Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best ‘Oh My, Flying High’ Screenshot [RESULT]

  • Some crackin’ screenshots again with honourable mentions to @RowenaRogers and @metal-ravage

    But this weeks winner with their super charged banana is

    Well done me matey!

  • 8
  • GG.
    Congrats on the win.

  • @lizalaroo That is pretty epic. Congrats!

  • @lizalaroo Hello there! This is amazing!!! As this is the first time I ever won a capture a code community competition, do I have to do anything on my part to receive the obsidian capstan??

  • @lizalaroo Always a pleasure to be part of this contest.

    A big thank you to the host for this opportunity and congrats to the winner!

  • Really cool screen! I didn't think it was possible to win with HUD on, good thing to know. Congrats!

  • Awesome photo, congrats!!

  • Oh wow, just saw this, so close, always next time ~

3 out of 8