Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?

  • So here is a legitimate discussion which I am sure has come up before... Lack of incentive to keep playing.

    Sea of thieves is not a game I would particularly consider story driven. Which means it's drive has to be located elsewhere. Now I admittedly when I bought the game had not particularly looked into it's systems of progression so this is partially my fault. However I did assume this game would be more akin to something like Elite Dangerous, but pirates instead of spaceships and based on the stores description on steam I don't think many people would blame me for this as there is no mention that the game is heavily focused on PvP or that there is 0 actual progression.

    So here I am now; I have about 40 hours of play time, I've done a lot of the tall tales (I stopped once I realized the shores of gold reward was only 18k total which is not worth the time you have to put it lol) and managed to make enough gold and dubloons to acquire all the cosmetics I wanted... So what now, do I just go grief people for "fun"? I have no use for gold or dubloons any more so there's little point collecting either of them... The normal voyages are just typical grind stuff which while not to bad in terms of game play aren't particularly worth doing if the rewards aren't needed.

    In the time that I have played I've spent some time here on the forums as I am an advocate for PvE servers since I find PvP unfun and unbalanced on this game (frankly on most games). And I have seen people who are pro-pvp advocate that the PvP servers would become mindless deathmatches but the very design of the game literally means that this is an inevitable thing that will happen anyway.

    Anyway I think in a way this is my review for the game. I can't say I didn't get my monies worth I think $29AUD for 40hrs of play time isn't too bad (certainly not fantastic but I've spent more and gotten less in the past to I'm not gonna complain) but for an ongoing game I think running out of incentives to play so fast is a very glaring issue that needs to be remedied. I cant help but feel like this game would work so damn well as a loot based game (you know the type that upgrades your character and ship) with a PvE focus and PvP elements... It's just a sad missed opportunity.

  • 26
  • I feel like you went at it wrong, I mean to each their own, but I did the tall tales because they were fun and interesting not for the 18k gold. The fun of the game is that it can be a unique adventure every time you play, you don’t know if a kraken is coming or a player galleon is on the other side of the island you’re sailing past. I completely understand what you mean. It doesn’t always feel rewarding. But I feel like it’s a mindset thing. You either love the adventure or you don’t you know. I still play regularly typically without a goal in mind and just let my adventure unfold.

  • @oh-canada93 I didn't hate the stories... but I wasn't overly into them, they weren't very engaging and felt more like world of warcraft quests than anything else.

    This game is not story driven so I don't really know how to do what you're saying... The game is about making your own adventure which is fantastic in theory... but in practice if there is no reason to make an adventure.... Why would I?

    Every game has drive to it; loot, character building, competition, story, level caps, ect. And these things usually come in addition to cosmetics... This is the only game where cosmetics are kinda like... I've never played a game with literally no drive other than cosmetics...

  • picking up an your last point there, personally i love that the game is all about cosmetics and looking good. i love that all blunderbusses do the same damage, all the snipers do the same damage etc. it levels out the playing field. it then comes down to player ability alone.

    as for stuff to do then that all depends on the type of gamer you are. there are so many commendations and achievements to unlock why not have fun with your mates and try unlock all commendations?

  • Every session is unique. It’s never the same.

    Every crew is unique.

    Go to the LFG and start a crew. Just let it happen organically and go with the flow.

    That’s the magic of this game.

    Personally I like the Adventure Mode PVP the most. Particularly the ones that occur around the World Events.

  • Hello Miss or Mrs , before i write something down i want to point that the English language is not my own . i write this upfront and tell you along with this that i have absolutely not the intent to mock or offend you...

    i have read your writing on top and the answer just above me but i got the feel that there are only two or three things for you that one can experience in this game. Namely Tall Tales , which i in all honesty , find a great Joy of doing as their Music , Story and riddles , which for me weren't that easy , just and still give me a reason to come back to as every Tall Tale doesn't has the same " road to the goal". Yes , there is pvp in this game but can be mostly avoided if you don't feel up for it... i'm no pvp'er as toddlers of three years old dance on my carcass after a fight . Shipfights , however , are something i do enjoy because the Sea , i mean how it looks and behaves , the sound of the waves and wind , the cracking of the riggings ,the squeeking of the planks of the ship , it all adds to an atmosphere i simply can't describe with my limited English knowledge...

    A long , long time ago ( * In a galaxy far far away ? You become predictable and steal oneliners like a thief , old man) there was a man on this Forum , on You Tube and many other channels that lived by the name of Mr Mike Chapman. It may come over that i don't seem to have much respect for this man , but by the Sea Gods , only the contrary is true .

    This man was , and still is , a Legend in truely explaining what this game is and why this game was unleashed upon mankind...

    He said :" We give you a map , or you buy one , to get a treasure or riddle but it isn't about this treasure because the travel towards that treasure and all that crosses or who crosses your path decide the outcome and story of your Journey"...

    You miss story in this game , as you have played out every Tall Tale ,but as i said before ,there are multiple different set ups of these stories . The reward may be the same but the travel towards your goal is a different path than the previous time you've played...

    In your story above i can't ,appart from pvp , find any story or hint that you have made contact with others. Yes , i fully admit that most players have forgotten that there is a gamechat function in this game and rather bypass that , and it's great feature of Proximity chat that has added a lot of Epic Thrills and stories in the past. No ,they rather " narrow " their experience in party or Discord chat...

    i , sadly, can't blame them as many have forgotten that this is just a game and take everything very serious and throw alot of words towards people that they never have met before ... That is not inherent to this game but many other games as well...It makes one sad ,because ... i will tell you something , i'm an old gamer who is playing for over 35 years , 38 to be precise , computergames. As i also mentioned , i'm a foreigner to the English language but when gamechat was introduced in the Xbox 360 , i was overexcited . i could speak to people , all people , and have fun and chats with them...

    But i was also naive , allthough i had met a lot of Great Friendly people from over the world , i also met the "lesser" Friendly ones ,who ,within years ,talked me down towards a level i didn't speak anymore...

    Multiplayer gaming became an event where i played with " human AI" as i didn't dared to speak anymore... Seven years of silence passed till...this game came out.

    In the start this game was alot friendlier than today , and it wasn't a seldom thing that Pirates helped eachother on riddles they couldn't solve or charged towards a fortress and divided the spoils evenly...

    In the past i have written many ( * sadly misspelled stories ,that lacked grammer as well, isn't it ,Old George? hehehe) stories about thrilling shipbattles and Great encounters with Friendly Pirates as well with "Enemy " Pirates who just played a role instead of being truely vile...

    Those were the stories who were foretold by that same Visionair Mr Chapman , a man that encouraged people to drop those defensive attitude and reach out to the other to have fair fights , loyal alliances or even betraying alliances without carriying a grudge... Yes , Miss or Ma'am , those were the stories .

    So , in short , do not place all yer money on the Tall Tales and please , do not grind as grinding is for this and any other game just digging an early grave for those games . As games feel like a chore then you only need to put the lid on it's coffin...

    i'm , sadly, more than aware that my words can't change a mind but i do would like to ask a little favor , try to find Mr Chapman ,who is a Great Rare Developer and listen to his words. Close yer eyes and let those words seep into yer brain... After that , play one more time this game , just one evening and remember his words . If you ,after that evening, still feel the same about this game ,well, then we did all we could , in order to try to show you that in this game , you make yer own Story and Destiny...

    i hope you just go on the Sea one more time , and that your Journey may be accompanied by Great ,Epic , Adventures . You, maybe ,wrute even a story about this , which would be really welcome to this Forum that slowly has grown to a collector of complaints and dissapointment ...Damn, i miss the days of old when this Forum was run by people who cared in order to deliver fun and advice on how to play this game...

  • To me the game is like fishing

    I do it because I like it. I do it because there is always that chance of an unforgettable experience. I do it because you always have a chance of meeting interesting, weird, and interestingly weird people. I like the scenery and I like the freedom. I don't stick around to collect trophies I stick around to collect tales

  • I played fortnite for 40 hours got some wins and the cosmetics I wanted.. What now?

    I played flight simulator for 40 hours, took off and landed in the planes I wanted... What now?

    I played dota 2 for 2000+ hours, finally good at it, bought some arcana and played every hero I wanted... What now?

    You can repeat this for nearly every game. You ask for a loot based improvement game, yet the same question can be repeated:

    I played minecraft dungeons for 40 hours, unlocked all levels, upgraded equip to highest it goes, enemies die when they look at me.. What now?

    What now @LynexiaGurl ?
    Play the games you like and find new games to like when those lose their luster.

  • @lynexiagurl To be fair, anything you do in a game or in life could be minimized. Everything only has meaning to us if we decide it has value. The house, the car, key to the executive washroom. It is all really cosmetic and will disappear over time. You decide for yourself the meaning behind your achievements. Once you get the more powerful sword, or a stronger ship, is that really what is going to do it for you? You create your stories. There is more depth to explore in the SoT world than is apparent if you are just racing through to gain some loot and rep, Ask yourself, why are these paintings here? For what purpose were these ruins? What is the history? There are layers to the world if you care to look. But if you are searching for a track-driven narrative, complete with cutscenes and increased power as you progress, it is not really here. The game was not designed for you then. The game continues to be popular, but it was never intended to cater to every player’s desires and play style.

  • If your bored after 40 hours try doing the tall tales or start trying pvp.

  • @ajm123 said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    If your bored after 40 hours try doing the tall tales or start trying pvp.

    He did, says so right in his post, but didn't think they were worth the time due to the payout no being to his pleasing (which is confusing since he said he already got all the cosmetics he wanted, so the payout should not have been an issue). He's only interested in the progression "hamster wheel" to keep him engaged instead of playing the game for fun, you know like we old timers did before games were ruined by these "hamster wheel" mechanics and artificial progression loops. He's looking for that artificial buffs other games give to those putting in the grind instead of actually improving his skill set.

  • @lynexiagurl said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    I think running out of incentives to play so fast is a very glaring issue that needs to be remedied.

    I've played for thousands of hours and I haven't run out of the incentive to play yet. I play solo and with crew mates who also have thousands of hours in the game, still having a great time. So what needs to be remedied?
    Dare I say there are thousands of players like me? You may not be one of them, which is fine. Sea of Thieves gives access to a world like no other, but it can't be everything to everyone.

    There is 0 actual progression.

    Me week one... me three years later, trust me there is progression. Yes I have the same tools I started out with, but how I can use them now is my progress. I'm the one who has progressed, not some artificial game stat.

    The game would work so damn well as a loot based game (you know the type that upgrades your character and ship) with a PvE focus and PvP elements... It's just a sad missed opportunity.

    I do know the type... they are a dime a dozen. No missed opportunity here, with Sea of Thieves you have the ability to play, really play your own game, not one where every step is pre-mapped along the way and then force fed to you. It's a playground. You're free to make your own adventures. You set your own goals and win or lose by your own standards, with others who have their own agendas, but no better tools. Rare didn't miss an opportunity, they made a daring and creative choice not to follow the herd.

    It is a story driven game, but the story is your story, the one you make.

    (If you are finding it difficult to enjoy the game now, you would be comatose on a PVE server)

  • @lynexiagurl If your have trouble finding enjoyment in a game after less than two days this game is not for you and you should move on, Rare have already stated that there will be no PVE servers, PVP is a central component to this game.

  • @lynexiagurl

    I'll be honest with you. If you play just for the PvE, you're gonna get bored because that's not what makes this game endlessly replayable and enjoyable.

    I love earning rewards as much as the next person, but encountering other players, being on perilous chases with a fort key in hand, sneaking onto a fort as a lone pirate to sink an unsuspecting ship, forming an alliance to take down a crew that's been running amok on the server, or any number of the vast variety of situations that can unfold in this game... That's what makes this game such unique experience.

    There will always be new things to earn. Just target a goal, go for it, and embrace whatever happens out there in the world with your crew. Something fun is bound to unfold.

  • @lynexiagurl For you to say you have no reason to play is sad. I have nearly every commendation unlocked. I have all the purchasable cosmetics. I have maxed out all my factions, I have completed every event in the past, and still... I play. Because I have fun. Because I want to unlock more commendations. I want to collect more things. I want to amass a mound of treasure!

    You have plenty to do. I do not. You want to quit. I do not.

    I suggest changing your perspective. If the game can keep someone who's "been there, done that" playing, then I think it has enough to offer for you. There are literally infinite possibilities for encounters in this game. Have you found the shrouded ghost? Have you completed the Sea Dogs Arena? Have you unlocked the full Ghost/Legendary Set? Have you fully completed the tall tales? There is so much to do, and though you may not want or use the things you unlock, they are still achievements and goals. Things you can show to others and say, "yeah, I did that".

  • How is the PVP unbalanced?

  • @lynexiagurl a dit dans Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now? :

    I've done a lot of the tall tales (I stopped once I realized the shores of gold reward was only 18k total which is not worth the time you have to put it lol)

    Tall Tales are not worth much golds. But it was never about the gold...

  • @lynexiagurl I must say, I see where you're coming from but have to disagree. I think Oh Canada93 hit the nail on the head really:

    @oh-canada93 said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    I feel like you went at it wrong, I mean to each their own, but I did the tall tales because they were fun and interesting not for the 18k gold. The fun of the game is that it can be a unique adventure every time you play, you don’t know if a kraken is coming or a player galleon is on the other side of the island you’re sailing past. I completely understand what you mean. It doesn’t always feel rewarding. But I feel like it’s a mindset thing. You either love the adventure or you don’t you know. I still play regularly typically without a goal in mind and just let my adventure unfold.

    I think the issues you are having with the game are mainly mindset based. The whole concept of Sea of Thieves is, like you say, to 'make your own adventure'. The game is a pirate sandbox with limitless possibilities if you have the imagination and thirst for adventure meaning it appeals to a certain kind of player who doesn't always need reward for the adventure; it's about the experience and fun you have in the moment. The excitement of a fresh voyage every-time you enter the world, the thrill of not knowing who or what will be around the next cove or just over the horizon makes the game what it is.

    Rare specifically designed the game with so many variables to allow any pirate to have a fair shot at coming out on top of any situation. If you stop and think about what tools you have at your disposal and the environment around you, players usually find all they could ever need. It's all about the strategy and out-of-the-box thinking.

    In terms of your point on the story element, I do partially agree with you. Yes, the day-to-day voyages you embark on don't really have any narrative elements other than those that you make for yourself. The real story is in the world itself. The game is significantly slower paced than many you'd find today but that is another attraction for me. It's not all about rushing around killing everything in sight, its about taking the time to enjoy and explore the vibrant world Rare has created. Often I log on and won't fight a single battle or hand in any loot, there is so much lore and mystery surrounding the seas which tells the story of who came before you.

    Overall, I do see where you are coming from, I just think you may be coming at the game from the wrong angle/mindset. The real enjoyment I get from this game is just taking my time to take in and appreciate the rich world around me and experiencing the adventures I go on rather than looking for the next cosmetic or milestone. I would argue that is the definition of a sandbox after all, making your own fun is what it's all about.

  • @lynexiagurl said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    This game is not story driven so I don't really know how to do what you're saying... The game is about making your own adventure which is fantastic in theory... but in practice if there is no reason to make an adventure.... Why would I?

    Some people want their entertainment delivered to them, with a simple script for them to follow from point A to point B.

    Sea of Thieves is not that game at all, as you've discovered.

    The PVE content is not difficult, it is merely time-consuming and usually requires you to transit the map a good deal to complete it. Why is it created this way, I wonder? To foster player interaction.

    The nature of those interactions is impossible to predict. They can be cooperative, competitive, or a mix of both. The interactions will be unique and different each time you play. Some sessions will be quiet and chill, and some will be heart pounding and insane.

    The catch is that you've got to put yourself out there to have those interactions. You have to take initiative, nothing is going to be spoon-fed to you.

    The cosmetics, the gold, the rest of it are merely signpoints of the journey. They are not the end in itself. The point of Sea of Thieves is that you have ultimate freedom to do that which you will. But first you must have a will and the desire to create something with it.

  • I'm a bit late to the party but I was one of those people that grinded to PL after a month of playing and bought most cosmetics I was interested in. Yet that was 4 months ago, and I still play weekly. Why? Not because of any fundamental rewards.

    The game is fun if you want to be collector or get more pretty different items. Though as many have said before I post this... The game is about your own adventure. Your own story and how you can influence other people's stories. You can sail up to a newbie, give them a chest, form an alliance and do a fort skull together. Just for the fun of it.

    You can try solo slooping and just be a thorn in another crew's side for their story. Don't need to nick their stuff, let them sink you, let them fight you, let them feel victorious over your defeat.

    I myself obtain great enjoyment from just logging on, pulling the anchor up and setting sail to see what I come across. Be that a new crew. An old crew. A challenge or a simply a single Flameheart event. The game isn't going to give you breadcrumbs. If that is what you require to play a game perhaps Sea of Thieves won't be great for you.

    Keep in mind though. You have played 40 hours. If you bought the game for retail price you put ¤1,50 down for every hour of content. That is great stuff. Great value. There is nothing wrong with now just shrugging your shoulders and moving to another game. As long as you get your value's worth in a game it's not a bad investment. If you were to go to a cinema, you'd spend maybe €12,- on a ticket. Which is about €4,80 per hour value excluding snacks.

    That's the healthiest way to look at games which once held your interest but don't anymore. In the end, Sea of Thieves servers will shut down at some point and all time invested will shut down with it. We're just killing time. If Sea of Thieves isn't your best way to kill time, then there is no shame in moving on. Try Dead by Daylight, that game has a lot of replayability for me as well.

  • @fuzzulberry That's just the thing though, I don't see this "rich world" you seem to see. And tbh I really don't see how people could really make their own adventure in this game... Personally I don't get joy from encountering hostile players (all of which are hostile) because frankly I don't really care what anyone tries to tell me the PvP is not even remotely balanced in this game unless it's 1:1 ratio fight and even then it'll come down to controller vs KBM vs Ping. I mean that's the entire reason a 100% homogenous system doesn't work.

    Anyway. I don't see it. Sand boxes with bland combat need a carrot on a stick. I have to be frank idk how this game has done so well.

  • @lynexiagurl said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    Anyway. I don't see it. Sand boxes with bland combat need a carrot on a stick. I have to be frank idk how this game has done so well.

    Then it seems you have found you are outside the game’s target audience. Not everyone likes to eat ramen or watch Marvel movies either. It is not a flaw in the game or within yourself. It just is what it is. I hope you find what you are looking for.

  • @lynexiagurl said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:

    Personally I don't get joy from encountering hostile players (all of which are hostile) because frankly I don't really care what anyone tries to tell me the PvP is not even remotely balanced in this game unless it's 1:1 ratio fight and even then it'll come down to controller vs KBM vs Ping. I mean that's the entire reason a 100% homogenous system doesn't work.

    I'm not sure what you think "balanced" means?

    In Sea of Thieves, there is no "endgame" gear you can grind for in order to make your character more powerful. And thank goodness - because if you think you're getting stomped by experienced players now, it would be far, far worse if these same experienced players had access to even more powerful equipment. That would be wildly imbalanced for new players, and fortunately, though it's common in actual MMOs, does not exist here.

    As for the 1:1 ratio fight... each of the ship classes is pretty carefully balanced, in terms of power and vulnerability, against the rest. The sloop is the slowest to sink, but also the least powerful (only 2 cannons). The galleon and brig have much more power, but the brig can sink very quickly - perhaps the quickest - and the galleon requires more crew and more effort to keep afloat when it's been heavily damaged. Meaning you can successfully take on anything with anything, so long as you have the skill and experience to do so. It won't be easy, but there's no ship class that's a pushover by any means. Even solo sloopers can and do prevail - though that is arguably the hardest way to play of all.

    As for the KBM vs controller vs ping issue - I mean, that's an issue for any game. One of my crewmates plays on PC, but with a controller, and is our best boarder. Not using a mouse has not held him back in any way.

    Honestly, the more I read of your replies, the more it sounds like you're realizing that further progress in this game will require you getting more skilled at naval and boarding, and maybe you're just thinking that's not for you. That's fine, you've done the story content in this game, and maybe the prospect of "git gud" isn't appealing to you. So move on, if you think there's nothing left to motivate you. But don't blame the game for your lack of desire to improve your skill. Plenty of us have put in the time and seen the improvement and had amazing experiences thanks to that. You can, too, if you want... but if you don't, that's OK.

  • Honestly mate, if that's the case then the game probably ain't for you. but hey, at least you enjoyed the ride while it lasted. There's plenty of things to do and admire if you're creative but if you lack the incentive, why bother?

  • @clumsy-george
    You sir, are an absolute Treasure!!

  • @danquememe said in Played for 40hrs, Got the cosmetic stuff I wanted... What now?:
    Honestly, the more I read of your replies, the more it sounds like you're realizing that further progress in this game will require you getting more skilled at naval and boarding, and maybe you're just thinking that's not for you. That's fine, you've done the story content in this game, and maybe the prospect of "git gud" isn't appealing to you. So move on, if you think there's nothing left to motivate you. But don't blame the game for your lack of desire to improve your skill. Plenty of us have put in the time and seen the improvement and had amazing experiences thanks to that. You can, too, if you want... but if you don't, that's OK.

    This is it right here. If the game isn't fun, why play it anymore?

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