PVPers, dont' forget you can Scuttle!

  • I just finished a game session on a Sloop with a friend. We were doing the new PVP matchmaking stuff and having a good time. Sunk 3 ships before running into some toxic as heck salty-lads. They overtook us pretty quickly, but then proceeded to spawn camp our ship for a solid 5 minutes or so. They even repaired our ship to stop it sinking while double-gun camping us. I managed to talk to them just long enough to get them to say "Give us your supplies" before shooting me again and taunting me with nasty words that would make the Kraken cry.

    My team mate and I were frankly quite taken aback by them keeping us afloat long enough to loot us dry with our own supply crates. We tried in vein to re-take our ship and eventually they finally "let us" sink once our barrels were bare.

    I share this story to caution other crews who may fall prey to this tactic. If you know you've already lost and just want to stop them camping/stealing your supplies... Scuttle. Its the last stab you can make at their cold sweaty hearts to deny them the sweet rewards they desire from your ship. ;)

  • 9
  • Yeh I've encountered the same but worse on pc/Xbox servers.
    First all 3 boarded. Started camping...ok whatever. Then another ship joined. I'm like well I'm out when 6 people camp you that's where I leave

  • @theonetruederp

    Except you don't get points for scuttling

  • Can you just hang around in FoD until they get bored?

  • @pithyrumble Don't you also get no points for losing? I seem to recall reading once you get into higher levels losing no longer gives you "pitty points"?

    EDIT- also, and this is more of a "me" thing, I'm a spiteful pirate when I'm being taken advantage of and like to make others miserable when they try to do things like this. If I lose points but they lose the 300+ cannon balls I brought into the fight, I'm dumping the ammo to spite them right to Davey Jones.

  • @pithyrumble if this is true then it needs looking at. Scuttling has always been promoted by Rare and as such, us Boatswain as the main way to get away from toxicity.

    To punish this action is ridiculous.

  • I share this story to caution other crews who may fall prey to this tactic.

    Not much a tactic if you can end it within 1min

  • @Sshteeve @TheOneTrueDerp

    I don't know how far up you get loser points, but I agree with not getting points for scuttling tho. Way too quick and easy to get loser points.

  • This has happened a few times now, and it seems like a "tactic" to make going into the next fight quicker for the winning ship: no need to stop at an island to resupply if you've stolen 120 cannon and 200 planks. Honestly, the matchmaking is taking so long that once this starts happening I just end the session. Life's too short to sit around in a waiting room for 10 min. just to be some lazy gamer's cow.

    It's really funny that Rare posts these trailers celebrating PvP like it's some heroic and honourable battle when half the time it feels more like getting held down and spat on by the class bully.

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