Tired of having to resupply in S8 ?

  • Just don't.

    Dive right back in and Ram your opponent, full board, put fire on their ship, get a spawncamp going and take their supplies (they'll have used barely any of it) using their own crates while one of you go back to your ship to save it.
    Did it work ? Impressive ! Now you're supplied for the next fight. Otherwise, dive again, hopefully a tanked MMR will give you an easier opponent at some point. :p

    Since we've started to apply this "strategy", we have way more fun with this update (not that it wasn't fun to begin with, mind you). Give it a go. :D

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  • @grog-minto I never had a problem with going through the barrels for supplies...I bought crates and supplies just for the achievement, never again...I like going through the barrels

  • @schwammlgott For sure it can be relaxing. Doing regular adventure stuff, it's really not an issue. But I found myself hating doing that while using the S8 system.

    Imo it's because during regular adventure, gathering supplies is done overtime, while doing stuff (being a voyage or just looking for another ship). With S8 PvP system it felt like something tedious you have to do in order to unlock the thing you want to do.
    It might seem a bit counterintuitive but I'm sure I wouldn't mind it that much if I had to sail to the Sea Dog tavern before diving. It's more psychological than anything : the fun is one vote away but before that I "have" to spend 10/15 min doing boring simple stuff.

    Anyways, realising that I actually don't have to has been freeing. Might not be for everyone, but if someone feels like this particular loop is taking a toll on their fun, this might be better than not using the system at all.

  • @grog-minto said in Tired of having to resupply in S8 ?:

    Just don't.

    Dive right back in and Ram your opponent, full board, put fire on their ship, get a spawncamp going and take their supplies (they'll have used barely any of it) using their own crates while one of you go back to your ship to save it.
    Did it work ? Impressive ! Now you're supplied for the next fight. Otherwise, dive again, hopefully a tanked MMR will give you an easier opponent at some point. :p

    Since we've started to apply this "strategy", we have way more fun with this update (not that it wasn't fun to begin with, mind you). Give it a go.

    I rarely enter a fight without at least 1000 cannonballs and 500 planks.
    Easily got without opening a single barrel.

    Do the last pirates life tall tale to the checkpoint where the fleet is fighting the ghost fleet and they want you to board the spire….then….just dont.

    Youll have a checkpoint that summons an area where ghost ships wont attack you and instead just drop loads of barrels all by themselves.

    Wait 5 minutes and end the tall tale and youll have around 50-80 crates laying there with 30 cannonballs per crate.

    Want hundreds of bombs or chainshot?
    Just sail to the shores of gold and bring a storage crate. If ur ship scuttles u respawn there. Load up and scuttle repeat as necessary. Same applies for the portals to the sea of the damned!m

    As you can probably guess my opponents i fight are constantly fired upon even at a distance and because im used to firing long range “wasting” ammo, im actually getting scarily accurate long range.

  • @shadow20642 I didn't know the Shore of Gold tip ! That's really good to know ! Thanks :D
    My "issue" with supply isn't that it's difficult to do, just that it takes too much time for my liking. In the TT case for instance, you're up to 5+ min of sailing (depending of the wind, your (re)spawn position etc), then 5 min of waiting, then x minutes to pick up the crates.
    That add up to 15 - 20 min of gathering supply.
    Then you dive for instant to 20 min queue. Then you have fun for a few minutes (if your opponent "outskill" you too much, which in my case is often on Galley it seems) to 1 hour (which is pretty rare on Galley for me).
    I often would spend way more time supplying my ship and queueing up (which is both simple and boring) than actually fighting (which is super fun). I had multiple instances where after 10+ minutes of stocking up the ship, plus a 10 minutes queue, we sunk under 2 minutes (blunder caused us to lose angle, then all our mast fell, then spam blunder on cannons + regular cannonball on lower deck). The 1 min of fun for 10 min of boredom ratio is too much for me. :p
    That's what cause me to be frustrated with this update and I came up with this solution : We start our session by stocking up, but after that we don't bother.

    I'm well aware that it is a skill issue (we simply don't have the skill to compete in the Galleon queue). But at the same time I don't want to break our crew and I'd rather lose more with all my friends than win more without some of them.

  • @grog-minto said in Tired of having to resupply in S8 ?:

    @shadow20642 I didn't know the Shore of Gold tip ! That's really good to know ! Thanks :D
    My "issue" with supply isn't that it's difficult to do, just that it takes too much time for my liking. In the TT case for instance, you're up to 5+ min of sailing (depending of the wind, your (re)spawn position etc), then 5 min of waiting, then x minutes to pick up the crates.
    That add up to 15 - 20 min of gathering supply.
    Then you dive for instant to 20 min queue. Then you have fun for a few minutes (if your opponent "outskill" you too much, which in my case is often on Galley it seems) to 1 hour (which is pretty rare on Galley for me).
    I often would spend way more time supplying my ship and queueing up (which is both simple and boring) than actually fighting (which is super fun). I had multiple instances where after 10+ minutes of stocking up the ship, plus a 10 minutes queue, we sunk under 2 minutes (blunder caused us to lose angle, then all our mast fell, then spam blunder on cannons + regular cannonball on lower deck). The 1 min of fun for 10 min of boredom ratio is too much for me. :p
    That's what cause me to be frustrated with this update and I came up with this solution : We start our session by stocking up, but after that we don't bother.

    I'm well aware that it is a skill issue (we simply don't have the skill to compete in the Galleon queue). But at the same time I don't want to break our crew and I'd rather lose more with all my friends than win more without some of them.

    I hear you.

    They should probably give ships a bigger starting supply of cannonballs and planks just for the ones who want to jump right in and go fight after fight. 100 balls, 15-20 chain and 40 planks would do you for a fight. Not too much resources arent an issue but not too plenty where you can fire for fun like a millionaire without a care in the world!

    Combine that with the supply you can buy at an outpost you would have a pretty comfortable start but youd need to get some good shots in otherwise youll run out.

    I agree with you. Gathering is a chore when all you wanna do is fight.
    Let stocking up be for when you plan a prolonged adventure like doing an athena or something.

  • @shadow20642 I would be content with even less than that ! xD Base 100 balls and 40 planks + respawning on an outpost after a loss would be enough. It's a bit dumb that it's often better to log off then start on a new server in order to get to an outpost faster.

  • Ill try this next time. Usually I just loot the outpost and dive; sometimes I buy some fruits with the ship woman to get some pineapples too lol

    I wish all the "Supplies Crates" were 80% cheaper, just to help this initial resupplying.

  • @grog-minto sagte in Tired of having to resupply in S8 ?:

    @shadow20642 I would be content with even less than that ! xD Base 100 balls and 40 planks + respawning on an outpost after a loss would be enough. It's a bit dumb that it's often better to log off then start on a new server in order to get to an outpost faster.

    I actually prefer spawning at an island, because most times I found a supply crate there...

  • @schwammlgott Money's not really an issue so buying a crate or finding one doesn't make a real difference for me. :'D

  • @grog-minto sagte in Tired of having to resupply in S8 ?:

    @schwammlgott Money's not really an issue so buying a crate or finding one doesn't make a real difference for me. :'D

    I don’t care for the money, still I don’t buy those crates...any of them...imo this shouldn't be a thing at all

  • my biggest problem with this season is the restocking even with the tall tale method it still takes to long to restock just to sink and have to go restock again. to me it takes away from the PvP mode. I have spent 90% of the last 2 weeks restocking and 10% fighting because I keep losing my battles. Losing wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for the restocking getting old very quickly.

  • @novagamer300 I can relate. Unless we're on a winning streak, a typical 4 hours galleon session (without using the method described in the first message) will see 1h/1h30 of actual fighting (between restocking and queue times). T-T

  • @grog-minto
    they need to have a fix for this. the resupply times are ridiculous. and when you keep getting put up against people better than you and losing well it just makes it annoying beyond words.

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