Cosmetics look awful on black pirates

  • I’ve bought almost every stuff available on the Clothing Shop and Black Market and it’s really frustrating trying to find something that fits well. My pirate is a black woman and it seems like nothing there was meant for her. The outfits make her look like a man and the colors look grayish and wiped out. It’s hard to find something really shining and colorful that doesn’t look like a parrot. Not to mention the few afro hairstyles available.

    I get the sense that every cosmetic on Sea of Thieves is designed for a white male character, then poorly adapted to other body types. And it becomes clear when you google “sea of thieves black pirate”, how many cool black pirates can you find?

    There’s so much you guys can do about it. First make the colors really stand out on black skins. Then there’s plenty of cool stuff you can add: dreads, turbans, braids, jewelry, white body painting. I made a quick search on pinterest and there’s a lot of cool ideas.

    This year you raised the Black Lives Matter flag. Make it count.

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  • It’s either you are picky or just expect to much for a pirate.
    I’ve seen a very wide range of colorful outfits that suit any type.

    Color of the skin is a poor excuse.

  • @mavinis You realize that liking how something looks on your character is 100% biased right? Like you literally saying "I think these clothes look bad on black characters" if anyone is showing a lack of support on BLM it may be you.

    I'm down for new clothing options and hair styles, but just because it dosn't look good to you on someone with that skin color doesn't mean someone else can't think it looks amazing. Let try to keep personal opinions about fashion out of a serious movement like BLM. A movement about saving lives not individual fashion taist. ❤️

  • @mavinis When you don't enjoy how your character looks it can be frustrating can't it? I've had friends that were uncomfortable and unhappy with what their character looked like, one looked bad no matter what he wore. Thankfully the Pirate Potion became a reality and he re-rolled his character and it made a huge difference, perhaps that could be an option for you? There are some brighter outfits you might check out (don't know how far you are in the game) such as the Wild Rose set or the Ashen Dragon set. You might try the Royal Sovereign Shirt or the Smuggler's Nimble Dress, but I get your point after looking in my clothing chest with a critical eye. I can see it would be hard for you to have choices in what to wear if you preferred bright colorful outfits without being over the top. I have most of the clothes and even though I haven't seen your character I could tell it would be difficult for you. Even the tattoos would not be very effective on darker skin. The Ghostfinder makeup might work for you, maybe a few of the others but to be honest, most wouldn't work all that well.
    It would be cool to have jewelry as an option, but it may be very difficult or even impossible to implement small individual items. There are Costumes which have more jewelry and other details, maybe they would work for you? There aren't too many of them at this point but there will surly be more as time goes by.

    I don't think it's wrong to want to be happy with how your character looks, cosmetics are the only tangible reward in the game and you, as a dark skinned female, should have access to satisfying rewards as much as anyone else. Rare did hear us girls asking for more feminine outfits and they provided some, which was great. Maybe they will hear you and at some point add some more that would work for you.

  • Sounds like you're trying to turn your own taste into some larger political statement

    alt text

    I pity the fool that thinks we ain't looking black and beautiful out here

  • @wolfmanbush dayum, that scar pops alot on the dark skin. love it

  • Not happy with your pirate?

    Then stop on down to your nearest outpost to meet the local Gran Mari... Ahem! Emporium representatives! They will be more than happy to sell you a specialized concoction that will help you feel like, well, anything but you!

    So go ahead! What have you got to lose!? Except everything about yourself? Try our patended (pending) Pirate Appearance Potion today. A new you! Today!

  • [mod edited]

  • @faceyourdemon This is no place for a political/ideological discussion because it can only lead to discontent. Your own replies are proving that.

  • @galactic-geek I 100% agree with you and that is why i would never make a post about racism on a game's forum, but when someone decides to be brave and open that door i would gladly reply.

  • @faceyourdemon ...I have been banned for doing exactly that elsewhere. Tread carefully.

  • @rtl-saint Thanks for the spelling correction! Not sure what you mean about insulting tho, pretty sure I was polite in asking to keep a serious movement about saving lives separate from personal fashion taste.

    I doubt BLM cares about what individual pirates in a video game think about how clothes in said game look on their character. Pretty sure they are concerned with real life people being subjected to prejudice and being killed.

    Anyhow I didn't bring it up, the OP decided to use a serious movement as leverage in a video game. That's poor taste, people are dying and this guy believes it's going to help by getting more clothes that they individualy find appealing. BLM should be taken more serious than that.

    But I'm sure you know that considering the only real issue you could find in what I said is a spelling error. ❤️

  • I’d like to specify before I get any hate that I am not a racist. I have the outlook that as long as what you’re doing doesn’t affect me or isn’t hurting anyone else, I don’t care. Being born the way you are is one of the things that fits into that. With that being said
    I think that something as silly as cosmetics in a video game which don’t give any advantage and aren’t even noticeable to you 95% of the time isn’t a good excuse to discredit blm. I also don’t think pulling the “it was designed for white characters” card is a good way to go about changing it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend, just because it doesn’t look good to you doesn’t mean nobody likes it. That’s just my piece

  • A reminder to all, political discussion and raising inflammatory topics is not permitted on our forums. The topic of the discussion is the appearance of cosmetics alongside various skin tones, and in that narrow scope, the discussion is fine. Beyond that, we will step in, and have removed several posts accordingly.

5 out of 17