Custom/Personal Pirate Code

  • I think it would be pretty interesting if captain's can have their own pirate code on display in their ship similarly to the pirate code visible in taverns, this could allow people to express their ways as a pirate and aswell as make your ship feel more personal. Nothing inappropriate allowed similarly to the way naming a captained ship works.

  • 15
    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • There will be all sorts of silliness on those lists

    but I think it would be neat

    one good thing about it is so few people will actually see the list that I think the drama can be kept to a minimum and people can largely just use it for qol/immersion/rp

  • I think that is a really fun idea!

    My only hesitation would be that apparently some members of the community cannot be trusted with such creative expressions, as evidenced by the number of "in bad taste" ship names there are.

    But if it could be implemented I think it would be a lot of fun for the 3 sessions it remained saved to your ship.

  • Of course sure. But then nobody will be following those codes either :p

  • Are there enough words that haven't been banned to make a pirate code?

  • What would your Pirate Code be? 🤔

  • @galactic-geek said in Custom/Personal Pirate Code:

    What would your Pirate Code be? 🤔

    ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅰️🅱️ Start


  • @galactic-geek mine would be “the eagle doesn’t catch flies” also “don’t trust anyone” and my last one would be “remain vigilant” still in progress though. What would your pirate code be if you don’t mind me asking?

  • @galactic-geek said in Custom/Personal Pirate Code:

    What would your Pirate Code be? 🤔

    "If you're reading this, message me for your obsidian 6 pack"

    then the tuckers will message me to narc on themselves and I'll just send a picture of a 6 pack of some random obsidian brand beverage

  • This would be kind of cool, but to keep it from being abused… instead of letting you type whatever you want, they could have presets you select from on the vanity chest like how you place your emotes on your wheel. You could place your codes on your paper. I know it isn’t quite as fun as writing your own code in your own words… but I doubt they’d ever introduce it if it was fully customizable like that as they’d fear the way people would word things and the way people would try to get around the profanity filters.

  • @abjectarity said in Custom/Personal Pirate Code:

    This would be kind of cool, but to keep it from being abused… instead of letting you type whatever you want, they could have presets you select from on the vanity chest like how you place your emotes on your wheel. You could place your codes on your paper. I know it isn’t quite as fun as writing your own code in your own words… but I doubt they’d ever introduce it if it was fully customizable like that as they’d fear the way people would word things and the way people would try to get around the profanity filters.

    We are getting through ship names which are seen by far more people, we could get through something seen by far less people.

    Immersion requires individuality, the cost of that is that sometimes people will see things they don't like and don't agree with. If it violates the rules we have a process for that and if it violates people's personal preferences on conduct they can use the tools they have to move on.

    This game benefits from supporting individuality and expression where we reasonably can.

  • @wolfmanbush I completely agree that it would be so much nicer to be able to handle it like logical adults…. But after seeing them ban the word Monkey from the game… I might have lost hope that they will allow us such freedom, so I offered an option that I think would be more likely for them to implement with the way they are going censorship-wise.

  • If anyone were to "Abuse the system" by adding things that are inappropriate, then they ought to be punished accordingly, even though what is deemed inappropriate pretty much varies from person to person.

    The whole monkey business that occurred with adding monkey to the filter just makes me think, that if benign words are open to being censored out, we may as well remove communication as well to avoid any possibility of causing offense. Seriously, the reasons given for adding it to the filter really annoy me...

  • @equasi asked:

    What would your pirate code be if you don’t mind me asking?

    1 Do not let your emotions control you.
    2 Use logic, evidence, and facts to guide you.
    3 Channel your inner Vulcan.

  • @pithyrumble said in Custom/Personal Pirate Code:

    Are there enough words that haven't been banned to make a pirate code?

    This is both a sad AND great joke!

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