate any inventories with WSAD, but have Q and E for jumping between them

    Personally can't use soundhorn loud because pressing Left-Click cancels out push 2 talk
    -due to Push2Talking being keybind to my mouse side button
    But I can use soundhorn whisper with Right-Click not canceling Push2Talk

  • @rudytheninja316 Necro'ing another old thread isn't going to make this discussion alive again. Make your own thread, you're locking older threads that don't need new posts on them.

  • @nex-stargaze Mybad, I thought I saw a recent reply on the one I linked, I doubt it was removed so ig I jst saw that wrong?? 🤔

    As for here, I hope this doesnt count as necro'ing since this is still a current issue w sprinting
    And it only pings the op (tho i see I pinged BurnBacon aswell in my quote 😬), who can unwatch the thread

    Also, I dont believe in "necro'ing" since an issue can b kept tracked of and updated when it's brought up again
    Instead of having it be a new thread every time which just scatters information on it across different posts
    There's something to b said both about keeping it in one place and how some info can b outdated, but isnt that why it's all dated?

    Oh n I ended up here from looking up "SoT hold to sprint"
    Not trying to raise skelies on purpose, the only reason I felt the need to air these issues is bcuz I really like the game lol
    Pretty much done doing that now, I'll jst get used to spamming sprint button and switch to toggle voice chat

  • As this thread was months old and revived recently, it will now be locked.

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