Wailing barnacle jacket and hat

  • I think that rare should bring back the wailing barnacle jacket and hat because unlike most limited-time cosmetics, you didn't have to unlock them by doing commendations. (maybe the weapons too but probably not)

  • 22
  • @melonfelon4000 No they shouldn't bring them back, they were time limited if you weren't there for the cosmetics then that's your problem.

  • @melonfelon4000 no they belong locked in time. sorry you missed but that is on you.

  • There are barelly any time limited cosmetics these days, so i really think this should stay time limited, i really hope they don't bring them back

  • @melonfelon4000

    Well, there's never any guarantee, but Rare's given us a second chance with plenty of other cosmetics.

    All you can really do is keep an eye out for all the promotions and twitch drops and keep your fingers crossed. =)

  • @melonfelon4000 Weapons? Nope. Hat and Jacket no but if they did it wouldn't affect anyone too much as I've never seen anyone including myself ever use them lol.

  • @melonfelon4000 Doubloons didnt grew on tree back then though right?
    If you wanted to buy anything the only way was to do these commendations for doubloons so you did had to complete them.

  • I missed the hat. That was the Skeleton Thrones update, I was away, can't even remember where I was now that I think about it, but I remember that I missed that hat. Funny how things that make you feel salty imprint themselves on your memory.

    Never much cared for the jacket. Love the ship set though. I was around for them at least.

    I'd be fine with the set coming back. I'd still prefer if Rare stuck to the whole recolour thing so that people who were there can continue to flex having been there though.

  • Stop the whining, so tired of it. - Don't bring back stuff that's time-limited just because YOU casuals want it that way.
    Stop making older cosmetics none-rare again, go and play something else.

  • Honestly just shocked at how salty all the comments were. I think it’s a really cool set, but for all the talk about filthy casuals and complaining I’ve never encountered any of these hard core vets who wear this set. Just making an observation.

  • @p1zza-p4rty6932 Hey there, please note that resurrecting very old threads is not permitted. Please refrain from adding posts to threads older than 1 month old as this is considered necroing.

    A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @cardshark-360 you forgot to lock the thread!

  • @reapinglegion said in Wailing barnacle jacket and hat:

    Stop the whining, so tired of it. - Don't bring back stuff that's time-limited just because YOU casuals want it that way.
    Stop making older cosmetics none-rare again, go and play something else.

    That’s a little salty 🤣

  • @hurricanegriz 2 months later.....no it's a way to make us that's been here from the start to make us look unique.

    GG on necroing an old thread.

  • @reapinglegion said in Wailing barnacle jacket and hat:

    @hurricanegriz 2 months later.....no it's a way to make us that's been here from the start to make us look unique.

    GG on necroing an old thread.

    Except I didn’t necro lol, also, by whining like you did you just make the rest of us look bad lol calm down, it’s just a game 😉

  • @hurricanegriz If you want to interpret it like that then sure, "us other" - Yea im the only one thinking like this....not :P
    And you continued so.

  • @reapinglegion said in Wailing barnacle jacket and hat:

    @hurricanegriz If you want to interpret it like that then sure, "us other" - Yea im the only one thinking like this....not :P
    And you continued so.

    You are also continuing it, the mod should’ve locked the forum as they said they were going to so the more we talk, the more likely they are to come back and actually lock it, you’re the only one here getting THAT triggered over some cosmetics in a silly cartoon pirate game, grow up 😂

  • @hurricanegriz Nope not really.

  • @reapinglegion said in Wailing barnacle jacket and hat:

    @hurricanegriz Nope not really.

    At least you’re calming down from your tantrum 😉

  • Think about it, if you had a rare item that was Time-Limited, would you want them to Re-release it?

  • @barqy said in Wailing barnacle jacket and hat:

    Think about it, if you had a rare item that was Time-Limited, would you want them to Re-release it?

    Pointless question.

    Answers always the same..

    You'd probably get an "I wouldn't mind, I think everyone should be able to get everything regardless of circumstances" because they don't have the particular items they want, and if they say no then they're biased, and contradictory.

    In reality.. deep down.. their true answer is still no though lol

  • @p1zza-p4rty6932
    You’re right. It’s the safety of the internet keeps these salty dogs barking. Get these guys out of their mom’s basements, they ain’t barking like that to your face.

18 out of 22