A "Fix" for Double Gunning complaints

  • I don't want to rant and complain about the mechanic. I just thought I would post this for the heck of it and see how people feel.

    Consider that your pirate holds both the EoR and the Blunder with 2 hands to fire. Now consider that the Pistol is only held in one hand. My adjustment would be thus...

    Since each takes two hands to operate, your pirate may only have either the EoR or the Blunder on at any one time. The other weapon must be either the Pistol or the Sword (since both only require one hand to wield). If you are using both the Pistol and EoR/Blunder, then they share the same 5 bullet pouch. This would still allow for PVPers who wish to double-gun to do so, but with a slightly higher difficulty maintaining their reloading as now you only have 2 "double shots" before you must reload your pouch. If you opt to Sword/Gun (any), then no major changes.

    I also had one other idea, not sure how this would play out really but... If you equip a pistol in both slots, now your pirate just wields both pistols at once. One in each hand. You can press M1 to fire one, then the other in rapid succession from the hip-fire position or hold M2 to aim one, fire, then aim the other, and fire (so like maybe a half or whole second delay between each fire to aim?). If you shoot only one pistol and don't follow-up with a second shot, your pirate reloads as normal. If you shoot both in succession, the reload time is longer.

    Those would be my thoughts and suggestions on addressing the double-gunning complaints I read about a lot. Thoughts? Furious Replies? Let me have 'em. :)

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    feedbackjust for funcompetitiongeneral
  • For anyone that cannot compete with someone that is skilled at 2 guns the answer will always be strengthening naval performance and board defense.

    Nerfing them doesn't take away their skill, they will adapt and still perform well in tdm.

    Imo people won't improve by trying to get people nerf'd, the only way to win against those crews/fighters is for players that struggle against them is to go all in on naval and board defense.

  • @wolfmanbush dying instantly from quick swapping is just boring, atleast with other combinations there is more counterplay

  • @wolfmanbush

    I can see your point but I must agree more with Pumpkin's points. The main "issue" I see many complain about with Double-gunning is how suppressive it is once the gunner manages to get any kind of an edge in battle. The only "effective" strategy I've seen people employ when they're being suppressed by a double gunner is to lob many blunderbombs at them and hope they kill them quick enough. Not very fun IMO.

    Also, and I may be very wrong here so correct me if I am, but isn't Double Gunning considered an exploitative strategy when it comes to mechanically how the combat in this game works? I see lots of videos on YouTube saying things like, "Learn Double-Gunning tech" or something along those lines.

  • @theonetruederp said in A "Fix" for Double Gunning complaints:


    I can see your point but I must agree more with Pumpkin's points. The main "issue" I see many complain about with Double-gunning is how suppressive it is once the gunner manages to get any kind of an edge in battle. The only "effective" strategy I've seen people employ when they're being suppressed by a double gunner is to lob many blunderbombs at them and hope they kill them quick enough. Not very fun IMO.

    Also, and I may be very wrong here so correct me if I am, but isn't Double Gunning considered an exploitative strategy when it comes to mechanically how the combat in this game works? I see lots of videos on YouTube saying things like, "Learn Double-Gunning tech" or something along those lines.

    double gunning typically is in reference to quick swapping these days

    what group doesn't complain about weapons? some people that use 2 guns constantly complain about sword
    some constantly complain about blunder

    2 guns and quick swapping doesn't mean performance really. I can quick swap and it def doesn't make me good at anything, accuracy not included.

    There are many instances where them using 2 guns and quick swapping is a benefit for a sword user. It's not a flawless thing, people mess it up plenty, and the game messes it up plenty for them too.

  • @wolfmanbush I see and yeah... I typically prefer a Sword / Pistol setup myself and when I manage to pop someone with the pistol then follow-up with the sword I get screamed at a lot for it.

    Personal error is always a factor and you are completely correct that some people just mess it up and then you can get them for it. My suggestion was more a way of leveling the playing field down a little more for people who haven't the time or patience to commit to learning the quick-swap method of double gunning. I feel its become a bit of a "meta" in PVP and that is making some people (myself included) frustrated about it. I don't think it should be removed, but maybe just adjusted somewhat?

  • @theonetruederp said in A "Fix" for Double Gunning complaints:

    @wolfmanbush I see and yeah... I typically prefer a Sword / Pistol setup myself and when I manage to pop someone with the pistol then follow-up with the sword I get screamed at a lot for it.

    Personal error is always a factor and you are completely correct that some people just mess it up and then you can get them for it. My suggestion was more a way of leveling the playing field down a little more for people who haven't the time or patience to commit to learning the quick-swap method of double gunning. I feel its become a bit of a "meta" in PVP and that is making some people (myself included) frustrated about it. I don't think it should be removed, but maybe just adjusted somewhat?

    Imo the weapons should work consistently which is the issue

    the weapon issues are largely social issues

    inexperienced players started blaming 2 guns for their loss

    experienced players started blaming sword and blunder for their loss because they socially decided that 2 guns were cool and thus the skilled weapons. They would camp inexperienced players and blame the swords and blunders for their losses.

    Inexperienced players lost because they are inexperienced and/or not pvp focused.

    Experienced players lost because they were complacent and arrogant

    but the weapons all took the blame.

  • Require sword.
    Allow choice of 2 guns.
    Now everyone is a doublegunningsweatyswordlord and we stop getting these threads lol

  • Quick swapping is already hard code locked to only be .2 sec faster than letting the swap animation play. All they need to do to rid the servers of it is to add .2 sec to the timer, making it even with just letting the animation play.

    Was implemented with buckets and shovels, no reason not to fully rid the gunplay of it too.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in A "Fix" for Double Gunning complaints:

    Quick swapping is already hard code locked to only be .2 sec faster than letting the swap animation play. All they need to do to rid the servers of it is to add .2 sec to the timer, making it even with just letting the animation play.

    Was implemented with buckets and shovels, no reason not to fully rid the gunplay of it too.

    I would like to not blame developer ignorance for this particular issue... but I can't deny its odd there's hard coding in place for some animations and not all of them. :\

  • @theonetruederp because the sword isn’t utterly broken? The fact that the sword pulls you back into it and pretty much negates any health you had whilst eating and getting sword locked is rather broken as well my friend. I say this as some whom uses the sword as well. Let’s call it what it is. If you know how to use your weapon set you’ll have an advantage.

    Let’s talk blunderbuss……
    WHY CANT I ONE BLUNDER FOOLS YET I GET BLAMMED OUTTA MY MIND LOL, but I just don’t use the blundy problem solved 😁

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