Having classes

  • To be brief, how about different, interchangeable classes? Have some classes that do things better/can hold more mats of a certain kind. A chef can cook and hold more food, a woodworker could repair and hold more wood, a cannoner could reload cannons faster and carry more balls. I also made the post about getting gear, maybe gear could also do this, allow you to carry more mats. This would make the game so much easier to main. I would go nuts if they added character progression outside of cosmetics. Thank you!

  • 11
  • Where does this need for "character progression" come from?

  • Ah yes more buffs to the already 9000 buffs to group play. No thanks.

  • This all sounds 100% counterintuitive to the design goals and intent of this game. It is strictly designed to explicitly not have those kinds of features, which is honestly one of my favorite things about the game.

    Finding things out in the world that are strictly session based in line with the game intent is all well and good (examples include rowboats, kegs, cursed cannonballs, top tier foods, tridents, etc).

    New experiences can also be an option, so long as they don't gate others from participating even if they are day one so long as they are playing with someone who has achieved that experience (examples here would be Athena Voyages once you become Pirate Legend, or Emissary access on reaching the requisite Faction Rank). So I suppose that you can look at these as your "character progression" items in that respect.

    That is the way with this game, and it works an absolute treat to be perfectly honest. More things that take these kinds of approaches are welcome, and will no doubt be coming as the game continues to develop and evolve. Things where, at a base level, we are still all the same and on equal footing (same items, same inventory space, same Ships generally speaking, and doing the same things via world interaction and gathering loot).

    Fundamentally we are all the same, it is our knowledge, skill, and a bit of luck that really sets us apart.

  • In a game where it can be 1v4, you want to give even more advantages to the group of 4?


  • No to both classes and character progression.

    Classes ruins the idea that everyone is equal and will definitely end up with everyone picking the same classes or if it is 1 per ship ruining the idea that everyone is the same. I don't want players to be forced to play a certain way to fit their current class.

    Progression is a hard no, if they add real progression to SoT I am quitting the game and so would many other players. People have come to this game to enjoy an MMORPG style game without the tedious progression grinding and unequalness amongst players. We want to have fun all being on the same level with nothing but our skill (and occasionally a little luck) be the factor to differentiate us in the Seas.

  • @magerchubttv

    These are not the features you are looking for. Move along.

    alt text

  • Have some classes that do things better/can hold more mats of a certain kind.

    If we did this...every PvP player would choose the Class that makes battle better for them. While PvE players will focus on carry more food or something to survive against npc stuff.

    When the two collide.... Nah. No thanks.

  • I'm tempted to back the idea just to annoy Solo Sloopers.

  • @mrat13 alt text

  • Classes ? i wouldn't know why , actually... You see , this game has been developed in a genius way , everybody falls into it's place . You have natural born leaders , great helmsman/woman , cannonneers and guys and girls that repair the ship with nails in their mouths and pencils behind the ears ... You see , i don't need an extra ,little speed bonus , because i'm simply faster in repairing than that cannoneer that comes to help me if i'm in trouble. not because of an extra trait or perk , just because of years of practise , the same goes for that helping cannonguy /girl , he /she has been shooting for years , knows the travelling arc of the cannonballs compared to shipspeed , windspeed , and angle of ship , so compared with me they are much more accurate than me ...And i completely can live with that , because this gives our and any other's crew an identity and colour...

    So don't let us think in squares but just do what we want to do untill we find the spot we excell upon... Just love the Freedom of this Game , instead of being pushed again in a role , while i have an handicap in other parts of the game ,not because of a bad day or less experience but just because the game told me so...

3 out of 11