Fate on Golden Sands Outpost

  • Upon the release of the premier of the new adventure trailer there has been a split in community regarding the fate of Golden Sands. This is quite a controversial topic, since both Merrick and Flameheart Jr are both gigachads, and the outpost itself was and is a very armospheric place. According to poles the majority of players will work to save the outpost, mostly for strategical reasons (having an outpost in that area is very handy), and I respect that. However, I represent the minority of players that want to destroyed. The reason for this isn't just HAIL FLAMEHEART, but a desire to make things more interesting from the game lore perspective. Im honestly getting bored with "good guys" always winning. Plus there is a chance that after the outpost will be destroyed, a new reapers conctruction may take place there. Some people may fear that if Flameheart wins, Merrick will die. But devs have already released the mystery, and the dead guy is DeMarco. If Merrick wins, everything will be as it used to, but wouldn't we want to spice things up a little?

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  • @guyrza Make sure you tune in ;)

  • @guyrza purely from a lore point, I would like to see what happens with Golden Sands is left to it's fate...
    I guess we can reconvene the discussion after 4pm today!

  • I don't want another Reaper Outpost there - it'd be too close to the other 1...

  • I personally want the outpost to return to normal (with added cool things so its not exactly the same) because I don't want the green fog there, and return Merchant rotation to normal.
    But looking at it from a strategic gameplay perspective; having one outpost for Reapers is better as it's a combat-focused faction, and forcing them to sell in one location in the middle of the map is more likely to bring more interaction between players.

  • I feel like it'll be dependent on what they announce in the video later today. If Golden Sands is no longer an outpost, will its inhabitants find a new home and make a new outpost? Maybe build out Lagoon of Whispers? Maybe take over a Skeleton Fort and turn one of those into an outpost? Maybe turn Sea Dog Tavern into an outpost? Lots of options.

  • @galactic-geek no one said about another reaper outpost, that would be boring. I was thinking of smth else thats PVP related. A TDM area probably, or another unique world event place, like FOTD.

  • @sshteeve watched the trailer, nothing too new tbh. There was a barrel with a trailer, but I doubt that one keg will blow up an entire isle. So I think its jus the current state of it. As I mentioned in another comment, even if the outpost gets fully wiped out it can still be a new structure there, such as TDM arena or unique world event location (like FOTD, but the event is smth completely new.) Would be better, dont u think?

  • Im going to be spending the duration of the adventure trying to make sure Golden Sands never recovers.


  • or perhaps when golden sands gets dead [because it will] we could look at it remembering we are the reason it looks like that...

  • My question. If it were to be “destroyed” would it just turn into an abandon island/outpost or will the reapers take fort and make it into there very own? Still an outpost but under Reaper banner.

    From that, either way…I say it will remain a Outpost in the end but under a different power control

    Could even be a reaper only outpost :/

  • We stood with Merrick since the Hungering Deep update, let's not abandon this old mariner now when he needs us most.

  • @captain-coel said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    Im going to be spending the duration of the adventure trying to make sure Golden Sands never recovers.


    Not if I stop you 1st! ⚔️

  • We discussed this with some friends and even tho we think it wouldn't be possible to do so, I wanted to share it.

    Why not make it a special event, on servers like the arena one but you'll only have Golden Sands Outpost and a 2-3 squares radius area around it only. Then add the possibility to have let's say 30 players with any ship (or a defined number for each).
    And make it like a "secure the area" mission where you have to fight on land gain control of the island, while also gaining "renown" or "allegiance marks" for the side you're fighting for.
    Let it run for let say : a week or two. (but keeping the "score" secret until the end)
    After that, look at which side as the most allegiance points and they get to keep the Outpost as theirs.

    We definitely thought it would be could but what's your opinion on it guys ?

  • @burnbacon said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    My question. If it were to be “destroyed” would it just turn into an abandon island/outpost or will the reapers take fort and make it into there very own? Still an outpost but under Reaper banner.

    From that, either way…I say it will remain a Outpost in the end but under a different power control

    Could even be a reaper only outpost :/

    Why would the reapers turn Golden Sands Outpost into a reaper hideout?

    The reapers hate the trading companies. Golden Sands is simply the first outpost to fall. The reapers will most likely begin targeting the remaining 5 outpost, 6 if you include Morrows Peak outpost.

    If the community chooses to destroy Golden Sands Outpost, it will remain an abandoned island surrounded by fog with no use. Maybe if we are lucky, gold hoarder voyages and order of souls voyages may start to appear there. It may become just another regular island where voyages spawn

  • Those who abandon Merrick at this dark hour will never kill the Shrouded Ghost

  • The Pirate lord is the enemy. He wants only to control the seas and have all pirates serve him.

  • Dont even bother choosing sides guys... Alliance servers will decide the fate of the outpost proably LOL

  • Arena could replace golden sands...

  • @thorumsu said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    Dont even bother choosing sides guys... Alliance servers will decide the fate of the outpost proably LOL

    But I believe the Dev have already mapped out the outcome, judging by how players visit the outpost and feel on the location. So whatever happens, they could easily flip a switch to shift the outcome and say "That what we did"

    So far, majority of the community want to keep the Outpost and bring it back. Other curious in what could happen in Reapers win. (Reapers own outpost?)

    Regardless anyways, what happens wont really affect the full outcome of the SoT and the future. May change a few dialogs here and pirates perspective. But the endgame is still the same.

  • @thorumsu said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    Dont even bother choosing sides guys... Alliance servers will decide the fate of the outpost proably LOL

    How so?

    Alliance servers are busy doing their own thing. They aren’t going to dedicate time to the adventure to rebuild golden sands outpost

  • I'm wondering what commendations and cosmetics might be introduced with this, and if we can play both sides to unlock all the things... :)

  • @baconavenger764 said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    I'm wondering what commendations and cosmetics might be introduced with this, and if we can play both sides to unlock all the things... :)

    That is pirate thinking.

  • @burnbacon
    I'm actually interested to get another reaper hub/outpost

  • @tygerx484x said in Fate on Golden Sands Outpost:

    I'm actually interested to get another reaper hub/outpost

    You won't. I'm willing to bet that GSO will either return to normal as it once was if Merrick wins, or it will remain as it has been with the fog if the Reapers win. Why do I believe this? Because there are staples to the outpost - such as Legends of the Sea, for example, that cannot be removed. Anyone who thinks that GSO will sink beneath the waves if Merrick is defeated is only fooling themselves. This is also chiefly why I support Team Merrick - 2 wood crates and 2 fruit crates turned in and 4 Reaper rowboats destroyed this morning alone; it ensures that GSO will simply be more useful. If something does drastically change based on either side winning, then I will be pleasantly surprised...

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