Pc hacks

  • So I just read the entire posts on of hacks ( which is locked in the forum now) posted 3 years ago. I am re-opening the topic because I am 100% i am experiencing the same issue with players using Aimbots and ESP apps, they can see your ship hiding behind rock, they can see you, they never miss a chain shot or a weapons firing at you. You know when they are “skill” v. cheating.
    I read we can’t even submit video as evidence of those players, how is rare supposed to cracj down on those cheaters?

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  • To clarify, you can and should provide that evidence to us through raising a support ticket and reporting it. What is not permitted is sharing video of cheats and hacks in our community spaces. Hope that makes more sense :)

  • Best thing you can do is record the last minute or 3 minutes of gameplay at all times and clip it when you need it

    Then you have evidence and have something for them review.

    Assumption and speculation doesn't get anywhere in a report. Even with video it's still an uphill battle as it mostly just shows oddities and isn't typically definitive proof but it might get them to look deeper into it.

  • @lady-aijou is right, @Maximo287. If you share a clip of them cheating in a public forum, you might actually, and inadvertently, encourage more pirates to cheat.

    However, if you share it via a support ticket, Rare can ban the individuals in question, and take further steps to prevent future cheating from reoccurring.

  • @galactic-geek where is the support email? I have not found a support email for rare yet.
    Appreciated if you can share the support email.
    I will try to catch the next one that is cheating on Video.
    Too many these days, so should not be difficult to catch the next and crack down on that.
    Amazes me that ppl think of cheating is most likely the ones that can’t develop real skills in the game and only want to brag about something they are not! (A good player)

  • @wolfmanbush this is not assumption and speculation, I am 100% when I see a aimbot and esp, is really not difficult to spot from the actual good players

  • Spotting you from behind a rock? how big is this rock that you think they cant see around it or saw you sailing behind it? lol. I have noticed some players having extremely accurate chain shots, making me have to board their ship to possibly fight back but it doesnt happen constantly, I also get people who shoot into the water everytime with their chain shots.

    As far as cannonball shots, I make 95% of my shots when I decide to shoot cannons and not fight, people dont need to be calling me a cheater since After that 1st or 2nd shot, I get a feel for how far they are and hit everytime(almost)

  • @maximo287 said in Pc hacks:

    @wolfmanbush this is not assumption and speculation, I am 100% when I see a aimbot and esp, is really not difficult to spot from the actual good players

    Saying you 100% know aimbot and esp on servers that run as inconsistently as these is like saying you know which UFO's are extraterrestrial because you've seen every episode of ancient aliens

  • Are you playing on Xbox or PC

  • @wolfmanbush

    That was an unnecessary comment on your part. And yes, is pretty obvious when someone is using an aimbot/esp or not, if you “actually” know how to play the game.
    As for an UFO, I kind of doubt that is pretty obvious or not. Pretty sure if you made a comment like that and does not work for Rare, then you most likely are one of those sad ppl that cheats and felt offended by my comment, because usually ppl that cheats, “think” what they are doing is “natural” and nobody will notice, and no, I don’t need a PHD in psychology to know that...that is pretty obvious too.

  • @elderterdkin
    Nope, is completely different than that,
    Making most of your shots (canon or not), is not uncommon, I have seen and played with extremely skillful players.
    As you said you can hit about 95% of your shot, if you can hit 100% of your shots, that would be super player right? Nobody is 100%,
    Again comes back to the stupid clip video evidence , which, next time it happens I will be submitting to rare, explaining in the forum won’t illustrate what I am seeing.
    And yes pretty big rocks, lol. Not little “beach” pebbles. If you can hit 100% of your gun and cannonball shots, then you are the best online player I have ever encounter

  • @wolfmanbush
    If your comments are not going to be productive to crack down on cheaters and be as ignorant as the one you just posted, please try another topic in this forum that best suit your small minded way of thinking and communicating online.
    I would “draw” if I could so you can understand better, but I will try to illustrate for you in words.

    UFO= not proven it exist or does not

    Ancient aliens= garbage show on tv, very sorry you watch that

    Aimbots/esp= an actual program that exists and is being used in a clandestine way in games

    Cheating = utilizing means and ways that was NOT provided by the game to gain advantage of the gameplay because the skills of cheaters are below average level.

  • @maximo287 said in Pc hacks:

    Aimbots/esp= an actual program that exists and is being used in a clandestine way in games

    Cheating = utilizing means and ways that was NOT provided by the game to gain advantage of the gameplay because the skills of cheaters are below average level.

    Agreed, but where people are disagreeing with you is your certainty that
    a) They are everywhere and encountered pretty much every session
    b) that you can tell 100% that someone is cheating.

    Also I find it interesting you seem to aggressively attack anyone on here who advises you on the points above. No doubt you will also call me a cheater just for posting this.

  • @maximo287

    look i've kind of been reading your replies and the problem here is unless you have difinative proof you can't 100% say that cheating is going on and you don't seem to aknowledge that fact. Instead you get passive aggressive and rude to anyone that doesn't agree with you.

    You can't 100% know if the crew you played against were cheating sitting on your side of the pc, they may have just been that good. and honestly to an outsider you just sound like a salty pirate who doesn't like that they get sunk by other pirates, because you will not even consider that you might be wrong, that you may not have this stunning sense of what is a bot or a good player.

    i've sat in the room with my kids playing fortnite and screaming aimbot everytime a player better than them kills them, its kind of how you are sounding right now to to be honest :S

  • @maximo287 said in Pc hacks:


    That was an unnecessary comment on your part. And yes, is pretty obvious when someone is using an aimbot/esp or not, if you “actually” know how to play the game.
    As for an UFO, I kind of doubt that is pretty obvious or not. Pretty sure if you made a comment like that and does not work for Rare, then you most likely are one of those sad ppl that cheats and felt offended by my comment, because usually ppl that cheats, “think” what they are doing is “natural” and nobody will notice, and no, I don’t need a PHD in psychology to know that...that is pretty obvious too.

    alt text

  • @maximo287

    At the bottom you can raise a ticket.

  • I’m 98% sure that you got outplayed and called hacks. There are tons of videos of people getting attacked by streamers and when the streamer dies they yell call aimbot, esp, movement hacks, macros, invincibility, etc. In reality they are players who think nobody can be better them. Honestly dude, the things you mentioned like spotting the ship is not difficult and landing every shot, you’re probably getting back tracked.

  • I must admit, I’m not usually one to call hack regardless of how hard I get it handed to me. However, we had a sloop the other day that was ridiculously accurate. Like, if you shot yourself out of a cannon out into the ocean, they would hit you with the cannon ball.

    At first I thought it was luck but that sort of on the point aiming just kept happening. They did not miss a single chain shot. We had to scuttle a few times because they’d repair our ship and spawn kill us. One guy below deck and the other shooting players directly with the cannon above.

    But I’ve been hounded over the forums before saying it doesn’t exist so I gave the benefit of the doubt. The final straw though that annoyed me was towards the end of the night and out 6th sink by that same ship. I dropped a row boat to go to plunder near snake island as my crew sailed off. That sloop came directly from north of daggertooth straight to my sloop. I wasn’t going to make it to the outpost but I tested it by deliberately sailing off course by a square or two and they sailed straight to me.

    If it isn’t a cheat then whatever, but I’d like to know if there is a legit way that somehow enables you to track individual players more than half the map away.

  • I think you can public post video (ie. youtube) of people you think are cheating from your perspective you just can't post video of cheats in action or link to videos made to advertise cheats, and you'd likely have to have streamer mode on or blur the names to prevent breaking the name/shaming/witch hunt rule.

    Mods can correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as you aren't actually showing cheat overlays or you using aimbot yourself and you're not breaking any of the witch hunt rules you're basically only posting gameplay content.

    There was one guy who posted a link to his twitch stream claiming a hacker had passed through his ship walls to kill him, and in the video you could clearly see this guy climb up the ladder just before he went downstairs. That was good for a laugh :D

  • I really hope you know that cheating in sea of thives is really hard, the dev's are really onto their bans. What you are experiencing is called playing against good players. Honestly people need to stop the hate towards pc players it's disgusting. Out of 10,000 players you MIGHT find one that is cheating, and I hope you also realise that xbox players have always been able to cheat as well on most games including sea of thives. You can hook your xbox up to a laptop or pc and do it from there. You need to get better at the game or stop complaining. If you have a suspicions that someone is cheating report them. Rare is good with that sort of thing. Do not call cheats and hacks to everyone else just because you aren't the best. Makes me sick whenever I see posts like this pointed at pc players when almost all of us do not cheat. There has been instances where xbox players have cheated too, and just like pc cheats they get banned. Ridiculous post.

  • There are people cheating but its nearly impossible to prove.

    Check out this video from two months ago of a guy demonstrating how people cheat. [mod edit]

    It will always be possible to cheat, as soon as a cheat is located and fixed, the hack is rewritten to avoid detection. Its a never ending cycle.

    The majority of people do not cheat and I don’t think it effects the everyday gaming experience. I’ve had some encounters that suggest cheating but even a video isn't proof. I’m guessing it would take multiple reports of the same account to generate a ban, and the cheater could just make a new account and continue cheating.

    I think we just have to accept the fact that we might encounter cheaters once in awhile, the best thing to do is leave the game and go to a new server.

  • Unless you have clips of their characters snapping to your side it's gonna be hard to prove anything. With over 1,700 hours in the game I have not seen a single hacker. Not to say there aren't any, just to say it's most likely skill.

  • @maximo287 if you want an easy way to record your bits of gameplay, you can try downloading Twitch Stuido Beta, its free and lets you record or stream, that way every night depending on if you record or stream, you can delete it if there was nothing strange happening or edit the recording if something does, that way you can send it in to Rare later.

  • @cornelius-ix Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    - Cheat or hack. We have a zero tolerance approach to any form of in-game hacking or cheating, and transgression can result in a permanent ban. Data-mined content is also prohibited from our channels as it can ruin future game updates for players who have no wish to be exposed to incomplete or out-of-context information.

    Which includes linking to cheats/hacks.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    If you suspect foul-play in the game, you can report it to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

    Thank you.

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