Such a pretty game - too much of the map is gray and dull

  • To whom it may concern - Sea of Thieves is a pretty game, but with all of the weather conditions (storms, fog, etc.) it's a pretty rare occurrence to be sailing around or exploring islands on a nice sunny day (and please don't take this as a complaint against the weather effects - they're great). My complaint is that it feels like when sailing around the majority of the map (or when getting close to a large number of certain islands) the skybox turns into a dull gray color. It is too much. As a mostly solo-player, this turns sailing around the Sea of Thieves into a pretty dark and gloomy experience. Can you please reduce the number of islands that change the skybox gray. Or change up the color palette. I'm sure there are other (brighter) colors that could indicate a "haunted/enchanted/cursed" island than dull old gray. And as for The Devil's Roar area, why does the whole area need to be gray? Why can't the area right around erupting volcanoes turn into a bright and colorful fire-looking skybox?

    TLDR: Please reduce the number/amount of areas that turn the skybox to a dull gray. Thank you! ~Rafe

  • 25
  • Like Jagger sang
    You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you'll find you get what you need

    The entire west and a lot of the middle have plenty of clear and sunny times. Weather and vibe variety allow everyone to find some of what they want and it helps people appreciate what they like by experiencing some of what they don't

  • @WolfManbush, I'm not necessarily asking for the gray skybox to be removed. I'm merely saying that there can be other (more creative) colored skyboxes to represent a cursed/whatever island. My point is that there is TOO much dull gray. - Every time an island has "something special" about it, the sky turns gray. Let's change it up!

  • If there was no fog or storms, the Wilds or the Roar you will not be as glad for the sunny days.

  • @Metal Ravage, nobody is asking for the storms or fog to be reduced/removed. Just that amount of areas/islands that turn the sky gray. Why can't we turn the sky green, purple, red for different areas/islands that are afflicted with curses/whatever? - Why always dull gray?

  • @rafearcher As the sun travels across the SOT sky you can see the light reflected in a spectrum of colors. My favorite time is the hours before dawn when you can spot aurora borealis.

  • @Metal Ravage, you're right - and that is very pretty; but there's just way too much dreary, boring gray all over the map.

  • @rafearcher
    It's not Islands that change the look of the skybox, it is the areas. As @wolfmanbush said, the Shores of Plenty are almost always sunny, and the ancient isles looks pretty good most of the time. If don't remember ever thinking these areas were a dull gray...
    If you want the skybox changed for some locations, that means the Devil's Roar and the Wilds would go against their own aesthetics.
    I also don't think gray color automatically means dull - here's a lunar eclipse at the Devil's Roar at sunset:

  • I do think the Roar and Reaper's Hideout could be more red tinted than grey. They can both look a little dull at times.

  • @mferr11, yes, more red would be cool! I was noticing that most of The Wilds area was also gray. It seriously feels like 2/3rds of the map is gray - that is just too much.

  • @rafearcher said in Such a pretty game - too much of the map is gray and dull:

    yes, more red would be cool! I was noticing that most of The Wilds area was also gray. It seriously feels like 2/3rds of the map is gray - that is just too much.

    the tinting on the cosmetics with the red and yellow are terrible for visibility and a lot of people don't like it so they go unused

    it would be subjecting the entire game population to potentially terrible visibility and something that doesn't appear to be popular at all from what I've seen in feedback about the tinting

  • @WolfManbush, well then that would just be more in favor with my ultimate goal/request of just removing the tinting in the first place. I mean, I would be fine with other "creative" colors than gray if the developers feel it necessary to keep certain islands/areas lit(tinted) differently - my argument is simply the fact that there is too much gray 'tint' throughout the map.

  • Giving this more thought, I definitely think Reaper's could use a different atmosphere colour. Notice the difference between a promotional image which has more red and is clear, compared to ingame which is grey and murky.

  • Each of the different areas is designed to make you feel certain emotions. One of the KEY developmental goals with this game was to influence player emotions and invoke a certain kind of response.

    All the areas do this as intended, IMO.

    I do not feel any change is warranted.

    If you feel gloomy when in the The Wilds, that's INTENDED.

  • The Wilds, and the Devil's Roar, and the Reaper island, and every fort - but they're all gray. It's too much gray! All I'm asking is for the gray to be adjusted to something more creative, such as more of a red tint for the Reaper island as @mferr11 mentioned.

  • @rafearcher

    Once upon a time when the game was new, they did not have so darn much fog; they really over did it with the fog and "haze" thats sorta everywhere in game now. This makes the NE corner look horrid and no one seems to go there as much anymore because its kinda ugly because of that gray haze.

  • I agree I spend all my time in the West

  • @rafearcher sagte in Such a pretty game - too much of the map is gray and dull:

    The Wilds, and the Devil's Roar, and the Reaper island, and every fort - but they're all gray. It's too much gray! All I'm asking is for the gray to be adjusted to something more creative, such as more of a red tint for the Reaper island as @mferr11 mentioned.

    Every fort? No...just the FotD has this...all other forts have the weather from theyr region

  • @rafearcher said:

    ...and every fort

    No. Not every fort. ONLY the Fort of the Damned, like @Schwammlgott already said. Oh, and the forts in the Wilds and the Devil's Roar. Still, not every fort. 😅

  • @SwimPlatypus7, I've heard that from a lot of players - that they rarely go on the right side of the map because the left is so much prettier. I am, however, not against the weather conditions - strictly the amount of areas/islands that turn the sky/water gray.
    I actually think the fog adds certain elements of fun to the game as you can hide in it while PVPing and sneak up on people, etc.

  • @rafearcher said in Such a pretty game - too much of the map is gray and dull:

    The Wilds, and the Devil's Roar, and the Reaper island, and every fort - but they're all gray. It's too much gray! All I'm asking is for the gray to be adjusted to something more creative, such as more of a red tint for the Reaper island as @mferr11 mentioned.

    I agree with you as far as The Devils Roar, Reapers and The Wilds . I have to say I really give applause to the SOT creative game, they made a truly beautiful game for us all. I think though those added touches you bring up would really take the visuals over the top in those areas.

    Hmm but then again I do like to hang out in bad weather spots as they seem less populated. I notice many players like to be in the nicer weather areas.

  • @rafearcher said in Such a pretty game - too much of the map is gray and dull:

    @SwimPlatypus7, I've heard that from a lot of players - that they rarely go on the right side of the map because the left is so much prettier. I am, however, not against the weather conditions - strictly the amount of areas/islands that turn the sky/water gray.
    I actually think the fog adds certain elements of fun to the game as you can hide in it while PVPing and sneak up on people, etc.

    Are you sure you're not partly colorblind, if so much of the map is showing up as shades of grey for you?

  • Underwater kingdoms are bright and vibrant. They are found in many areas. Fireworks are pretty and you can bring them with you to the wilds or the roar if you ever visit those areas for whatever reason. When I think pirates, I honestly don't necessarily think of white sand beaches or bright blue water. I honestly think of dull.

  • i meannn this real world isnt all bright all the time sooo

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