when will pvp be fixed

  • @lynexiagurl If you let people on your ship and can’t get 2-3 shots off your just bad. I’ve personally sunk many galleons and brigs as a sloop. I even have a clip where I sunk a brig in 30 seconds in a storm with no cursed balls just chain shots and cannons while my teammate boarded. I have also destroyed server alliances as a sloop with a galleon and 3 brigs and sunk them all multiple times. If you complaining it’s because your bad. It’s not the games fault that you can’t combat a galleon or brig. If you want an example of this watch MixelPlx or FreemasonLive on twitch or YouTube they have very good sloop gameplay so you can see what a good sloop can do.

  • @lynexiagurl said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @d3adst1ck facepalm Except the sloop can only have a 2 man crew.... Are you not aware that the sloop can be also blown apart?

    Even coming up against just a brigantine it's extremely easy to be ganked and sunk before you can even get 2 -3 shots off simply because of the extra crew member... and a galleon? lol forget it.. Every ship can be manned by 2 players and you'll be able to control it decently while the free player(s) on larger ships are free to cannon over to the enemy ship and gank players... Not that you even need to do that if you can get to a crows nest, throwing down fire is all you need.

    Seriously if you cant win fights at a group of 3 or 4 against a sloop you're just trash at the game lol.

    I don't know why you're blabbering on about player count when the comment I was replying to was about "Ship HP".

    The ships are configured to provide benefits for being outnumbered, but that only goes so far. They're easier to manage and a bit more resilient but if people get on your ship, then you've made a mistake or they've made a great play. It's not an impossible feat to win against a galleon or brigantine while piloting a sloop.

  • @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @killerrboyy2000 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 if you read what i said many times i sink ships but due to the bad respawns they get back in just 1 minute

    So what? You can't defend it, you don't deserve it - that simple. They were smart enough to scuttle prior to completely sinking in order to get a spawn closer to you and thus get some payback. Had you successfully sunk them, they would have spawned across the map - but they most likely chose a strategic scuttle before it was too late. You were outplayed, simple as that.

    Ironic you complain initially about the game "only focuses on pve" and want to hinder those running, yet are whining that a crew has come back to PvP in order to regain what they lost. You just need to step up your game.

    Really? If you think scuttling when you’ve been sunk counts as “outplaying” you’re definitely the guy here who gets sunk, a lot. If you sink you rarely respawn across the map, the algorithm for respawning after sinking is garbage and should’ve been fixed a long time ago.

    LOL, yes it does if they are able to pull a victory from defeat by using a strategic scuttle in time to get a favorable spawn in order to exact some revenge and/or recover the loot. The fight isn't over until the treasure is cashed in, not when a ship has sunk (regardless of what some PvP sweats think). If you can't deal with it, you aren't as good as you seem to think you are.

    No, no, I still sink them regardless if they come back for revenge or not, it’s just dumb that this game caters so hard to terrible sailors such as yourself. It’s k, one day you’ll be good enough not to sink extremely easily ;)

    Nice assumptions you got there bub, too bad it isn't true. I rarely sink, and when it happens it is usually when my ship is unmanned while I am exploring solo. There is no shame in sinking or penalty other than losing what is on board (which is why I travel light). If I have a specific goal, attackers are nothing but an annoyance so I have no issue scuttling if it gets me back on task quicker, or even some payback if I am so inclined. I play my game, I don't need to play yours - that is why I win. And if it annoys you, so much the better!

    If I complete what I set out to do, I win - doesn't matter if I've been sunk or not. I don't have to prove myself in battle unless I want to, and If I've got the time and inclination I'll do so. And if a strategic scuttle/retreat does that, so much the better as I do enjoy making the sweats sweat.

  • Definitely needs some sort of adjustment, just not too sure what.
    I have sunk full-crew brigs several times while playing a solo sloop. But they're oddly persistent in chasing me across the entire sea. Not that there's much to do in game anyways but I don't know what the purpose of wasting everyone's time like that is. They even know I have no treasure as I occasionally let people board my ship just out of boredom. They attack me, I kill them all, sink their ship and they come straight back. It's a bad gameplay loop.

  • @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @killerrboyy2000 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 if you read what i said many times i sink ships but due to the bad respawns they get back in just 1 minute

    So what? You can't defend it, you don't deserve it - that simple. They were smart enough to scuttle prior to completely sinking in order to get a spawn closer to you and thus get some payback. Had you successfully sunk them, they would have spawned across the map - but they most likely chose a strategic scuttle before it was too late. You were outplayed, simple as that.

    Ironic you complain initially about the game "only focuses on pve" and want to hinder those running, yet are whining that a crew has come back to PvP in order to regain what they lost. You just need to step up your game.

    Really? If you think scuttling when you’ve been sunk counts as “outplaying” you’re definitely the guy here who gets sunk, a lot. If you sink you rarely respawn across the map, the algorithm for respawning after sinking is garbage and should’ve been fixed a long time ago.

    LOL, yes it does if they are able to pull a victory from defeat by using a strategic scuttle in time to get a favorable spawn in order to exact some revenge and/or recover the loot. The fight isn't over until the treasure is cashed in, not when a ship has sunk (regardless of what some PvP sweats think). If you can't deal with it, you aren't as good as you seem to think you are.

    No, no, I still sink them regardless if they come back for revenge or not, it’s just dumb that this game caters so hard to terrible sailors such as yourself. It’s k, one day you’ll be good enough not to sink extremely easily ;)

    Nice assumptions you got there bub, too bad it isn't true. I rarely sink, and when it happens it is usually when my ship is unmanned while I am exploring solo. There is no shame in sinking or penalty other than losing what is on board (which is why I travel light). If I have a specific goal, attackers are nothing but an annoyance so I have no issue scuttling if it gets me back on task quicker, or even some payback if I am so inclined. I play my game, I don't need to play yours - that is why I win. And if it annoys you, so much the better!

    If I complete what I set out to do, I win - doesn't matter if I've been sunk or not. I don't have to prove myself in battle unless I want to, and If I've got the time and inclination I'll do so. And if a strategic scuttle/retreat does that, so much the better as I do enjoy making the sweats sweat.

    So you’re the kind of guy I spawn kill when they’ve come back for the fifth time lol gotcha 🤣. Come to think of it I’m pretty sure I have sunk you in the past so pipe down please ;)

  • @lynexiagurl said in when will pvp be fixed:

    As a newish player to this game, I'm very sorry but PvP is an absolute joke.

    You are clearly a new player to the game.

    1. Numbers are everything. This games entire excuse for not having individual player progression is so they can boast balanced PvP. But all that's thrown out the window when you get hunted down by a team of 4 on a galleon. On top of that it doesn't even matter if you are a more skilled team because the general respawn on to your own ship is ridiculously short to the point where kills basically mean nothing.

    No its not, tell that to the Galleons that run away from sloops. Its not a numbers game, its skill.

    Numbers do matter to a degree but skill overtakes numbers a lot of the times.

    1. Ships have different HP. Shouldn't the counter balance be that bigger ships are harder to repair than little ships? If you have a crew of 4 on a galleon Specially if you are going to give them more hit points overall. A balanced game would still put smaller ships at a disadvantage but then have other advantages over the larger ships. More ship HP plus more people means that even if your skill is ridiculously higher than the enemy you still wont win a fight 90% of the time.

    Bigger ships ARE harder to repair the little ships. They have more holes and its harder to bucket.

    1. I mentioned this briefly but the general respawn timer after a death is dumb. Again if you want to use this kind of mechanic when a death means short down time (death should be death, you should be put on an outpost island with no mermaid until the fight is done.) then a respawn the least that you could do is give smaller groups a fighting chance by making their respawn significantly smaller and larger groups significantly longer.

    Again numbers don't matter don't get caught and play better.

    The fact that you think the ships are unfair and numbers means everything is a clear indication that you are new to the game. A lot of players start out like you and think the same but thats just not it.

    You make another comment later on about how because other ships have more people they can spare players for boarders except you don't realize how hard it is to take care of a Galleon with only 2 people or a brig with 2 or 1 people. Being short handed is a very big no no especially if you are fighting against a good sloop.

    Its very difficult to get onto ships when boarding. Its not just climb ladder and you are there. If the sloop crew is paying attention they know you are climbing and will kill you and once you are dead the galleon crew is now short handed or even the brig crew.

    You need to not make assumptions about this game and you need to stop arguing with the players who are definitely your better and more experienced than you. Why you are arguing with players who have been doing this for 3 years instead of asking for advice or help is a clear indicator that you that mentality that suggests that when you can't do something then its impossible to do and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise doesn't understand how hard it really is because your situation is completely different.

    Its not an attack on you directly, its just there are people like that out in the world. Once they fail at something and they believe its too hard no amount of advice or factual data will change their mind because they believe their situation is special and that everyone else just doesn't understand.

  • @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @hurricanegriz said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @killerrboyy2000 said in when will pvp be fixed:

    @dlchief58 if you read what i said many times i sink ships but due to the bad respawns they get back in just 1 minute

    So what? You can't defend it, you don't deserve it - that simple. They were smart enough to scuttle prior to completely sinking in order to get a spawn closer to you and thus get some payback. Had you successfully sunk them, they would have spawned across the map - but they most likely chose a strategic scuttle before it was too late. You were outplayed, simple as that.

    Ironic you complain initially about the game "only focuses on pve" and want to hinder those running, yet are whining that a crew has come back to PvP in order to regain what they lost. You just need to step up your game.

    Really? If you think scuttling when you’ve been sunk counts as “outplaying” you’re definitely the guy here who gets sunk, a lot. If you sink you rarely respawn across the map, the algorithm for respawning after sinking is garbage and should’ve been fixed a long time ago.

    LOL, yes it does if they are able to pull a victory from defeat by using a strategic scuttle in time to get a favorable spawn in order to exact some revenge and/or recover the loot. The fight isn't over until the treasure is cashed in, not when a ship has sunk (regardless of what some PvP sweats think). If you can't deal with it, you aren't as good as you seem to think you are.

    No, no, I still sink them regardless if they come back for revenge or not, it’s just dumb that this game caters so hard to terrible sailors such as yourself. It’s k, one day you’ll be good enough not to sink extremely easily ;)

    Nice assumptions you got there bub, too bad it isn't true. I rarely sink, and when it happens it is usually when my ship is unmanned while I am exploring solo. There is no shame in sinking or penalty other than losing what is on board (which is why I travel light). If I have a specific goal, attackers are nothing but an annoyance so I have no issue scuttling if it gets me back on task quicker, or even some payback if I am so inclined. I play my game, I don't need to play yours - that is why I win. And if it annoys you, so much the better!

    If I complete what I set out to do, I win - doesn't matter if I've been sunk or not. I don't have to prove myself in battle unless I want to, and If I've got the time and inclination I'll do so. And if a strategic scuttle/retreat does that, so much the better as I do enjoy making the sweats sweat.

    So you’re the kind of guy I spawn kill when they’ve come back for the fifth time lol gotcha 🤣. Come to think of it I’m pretty sure I have sunk you in the past so pipe down please ;)

    LOL, dream on dude as we've NEVER met on the seas (as I do check names on recent players quite often, just for my own reference for future encounters so I know what to expect next time) ...unless you sank an unmanned vessel like a cowardly cur, even then we still wouldn't have met. And I am not going to give you the satisfaction or opportunity to use such low skill tactics like spawn killing (how hard is it to wait till someone spawns in limited space and get the jump on them?) as I have no time for that foolishness...I'll scuttle and be on my way AS I'VE ALREADY SAID.

    I play my game with my own goals, not yours. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else in the game. So can the chest beating, it is very unbecoming and quite juvenile. You aren't impressing anyone here with your posturing.

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    Thank you for continuing to prove my point and assessment of you. Bye!

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  • @dlCHIEF58 @HurricaneGriz Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

    Several posts have been edited/removed accordingly.

    As this thread has run its course, and has descended into personal arguments, it will now be locked. A general reminder to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of a thread.

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