Couch co-op

  • The new xbox has been out for a while now. And I presume it's powerfully enough that it can handle couch co-op.

    They can even make the resolution lower, if that helps.

    just wondering why it isn't a thing yet

  • 17
  • Game is built around the idea. “You are the pirate” having co-op would remove this. :/

  • @coco1886 While the new xbox is powerful, Sea of Thieves wasn't developed for couch co-op. I just dont see it even being added after being out for 4 years+.

  • That's so they can sell more hardware and more copies of the game.

  • Honestly if Rare thinks the hardware can handle this I see no reason for couch co op not existing. Think it will help the longevity and attract more players to the game. Go for it!

  • @pithyrumble said in Couch co-op:

    That's so they can sell more hardware and more copies of the game.

    See, Capitalism folks

  • @coco1886 I don’t think it’s even something their ever going to do sadly couch co-op is a thing of the past most online games don’t have it which does suck but boy this is the last game I’d wanna play split screen it’s just to pretty to share a screen with get your own

  • @burnbacon not really they’d be on your crew by default so that’s same as it is now I play with IRL buddies all the time

  • Couch Co-Op play would give crews an advantage over those crews who don't use the feature.

    It's called screen-looking. Because you're seeing 2-4 perspectives at once. Your awareness skyrockets. Picture each galleon crewmember standing on deck facing a different cardinal direction (like meerkats looking for danger). Normally, you would only be able to see in 1 direction (N, S, E, or W), but with Couch Co-Op, you can see in all 4 directions (N, S, E, and W)!

    This extends to also knowing what your own crew is doing at any given time without having to communicate, which means potentially faster coordination - for example, if you see their pirate in danger, you don't have to wait for them to communicate, "I need help!" You can just act.

    Furthermore, because Couch Co-Op happens in person in real time, communication is practically instant and absolutely private (why wear headphones and microphones when everyone is right there?) - it's even better and more secure than party chat!

    Couch Co-Op can be fun, and I do miss it, but this isn't the kind of game that that feature is made for...

  • @coco1886 sagte in Couch co-op:

    The new xbox has been out for a while now. And I presume it's powerfully enough that it can handle couch co-op.

    They can even make the resolution lower, if that helps.

    just wondering why it isn't a thing yet

    The game gets more and more unstable, the more stuff comes into the game
    Lately even on the SeriesX, when too much stuff is going on around the ship (actually another ship is enough), you can stick in the black loading screen for much longer than it use to be...

    Powerful, yes
    Powerful enough to handle splitscreen, definitly not, at least not for SoT

  • @pithyrumble said in Couch co-op:

    That's so they can sell more hardware and more copies of the game.

    Consoles are usually a Loss-Leader. Selling them is usually not the plan.

  • @galactic-geek I know a few husband and wife crews who literally sail sat on the sofa next to each other, playing on two different XBOX consoles and TVs.
    Also remember that a lot of crews play in a Discord VC or XBOX Party, so they don't have public conversations. I sailed for the first two years in silence in a part chat. @thor_von_blitz is to thank for me final utilising game chat.

    My point is that a lot of crews could already be doing some of the things you state are issues, without couch co-op being a thing.

  • @galactic-geek a dit dans Couch co-op :

    Couch Co-Op play would give crews an advantage over those crews who don't use the feature.

    It's called screen-looking. Because you're seeing 2-4 perspectives at once. Your awareness skyrockets. Picture each galleon crewmember standing on deck facing a different cardinal direction (like meerkats looking for danger). Normally, you would only be able to see in 1 direction (N, S, E, or W), but with Couch Co-Op, you can see in all 4 directions (N, S, E, and W)!

    This extends to also knowing what your own crew is doing at any given time without having to communicate, which means potentially faster coordination - for example, if you see their pirate in danger, you don't have to wait for them to communicate, "I need help!" You can just act.

    Furthermore, because Couch Co-Op happens in person in real time, communication is practically instant and absolutely private (why wear headphones and microphones when everyone is right there?) - it's even better and more secure than party chat!

    Couch Co-Op can be fun, and I do miss it, but this isn't the kind of game that that feature is made for...

    those minor 'situational awareness' advantages may be justifiable in balancing what is otherwise a gimped experience. i dont think it is the type of advantage that people would willingly pursue for a competative edge or whatnot.

  • My Series X would sound like a jet engine when trying to render the game two times.

  • @coco1886

    Seeing as you can have a crew of up to four, it makes sens this should be considered.

  • @pithyrumble said in Couch co-op:

    That's so they can sell more hardware and more copies of the game.

    You're basically saying that Rare is greedy for not implementing 'Split Screen'.
    Not sure if you knew but that's not a positive thing.
    And I don't think you'd want that to be the case.

    Happy sailing!

  • @jumli7 said in Couch co-op:

    @pithyrumble said in Couch co-op:

    That's so they can sell more hardware and more copies of the game.

    You're basically saying that Rare is greedy for not implementing 'Split Screen'.
    Not sure if you knew but that's not a positive thing.
    And I don't think you'd want that to be the case.

    Happy sailing!

    That was the point. Couch co-op started disappearing when online play got more regular. Oh look. I can sell another copy of my game that might not have been sold if it had couch co-op.

    It's not just Rare either.

5 out of 17