Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP

  • I have never been so excited about an update for sea of thieves before, however I just want to point a couple of things out in this update because its kinda starting to get disappointing.

    • Firstly, getting to level 100 allegiance with any of the newly added factions is such a slug fest, the level requirements increase vastly per level (at first 1 sink would give you 1 level but I am at level 17 and now I get half a level from a sink, I can't imagine how or when am I going to get to level 100 in my lifetime) (I mean to say that the required allegiance xp to level this is increasing vastly so early, which I honestly hope you guys fix, because not every player in the game is a streamer that can no life this game, and if I as a common adult (I have a real life job yes) player would need to quit my job just get to 100 to just check the new cool curses in their respective hideouts then whats the point of trying to begin with)

    • Second point on levelling allegiance is a slug fest, if I sink from a player that is way higher than me in skill/mmr I get the same amount of allegiance xp as I sink from a new player ( same goes for me sinking a low skilled player vs a high skilled player, both wins give me the same amount of allegiance xp) which is also very bad, why because matches with high skilled players take A LOT of time (yes it can take up to an hour or two just fighting 1 ship, and this happens frequently btw)

    • Third point on levelling allegiance is a slug fest, as I have mentioned before, some battles can take up to 1-2 hours long sometimes not because you're facing a highly skilled player, but because you are facing a running reaper style combatant, so they would just keep on running away and trying to stall till you quit, this is quite boring and very frustrating, I honestly don't know what to suggest here, either make the area circle smaller to begin with, or make it get smaller with time (until it reaches a point), because right now battles can get very frustrating (and its also not rewarding at all to fight such long battles, please guys respect our time)

    This is my feedback regarding season 8 update, I have never been so excited to get into PvP before, but however there are a couple of hiccups, from the numbers mentioned above you can get a rough idea about how much play time is required of an average player is going to take to reach level 100 of allegiance on any faction, I hope that Rare targets its balancing towards most of their player base rather than the top 0,0005% of its player base which comprises of streamers and players with no life (both of which play the game for more than 4 to 8+ hours a day), please encourage the average player to join in and have fun, make getting to level 100 allegiance reachable for the average joe so that they can play and populate the PvP pool rather than seeing this as a goal that will cost them their real life to reach.

    This is an edit on the main post just to gather other clarifications on my points regarding my feedback on the current progression system of pvp in the game in one post to make it easier for the readers.

    I just wanted to clarify that I love the new update and I love pvp, I have played this game for 1.2k hrs and I believe that I am an average skilled player in terms of pvp

    I don't mean to rush the content in 2 days, I will illustrate my point in a different way, with numbers, at first I thought you would need to sink around 100 ships to get to level 100 allegiance because you got 1 level per sink at the beginning 10 levels I recall, however right now I am 17 and I am getting half the level from a sink because allegiance xp requirements increase per level, this means that you might need to sink somewhere between 500-300 ships maybe to get to just level 100 just to get access to the hideouts where to just be able to check how much more grind you have to do to get your rewards from there (obviously you would need much more sinks to get from 100 to 200 for example to unlock whatever rewards are there, so on and so forth)

    and as I have mentioned, some fights take way too long, depends on if you're facing a sweat lord with DA sails on, or a running reaper kinda opponent, 1-2 hrs per fight, lets be optimistic and say 1 hour, an average to time to get into battle and sink a ship might be between 10-30 mins, lets say 20 mins for simplicity, and on average I get a sweatlord or a running reaper ever 3-4 battles, so that is somewhere between 2 hrs of play time, just to get 3-4 sinks (assuming you win them all), I will be optimistic and say that I sink the sweatlord (which currently doesn't happen because I keep getting matches vs way stronger players) so that would be 4 sinks every 2 hrs, which equates to 2 sinks per hour, divide 500-300 sinks needed by 2, you would find that you would need to put in around 250-150 hours to just get access to any one of the hideouts, lets say an average working guy like me finds time to put in 4 hours a day dedicated only to playing pvp in SoT, I would need somewhere between 63 to 38 days (divide 250-150 by 4hrs a day) just to get access to one of the hideouts. (and I would have to win each match)

    to clarify this more, you need 63-38 days of none stop WINNING pvp games in SoT only for 4 hrs per day, I can't even imagine how long would it take an average person that wins and loses matches, let alone the poor beginners.

    Obviously there are mechanics like the streak system which would ease things a bit on you, but it only works in favour of the extreme sweatlord player, I just checked MixelPlx's stream right now and he's at level 80 allegiance atm, yeah I know its been what, 2 days after the release of the season, the guy has a top streak of 31 sinks, he is very good (if not the best that I have seen), and he's playing this game full time if not more, I just want to point out that currently, levelling the allegiance seems to be in favour of people with enough skill (and luck, because the game currently gives them noob players to face many times, I know the MMR system will work later on) like MixelPlx which is a huge minority in this game (which makes the game way less grindy for people of that skill level, for you grind lovers) and it is currently incredibly grindy and demanding for the rest of the player base.

    You can note that highly skilled players will currently reach very high streaks of wins because the match making system is not currently working properly, like for example the 31 ships that Mixel sank are not all at the same skill level as he is, so its uneven matches all the way until now, and this gave a HUGE advantage to skillful players to level up very fast on behalf of the poorly matched lower skill players (which wouldn't be the case in the future, since you would be matched against people of the same skill as you are "Hopefully")

    • Fourth point, currently playing long matches rewards you with the same amount of allegiance xp as short matches (meaning that if you win a 2 hrs match, you will gain the same xp as you get when you win a 10 mins match, same thing with losing, if you lose in a 2hrs match, you will gain the same amount of xp as if you have lost a match in 10 mins), I honestly think they should put the match time into account here, the longer the match takes, the more rewarding it is for both players, rather than punishing the player that is fighting tooth and nail to get the better of his opponent,

    Some argued that this can be exploitable, I would reply with Rare could encourage players to finish off their matches faster by adding a reward multiplier on a streak of matches played rather than matches won, this would encourage players to play more matches and end their current ones faster rather than wasting other's time (running reaper kind of a player)

    • Fifth point, why a player wouldn't be rewarded for his actions during a fight? because right now, the winner takes a good amount of xp while the loser hardly takes anything, even if the match toke an hour of difficult fighting, since Rare added milestones, I know that this implies that they have analytics/metrics, why not use them per fight, I will give you 2 examles on this,

    Example 1, two strong players against each other, and the battle takes a long time, due to their skill, why would the winners and losers of good battles be rewarded the same way as 1 pirate that sank the other in 5 mins? the reward should account for the actions that these pirates have done to try to attain victory, and even if one sinks he should be rewarded according to his actions (you can see this in Dead by daylight, that game respects its player's time, if you play well by its rules, you will be rewarded, I don't want to explain all of its rules right now because it will make this post unnecessarily longer)

    Example 2, defeating a running reaper kind of a player, surely such a boring fight would take a long amount of time, but defeating a player that is trying to unnecessarily elongate the game should reward the winner more, and obviously since the reaper was just running and not engaging or landing hits, they wouldn't get a boost on their reward.

    and thats the thing, I believe that if you show skill you should be rewarded for it regardless if you've won or lost, a skillful pirate who fights tooth and nail for an hour and sunk should be rewarded more than a pirate who steam rolls his opponent in 5 mins.

    TLDR, levelling the new faction allegiance is taking way too long than it should be for the average player to just reach level 100 with any of the factions and get access to the cool rewards of season 8 (of getting into the new hideouts/ getting the new cool rewards/curses), and I am not even mentioning the rewards that requires you to get to level 1000 allegiance, the current pvp progression system is flawed, its favouring the high skilled players (2% or less of the player base) over the lower skilled players because it is currently matching them towards us, they're getting far more streaks than us, and we are just getting extremely low allegiance xp by being matched against them.

    and lastly, no one is asking to unlock the rewards in 2 days, but just getting access to the main content of season 8's update and checking out the rewards over there taking 63-38 days of nonestop winning is way too damn long, I would appreciate it if Rare respects our time, and award us accordingly rather than punishing us for playing the game and specifically the game mode that we love.

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  • We finally have hideouts that are actually grindy and meaningful to get in like how Pirate Legend hideout was back in the day.

    And people are complaining. I guess this is why we can't have exclusive and actually good things in life.

  • @thorumsu I completely understand not wanting a slog of a grind for something at a tenth of the overall earnable rewards, but yeah! We need things actually worth their salt, the work required for them. If it takes me a few weeks to get into the new hideouts, so be it! It makes it worth it!

  • @mewds-d-jolly didn't play it yet, but from telling it's more than fast want to get lvl 100 in a week or what?
    "bUt tHe AvEraGe pLaYeR"...seriously, the average player won't make most of the long-time-goals in SoT anyway

  • There are rewards for grind lovers like you guys in there (level 1000 allegiance rewards and of course there are others in between 100 and 1000) so you can grind that out to your hearts content, but that doesn't mean that the average player has to grind his life just to have access to the new rewards in this season, and I just want to mention that grinding to get access to the athena hideout (3 level 50 factions) is much easier and toke way less time than it is to currently grind to get to level 100 allegiance with any of the new factions.

  • @schwammlgott you haven't played yet as you've mentioned, this renders "yUoR WhOlE CoMmEnT" worthless, and disregarding other player's opinions just because you don't belong with them shows your selfishness, this feedback is meant for Rare to read, not for you, if you don't like what I am saying you can just state your opinion on the matter if you've even tried the content to begin with.

  • @mewds-d-jolly you are level 17 on content that is meant to take time. Why rush it? You dont need to finish it asap. Enjoy it and have fun

  • @captain-coel I don't mean to rush it, I will illustrate my point in a different way, with numbers this time, at first I thought you would need to sink around 100 ships to get to level 100 allegiance because you got 1 level per sink at the beginning 10 levels I recall, however right now I am 17 and I am getting half the level from a sink because allegiance xp requirements increase per level, this means that you might need to sink somewhere between 500-300 ships maybe to get to just level 100 just to get access to the hideouts where to just be able to check how much more grind you have to do to get your rewards from there (obviously you would need much more sinks to get from 100 to 200 for example to unlock whatever rewards are there, so on and so forth)

    and as I have mentioned, some fights take way too long, depends on if you're facing a sweat lord with DA sails on, or a running reaper kinda opponent, 1-2 hrs per fight, lets be optimistic and say 1 hour, an average to time to get into battle and sink a ship might be between 10-30 mins, lets say 20 mins for simplicity, and on average I get a sweatlord or a running reaper ever 3-4 battles, so that is somewhere between 2 hrs of play time, just to get 3-4 sinks (assuming you win them all), I will be optimistic and say that I sink the sweatlord (which currently doesn't happen because I keep getting matches vs way stronger players) so that would be 4 sinks every 2 hrs, which equates to 2 sinks per hour, divide 500-300 sinks needed by 2, you would find that you would need to put in around 250-150 hours to just get access to any one of the hideouts, lets say an average working guy like me finds time to put in 4 hours a day dedicated only to playing pvp in SoT, I would need somewhere between 63 to 38 days (divide 250-150 by 4hrs a day) just to get access to one of the hideouts. (and I would have to win each match)

    Obviously there are mechanics like the streak system which would ease things a bit on you, but it only works in favour of the extreme sweatlord player, I just checked MixelPlx's stream right now and he's at level 80 allegiance atm, yeah I know its been what, 2 days after the release of the season, the guy has a top streak of 31 sinks, he is very good (if not the best that I have seen), and he's playing this game full time if not more, I just want to point out that currently, levelling the allegiance seems to be in favour of people with enough skill (and luck, because the game currently gives them noob players to face many times, I know the MMR system will work later on) like MixelPlx which is a huge minority in this game (which makes the game way less grindy for people of that skill level, for you grind lovers) and it is currently incredibly grindy and demanding for the rest of the player base.

    You can also suggest that I would just quit and leave a battle if I face any of the running or sweatlord players to avoid wasting time, which is ok, but I want to also point out that this might encourage smurfing behaviour, where players will deliberately sink them selves multiple times just to get matched with low MMR player to be able to sink them fast, which would give those players a negative experience about the game.

  • That is why I play insiders too. I get to play and experience the new stuff without the actual grind.

    I will get there at point in the live game, but the 'rush' is gone because I already experienced it anyway.

  • @schwammlgott
    It's just a game. It takes 50 days to win all games, and if you include losing, you spend 4 hours for 3 months. I'd say it's unbalanced to spend so much time trying to have a new hiding place or a curse. Because a new season will come before that.

  • @licenturion
    If you actually used it, you can see how much Rare limited the available environment. Rare has forced users to extend their time and many players are suffering. You need to know this fact. I am posting this because there is a problem because game stress such as various matching problems, bugs, and supply of materials is already rising to the surface with the posts. If Rare was wise, he would have reflected the existing internal environment that could be enjoyed lightly.

  • While I agree its going to be a long grind that's not even max level so... Arena was no different they put the rewards behind super long grinds figuring that would keep the mode alive. Problem with arena is only once did they add new cosmetics and they tend to have this obsession with not adding new cosmetics for us to get without having some kind of super long grind to get it. Like every time they have added new pirate legend cosmetics (with the exception of dark adventurers).

    From what I can tell of the MMR system your skill level goes up every X number of sinks. I have only seen my skill level go up, never down and I have lost way more than I have won leading me to think there's no de-leveling in the MMR system because I think they picture people throwing matches to just drop in MMR. Which while true also means that eventually even the worst players will have worked their way up past their skill level in the MMR if it only has upward movement.

  • @mewds-d-jolly

    You said it yourself. This is not a giant grind if you can do streaks. Just like you said, Mixel is already 80 thanks to streaks. So this is not about it being a long grind. Glad you agreed on that.

    Your argument is that an average player can't do streaks so it does not count. Well, that is the whole point. These hideouts are suppoused to be exclusive. The rewards are suppoused to be exclusive. Pirate Legend hideout was exclusive back in the day and people were fine. Why? Because it was just an area with cosmetics, like these new hideouts.

    You are saying that streaks don't count because it needs skill so the grind is actually long. But you completly ignore that these rewards are not for casuals to earn in 2 days.

  • @thorumsu
    No one said they wanted it in two days. Don't talk nonsense. He said it takes an average of 50 days to calculate. Also, in the case of legendary pirates, first-time users were rewarded step by step whenever they reached a certain level in the Faction. Clothes, ship set, not missing any part. But what is this Faction? There is only one reward in the middle of the player's performance. This proves that the achievement process is not phased. 그 외에도 다른 파벌에 비해 훨씬 많은 시간이 소요됩니다.

  • @fretfulelk45403 said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    No one said they wanted it in two days. Don't talk nonsense. He said it takes an average of 50 days to calculate. Also, in the case of legendary pirates, first-time users were rewarded step by step whenever they reached a certain level in the Faction. Clothes, ship set, not missing any part. But what is this Faction? There is only one reward in the middle of the player's performance. This proves that the achievement process is not phased. 그 외에도 다른 파벌에 비해 훨씬 많은 시간이 소요됩니다.

    If you can do a good streak, you can get to level 100 in just a few days. The whole system is based on you risking it all and doing streaks. That is the whole point. If the you actually made it fast without streaks, why would anyone do them? Reach 1000 to get ONE cosmetic?

    That won't keep the matchmaking pools alive.

  • @thorumsu and you got to that conclusion by assuming that every active player gets the same streaks as Mixel? so its not grindy? you were just asking for a grind 4 hours ago, you ought to go and cry to Rare that its not grindy enough for you then!

    but talking seriously, where exactly did Rare post that the rewards for season 8 are solely aimed at people like Mixel? surprise surprise, no where....
    and I just want to point out that the pirate legend hideout wasn't as quarter though to get inside as much as this pvp grind fest, it didn't take that much time to get to it, you can go calculate that your self, I did my part by calculating the current grind for pvp.

    and I want also to point out that no where in my post did I ask to get into a hideout (I didn't even ask to unlock all cosmetics) in 2 days, you seem to be butt hurt about my feedback, but I am sorry salt bae, I personally believe that balancing the game only towards sweat lords like your self only does have to have a negative impact on the experience of the rest of the player base, the so called casuals that would spend 28 hrs a week playing this mode only!

  • @mewds-d-jolly said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    @thorumsu and you got to that conclusion by assuming that every active player gets the same streaks as Mixel? so its not grindy? you were just asking for a grind 4 hours ago, you ought to go and cry to Rare that its not grindy enough for you then!

    but talking seriously, where exactly did Rare post that the rewards for season 8 are solely aimed at people like Mixel? surprise surprise, no where....
    and I just want to point out that the pirate legend hideout wasn't as quarter though to get inside as much as this pvp grind fest, it didn't take that much time to get to it, you can go calculate that your self, I did my part by calculating the current grind for pvp.

    and I want also to point out that no where in my post did I ask to get into a hideout (I didn't even ask to unlock all cosmetics) in 2 days, you seem to be butt hurt about my feedback, but I am sorry salt bae, I personally believe that balancing the game only towards sweat lords like your self only does have to have a negative impact on the experience of the rest of the player base, the so called casuals that would spend 28 hrs a week playing this mode only!

    Oh, I am nowhere near being a sweat lord. I can barely handle a decent doublegunner. I will get to 100 in like a month proably.

    My argument is that encouraging people to actually streak is good for the system as a whole. Low streaks barely rewarding any reputation while even just a 4 streak gives a massive amount is great.

    If you can't do streaks, it takes long. If you can do streaks, it will be fast.

    Like I said, this is great for the system. More champion ships to go after, more risk vs reward and the rewards are actually valuable.

  • @thorumsu
    Don't reverse the point. The winning streak is very personal, and few people win it in a row. The conditions apply only to those who can continue to win consecutive games. This is a multi-play game. It's not just a game for the few. Not all players win consecutive games. Why do you only think of players who win selfishly? I paid to buy this game. Keep in mind that we have the right to enjoy all content.

  • @fretfulelk45403 said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    Don't reverse the point. The winning streak is very personal, and few people win it in a row. The conditions apply only to those who can continue to win consecutive games. This is a multi-play game. It's not just a game for the few. Not all players win consecutive games. Why do you only think of players who win selfishly? I paid to buy this game. Keep in mind that we have the right to enjoy all content.

    And you ignore how it is great for the system and how it keeps it alive.

    As I said, I am nowhere near being a sweat. It will be a grind for me. But why should I cry about it when it is great for the system and more skilled players can get them faster?

  • @thorumsu you speak like someone who didn't attend school or taken any math classes, can you please calculate and show us how often are you going to achieve those streaks and get to level 100 in a few days as you claim? rather than just typing it out with nothing to backup what you're claiming?

    and also saying that the whole point is doing streaks and taking risks just proves my point, which is, this system is currently heavily skewed towards the best players in the game only, making it not grindy for them (which is something you're obviously wanting to get so much) while on the other hand it gets extremely grindy for the average player that wants to partake in this type of gameplay, its as clear as day that most players will have their streaks broken on the 2nd or 3rd battle, and this would make the rest of the players take months to get to those hideouts just to see what they can unlock, making this whole season kind of unplayable or undesirable for the majority of the active player base.

    and there is also one suggestion that I would like to make for Rare, can you guys pit players that own DA sails in a category of their own?! I just don't get why would someone like me a normal sailor having to face 3 DA sail sweatlords in a row, it is very disheartening to get matched by someone who is obviously way higher skilled than my self.

  • @thorumsu

    As you said, if you induce consecutive wins, you need a moderate reward. You can't just play games for two months trying to be level 100. Also, I have never mentioned level 1000. You keep making things up that don't exist. It's illogical. And keep in mind that you can get Cosmatic after level 100. Until then, there's only an improved version of the figurehead. In the process of becoming a legendary pirate, you can have costume, cosmatic, ship set, all of them. When I first started playing this game, they were all new things, so even though I didn't wear it now, it was a cosmatic that I used to cherish very much. Such a step-by-step compensation is needed in this faction. It's not a single reward

  • @fretfulelk45403 said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    Don't reverse the point. The winning streak is very personal, and few people win it in a row. The conditions apply only to those who can continue to win consecutive games. This is a multi-play game. It's not just a game for the few. Not all players win consecutive games. Why do you only think of players who win selfishly? I paid to buy this game. Keep in mind that we have the right to enjoy all content.

    YESSS, this is EXACTLY my POINT!!! we have the right to enjoy the content the same as the rest of you, and I don't believe that our experience should be hindered to please the sweatlords of the game

  • @mewds-d-jolly said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    @thorumsu you speak like someone who didn't attend school or taken any math classes, can you please calculate and show us how often are you going to achieve those streaks and get to level 100 in a few days as you claim? rather than just typing it out with nothing to backup what you're claiming?

    and also saying that the whole point is doing streaks and taking risks just proves my point, which is, this system is currently heavily skewed towards the best players in the game only, making it not grindy for them (which is something you're obviously wanting to get so much) while on the other hand it gets extremely grindy for the average player that wants to partake in this type of gameplay, its as clear as day that most players will have their streaks broken on the 2nd or 3rd battle, and this would make the rest of the players take months to get to those hideouts just to see what they can unlock, making this whole season kind of unplayable or undesirable for the majority of the active player base.

    and there is also one suggestion that I would like to make for Rare, can you guys pit players that own DA sails in a category of their own?! I just don't get why would someone like me a normal sailor having to face 3 DA sail sweatlords in a row, it is very disheartening to get matched by someone who is obviously way higher skilled than my self.

    As I already said, I know that it will be a decent grind for me.

    But unlike you, I know that the system rewards people who risk it and manage to defend their streak. So I don't complain about it on the forums.

    I think the rewards being real exclusive is fine. Even the DA set is not these days. Who said all players should get all rewards?

    Besides, when the matchmaking finally works properly in a week or two, getting streaks will be easier.

  • I already personally know 2 people who got to level 100 in Athena faction yesterday. So it’s a grind but apparently it’s not an impossible grind. I don’t consider either of them sweats, they just figured out how to max their points per encounter. First of all, don’t invade, be a defender, raise emissary and get loot on your ship. It makes a huge difference than diving constantly.

  • @thorumsu said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    @mewds-d-jolly said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    @thorumsu you speak like someone who didn't attend school or taken any math classes, can you please calculate and show us how often are you going to achieve those streaks and get to level 100 in a few days as you claim? rather than just typing it out with nothing to backup what you're claiming?

    and also saying that the whole point is doing streaks and taking risks just proves my point, which is, this system is currently heavily skewed towards the best players in the game only, making it not grindy for them (which is something you're obviously wanting to get so much) while on the other hand it gets extremely grindy for the average player that wants to partake in this type of gameplay, its as clear as day that most players will have their streaks broken on the 2nd or 3rd battle, and this would make the rest of the players take months to get to those hideouts just to see what they can unlock, making this whole season kind of unplayable or undesirable for the majority of the active player base.

    and there is also one suggestion that I would like to make for Rare, can you guys pit players that own DA sails in a category of their own?! I just don't get why would someone like me a normal sailor having to face 3 DA sail sweatlords in a row, it is very disheartening to get matched by someone who is obviously way higher skilled than my self.

    As I already said, I know that it will be a decent grind for me.

    But unlike you, I know that the system rewards people who risk it and manage to defend their streak. So I don't complain about it on the forums.

    I think the rewards being real exclusive is fine. Even the DA set is not these days. Who said all players should get all rewards?

    Besides, when the matchmaking finally works properly in a week or two, getting streaks will be easier.

    You know that it will be decent grind for your self? do you mean you haven't partaken in this whole grind fest yet? I am sorry but if so then this invalidates your whole argument.

    unlike me complaining on the forums? not only you don't know anything about math, but also you are not properly reading what's been written at all, and probably you can't comprehend the concept of "feedback", I will try to clarify this for you again, although I have already done this a couple of posts ago, this is my feedback meant for Rare, its not meant for you or anyone like you at all, just state your opinion and go, you don't have to like what I say or agree with it, and no one said that "All players" should get "All the rewards", it seems like you keep on having arguments in your own head.

    and just as a note for you as well, if the matchmaking system works correctly, you wouldn't be doing any streaks, because then you would be matched against players of the same skill level causing you guys breaking each other's streaks all the time, resulting in this system to be grindy as mentioned several times now.

  • @mewds-d-jolly
    When I started SoT, I had 32 friends around me. But no one is playing now, but I kept playing this game because it was that fun. But this season is very hard and difficult. I've met the same player who beat me six times and I've sunk six times and of course my friends won't be around this season if I don't hold out. Rare overlooks that point. The seasonal game that ostracizes new users is doomed. I don't know why it makes new users hard and repeats self-destruction. From what I've experienced in Arena, this new gameplay is harsher than in Arena. I don't understand why Rare made this mistake if he knows how the Arena went down. We need to know that Arena is doomed because it keeps forcing competition. The general logic is that if PVP is forced, obstacles should be lowered, and that it should be a means to reach hard users who seek PVP quickly.

  • @thorumsu For now they are meaningful. But the athena cosmetics in the first year of the game were meaningful as well. Like oh cool glowy outfit man how did you get it? Now you can unlock it in a weekend. Access to the hideout doesn't mean much as from the sounds of it the only thing there is the curses... Is that really all they added for cosmetics? Not even weapons to unlock? hmmm. But yea its more for RP purposes. How many people hung out in the old PL hideout? we ran in to buy voyages then left. Now with captaincy its all but abandoned. We will grab our curses and then never revisit that place.

    We have been asking for the hideout to be given more purpose for a long time and nothing has happened. The reaper hideout looks amazing. Though almost too big and you will easily be sunk just looking around the place. Basically I see it only being used by people who are about to log out. Kind of a waste to have a cool elaborate hideout that most people wont even see because 100 is a hell of a grind for the number of casuals in this game. I have no life so I will probably unlock it at some point. Though I said the same about getting the arena cosmetics and then when they announce the end of the arena I was like... I COULD grind it out... But do I care? I will say I find this new mode more fun than arena though the que times are going to be an issue at some point just like with arena.

  • @mewds-d-jolly

    This is becoming an opinion argument at this point.

    I like the system as a whole and what it brings to the game, You don't.

    I have my reasons, You have your reasons.

    Since there is no certain fact, we are just clogging the post.

    I made my arguments and you made yours. Lets see what the inevatible future balance changes do.

  • I called it out before it was released that this wouldn't hit with adventurers, casuals, etc in any significant way but I wouldn't make the grind any easier.

    Season 7 was a flop because it drove out long term contributors and because it flat out didn't work well for months

    neither of these things are a real threat in season 8 now that we know it was released without significant issues.

    Season 8 will be nowhere near as dead as 7 was which means they can afford to hold the line on this grind.

    If the season remains consistent with mostly working and if they have adventure planned out for season 9 and 10 they will be fine.

    I don't love that it caters to partners/content creators after a couple of years of letting the organic environment go to heck by enabling no risk/max reward play BUT what matters are the effects of the content.

    If they have adventure content planned then this season will prove to be a necessary repair to the foundation of the game. Not a full repair but strong enough to help the organic environment start to return to a healthier condition.

  • If the skill-based matchmaking works properly you have in theory a 50 percent win chance. That means getting 3 wins a row extremely rare. Let alone more.

    Especially for solo players this season will not be very enjoyable because your MMR will be way more strictly matched than in a group.

    Also, PVP in groups is way more fun than solo. You have way more strategies at your disposal with 2 or more players and you can't run for a whole hour.

    In solo mode I got my wins so far through exquisite sailing and the opponent who gave up eventually by lack of patience and sailing skills. And for some reason I only get matched with players that have 62 days in-game time, which is insane since I played since the alpha and barely sunk anything through the years when solo playing.

  • I want Rare to know that playing 100 hours for 100 users is more valuable than playing 1000 hours for one user. And the way to accelerate this Pvp is to slaughter new users and help SoT shut down quickly. Rather, we should lower the obstacles so that new users can have hope for PvP, but there is no such thing. There will be no step-by-step compensation, and it will only be slaughtered for two months. It's only been three days since the season began, but the game time is getting longer and no one wants to admit it. Even if there is clear evidence, they try to ignore it. It certainly takes longer compared to pirate legends. It's more than a month even if you check the winning rate of half. In addition, we demand level 75 pirate legends and reapers, not level 100. New users will have to spend half a year to achieve this. Is this how Rare works? Can I simply calculate and do SoT for more than 4 hours a day? The match will be longer than 10 minutes from now on. It's going to be slower because we've slaughtered new users and after the curse no one will touch this style of play. This is because the loss is large, and there is no reason to do so when you have already obtained everything you need. Rare did this nonsense simply because he is interested in extending the period and will regret seeing the number of users plummeting in December at the end of this season.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I don't agree. This is because there is solid evidence that the number of users is already decreasing. Forced extension of season 8 and slaughtering new users would be disastrous. Benefits are limited to a small number of PvP users. When you force something you don't force, a game is not a game

  • @fretfulelk45403 said in Feedback on season 8 changes and PvP:

    I don't agree. This is because there is solid evidence that the number of users is already decreasing. Forced extension of season 8 and slaughtering new users would be disastrous. Benefits are limited to a small number of PvP users. When you force something you don't force, a game is not a game

    retention is always an issue here, the priority is not losing people that stick around through the highs and lows.

    season 7 failed at that and season 8 simply won't

    this is the first time in a long time that their content is truly approaching something for the long term, this game has long suffered from a -get through the month, pad the stats- approach to activity. This is true foundational repair that improves the environment over time.

    Everything isn't for everyone, that's just a part of this game

    the effects over time will improve everyone's experience to some degree

    love competition? they got it
    don't like it? it can be avoided

    love pve? it'll be less risky to some degree, always
    love both pve and pvp? plenty of options for that now

    They did good on this, the positive effects aren't shiny but they will be strong going forward.

  • @wolfmanbush
    What you're saying has no exact basis and everything is abstract. Season 8 completely excludes PvE, so new users who have given up PvP have no choice but to do the poor season 7 or the previous one. Is there any way to achieve something with PVE in season 8 when referring to options? No, there is no such thing. As you say, this big update, season 8, which takes three months, is just a "extremely" part of the game and is mocking PvE users by saying they can't if they don't want to. I don't understand why you want to play selfishly. Does it serve as a means to prove to you that you are competent? Just in the game? I think that's a bit of a misery. The truth is that in a month only a few users will achieve this and the PvP system will not work. Because without a new user, whatever MMR is, it's going to be an old user-only game, and you're going to end up in the same situation as Arena. This is unfounded and we've seen all PvP games go down the drain as the bottom user disappears. This has 100% solid evidence and examples.

  • Just to add this is a Sea of Thieves discussion forum and there are as many opinions as there are people so expect people to disagree with your feedback and suggestions and debate their point..

    Forgive me if I am wrong but I think these new hideouts are here for the long term.

    Fair winds!

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