Some GREAT some TOXIC Players

  • Some players are great trying to help you out with loot and doing things.
    The TOXIC just ruining what could be a GREAT game!!!!!
    30 minutes in go the the island, player join alliance, then sink ship and kill you multiple times.
    SERIOUSLY.??!!! Is this what fun is??
    I would rather help people than kill em that way more people would enjoy the game!!?? Or is that wrong???
    Isn't there a section that is PVP??? Never been there just trying to do quests, tall tales, and take down ghost ships or help someone take down ghost ships. If you started the attack you can have the loot!!!
    I just want to have some fun taking down the ship too.....or help you take down the ship, then I'll sail away..
    Is there a way I can get 6 friends or people I have played with on 6 different sloops so we can be in the same server WITHOUT TOXIC players???!!!

  • 26
  • @asphaltscrpr1 Ahoy matey!

    So sorry to hear you have had a bad time out at sea... all I can say is these moments for me are few and far between.. get back out there, swap servers and you will have a totally different experience.

    Pirate servers are coming but they will be totally progressionless - but I suppose you could use them to beef up your PvP skills to take down those you will come across on the Adventure servers.

    The best thing about Sea of Thieves is no experience is never the same... some players are out there being menaces on the seas, some friendly, alliances can be rewarding and at the same time uneasy. Keep learning, keep growing, keep sailing and be the best you can.

  • @musicmee will the servers have ghost ships???? To try to get better at taking down ships SOLO?? It really stinks people would join your alliance and say they are friendly, just to sink your ship and take 1 skull! NOTHING ELSE! I had only stocked up on food, wood and cannon balls. In case of mega, and kraken.

  • @asphaltscrpr1

    Leider gibt es immer Leute, die solche Schwächen dieses Spiels ausnutzen. Wie im echten Leben gibt es auch hier solche Typen. Nur um mich zu trollen, ist mir heute auch ein Zweimaster 1Std. nachgefahren. Immer so in Beobachtungsnähe, damit ich mich ja auch immer bedroht fühle... Nervtötend. Da hilft nur sich Mitspieler zu suchen und nur noch Galone fahren, oder wenigsten einen Zweimaster.

    Diese Clowns fühlen sich damit halt toll. Das trägt tatsächlich dazu bei, dass Spiel kaputt zu machen. In einer Allianz sollte FriendlyFire (auch für Schiffe) deaktiviert sein. Dann wäre das schon mal vorbei. Allerdings lassen die sich dann sicher was anderes einfallen. Das sind halt die, die sich gerne machtgeil fühlen, weil sie Zuhause nichts zu melden haben, nicht geliebt werden, oder anderweitig einen an der Waffel haben.

    Ich habe nichts gegen einen guten fairen Kampf und ich habe auch nichts dagegen, wenn man andere ein bisschen aufs Korn nimmt. Ich hab auch nichts dagegen, wenn man anderen geschickt eine Falle stellt oder lauert usw... Aber jemanden so bewusst und unfair zu täuschen ist wirklich jämmerlich.

    Tut mir leid das Dir das in diesem Spiel auch so geht.

  • Most of the time you're going to be on a server that allows you to do things without pvp 30 minutes- 3+hours depending on the server

    Take advantage of it and then move on.

    You can chase down a skelly sloop and take out a meg that'll most likely spawn on you within 30 minutes of sailing and cash in without any issues most of the time

    if there continues to be no issues with pvp stay on the server and keep taking advantage of the peace

    if pvp happens go to a new server and do it again

    Getting sunk isn't fun I understand that but it happens in a pirate game. You have time to have fun or most servers before pvp happens. I do it every day so don't gimme the talk about how pvp is outta control because it's not adventure breaking. PVErs have time to get stuff done

  • @asphaltscrpr1

    Once again someone misusing the word toxic with aspects that are part of the open world shared PvEvP environment:

    1. Sinking a ship is not toxic.
    2. Killing a pirate is not toxic.
    3. Betraying an alliance is not toxic.
    4. Stealing loot is not toxic.

    Another crew is not responsible to help you out in any way, as long as they are not verbally abusive (for which you are able to report them) all they are doing is being a pirate. It is upon you to defend your interests and provide a reason for an alliance to be better to support than to betray.

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

  • @cotu42 So players that are TOXIC (very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way). Aren't really TOXIC? They are just playing the game? So I shouldn't get off my ship and do anything? I should just kill other pirates/players and steal their loot because it's a pirate game?
    More like a griefer game than a pirate game. Let someone else do all the work and then sink them and steal their loot, if they have any.
    So I go now someone's yard and get paid, you come over and beat me up and steal my money, I'm just supposed to say oh ok, that's the way of the world....????
    I get sinking other players ships and such but when they are in a alliance, and you are on an island. Seems kinda chicken to take advantage of newer players. That wasn't harmful or unpleasant?
    Another time my ship already got sink, spawn on some island, with nothing. My new empty ship gets sink, again and the pirate comes on the island and kills me for 0 loot or reason, oh wait he was a pirate, kill and destroy everyone????? That is supposed to be fun???

  • @asphaltscrpr1 long story short yes.
    If they didn't yell racist things or type racist type things at you no it is not TOXIC

    It's normal to sink a ship or its also normal to be sunk wether it's by a pve ghost ship or a pvp other player ship

    Also don't trust alliances that just me. Would you trust someone you never spoke to just because they have the same flag as you. Try msging them off recent players at the bare minimum if no response assume the worst

  • @ajm123 yelling or typing racist thing or other derogatory things is TOXIC? I call that verbal ABUSE! Not TOXIC!
    Pirates had more ethics than these players ruining other players game.
    They must stink at (almost said it) another game, military style.
    Other games you do missions, so to say off the map. When your done you respawn somewhere on the map, knowing you can be killed anytime. At least you were able to play the mission without being killed over and over by other players. SMH...
    Don't get me wrong the game is fun until you run into those (toxic) oops not toxic let's call them pirates, sucking the fun outta the game.

  • @asphaltscrpr1
    There are no safe spaces in Adventure mode. Sea of Thieves is PVPVE at all times, everywhere. You can and will be sunk for any and no reason at all. This is not griefing any more than stealing the ball in a game of football is griefing. Of course the team wanted to score, etc., but so does the other team. Sea of Thieves is the same.

    PVPVE games are not for everyone because of these characteristics. However, so long as players are not verbally abusive - repeated racist/homophobic/sexist/etc slurs, and so forth - and they remain within the other rules set out in the Code of Conduct, then they are playing the game as it is intended.

    If that game is not for you, that is fine, but please do not come here and try to convince anyone that we should play by your preferred rules. This is not your game, that is not your right. If you don't like it, that's OK, maybe it's not for you.

  • @asphaltscrpr1 said in Some GREAT some TOXIC Players:

    @cotu42 So players that are TOXIC (very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way). Aren't really TOXIC? They are just playing the game? So I shouldn't get off my ship and do anything? I should just kill other pirates/players and steal their loot because it's a pirate game?
    More like a griefer game than a pirate game. Let someone else do all the work and then sink them and steal their loot, if they have any.
    So I go now someone's yard and get paid, you come over and beat me up and steal my money, I'm just supposed to say oh ok, that's the way of the world....????
    I get sinking other players ships and such but when they are in a alliance, and you are on an island. Seems kinda chicken to take advantage of newer players. That wasn't harmful or unpleasant?
    Another time my ship already got sink, spawn on some island, with nothing. My new empty ship gets sink, again and the pirate comes on the island and kills me for 0 loot or reason, oh wait he was a pirate, kill and destroy everyone????? That is supposed to be fun???

    This is a game where you play a pirate that can steal treasure, kill others, sink ships, back-stab alliances... these are not toxic, these are not very harmful, insidious, pervasive actions. They are part of the gameplay. Literally from the first time you log into the game you are handed the best weapons, gear, maximum stats and ship that is identical to every other one out on the seas. Even if you sail around and gain nothing or everything... next time you log in, you start with the same gameplay elements.

    Why wouldn't you leave the ship? If you have proper awareness of your environment you can easily defend it in time from any pirate activity if needed.

    When they are in an alliance, I am assuming with each other, it could be a ruse to infiltrate and take out an opposition. Back-stabbing is part of the system. Did the crews create a trust bond before or was it a short exchange of words or just a raising of a flag? What is the social dynamic within the group, why did a crew leave their ship unattended while others were nearby? Alliances are not an extension of ones crew.

    Just because a ship has no treasure does not mean that you should not sink it. I for one sink any ship that is to close for comfort. I am laying claim of the area and would like to leave my ship in peace without the risk of someone blowing it up in my absence. To do that you must be gone, so I can see you coming from the horizon to reach my ship if you decide to sink me. There are many reasons to sink another crew and even the simple: Because it is my freedom of choice to do so is a valid one. We are free-roaming pirates in a shared open world, where we can all decide how we want to play.

    You are just complaining about losing in a game and frankly being a sore loser.

    Your analogy with real life is bogus, as this is a game... so here a couple that are more on point:

    • Do you call your opponent in chess toxic because they take out your queen when they had the chance to take it for free and you were unable to take theirs in return?
    • Do you call your opponent in monopoly toxic when you land on their hotel and have to pay them an amount of cash that you might not have, causing you to take mortgage's on your properties?
    • Do you call the imposters in Among Us toxic for calling sabotages, killing people, venting or gaining their trust in the meetings to not be booted out?

    The actions of killing pirates, sinking ships, stealing treasure and even backstabbing in alliances are in no means toxic, they are aspects of the game and if people remain civil there is nothing toxic about it.

    How you want to play, how you want to approach the game is on you. Just don't assume that a pirate won't pounce on an opportunity if you present it to them. A different crew even when in an alliance are not your crewmembers and their goals might not be the same as yours.

    If you believe it is so easy to let me do all the work and to swoop in to take it all and sink me, feel free to try. I have PvE sessions where I have easily 100k loot just sitting on my deck, be my guest to come and try and take it from me. It just sounds like you have a lot to learn, the game has a pretty decent learning curve in how to do PvE in safety and navigate a world where PvP is always looming.

    Btw. please tell me exactly how you know if someone is a 'new' player, I would truly love to know... because in my time on the seas I have seen the most basic default cosmetics being worn by the most sweatiest PvP players that give me the hardest time and defeats, while the most expensive flamboyant outfits being worn by the easiest targets of my life. You do realize that a new player and a veteran player are identical in everything other than their skill and the amount of cosmetics they might have stored in their clothing box. For this exact reason I treat every pirate as a proper threat... not doing so is a liability.

  • There is no filter for bad people. It’s in every game. The more popular, the more of them.

    Nothing a developer can do. Not like they can implement a moral screening process prior to log in.

  • @cotu42 yes, equal weapons and equipment, just need more experience.
    Stop doing Tall Tales and Quests.
    I wish there was a way to see how many ships were on a server.
    Joining someone's alliance and saying friendly over here, then killing and sinking ships is FUN! What do you do with the coins anyway? Buy cosmetics, quests, and your flag level for better paying jobs.
    So I'll just got the the far ends of the map to sink skeleton ships and have fun with that.

  • @asphaltscrpr1

    Lass die labbern, die kapieren den Unterschied zwischen spielen und asozial sein nicht. Klar passiert schon mal, das man gute Beute darstellt, wenn man ordendlich Zeug gesammelt hat. ABER, was daran lustig sein soll, einen Spieler wegen nix und wieder nix, oder noch dazu in einer Allianz zu töten, wenn es keinen Grund gibt.

    Es gibt einfach eine Grenze zwischen Pirat und A-loch sein. Aber das kapieren einige halt einfach nicht.

    In einem solchen Spiel versteht man Pirat sein doch romantischer, als es in der Realität ist.

    Es ist für einen Spieler allein oft unmöglich eine große Mission zu spielen, weil immer irgendwelche Assgeier nur darauf warten Dich abzuschlachten.

    Du kannst dann auf einen neuen Server gehen und die Mission von vorne Anfang und hoffen, dass Du Deine Ruhe hast. Aber solche Mission dauern schon mal zwei Stunden und in dieser Zeit hast Du immer jemanden der einfach nur trollen will.

    Es gibt Spieler die nicht spielen sondern nur trollen wollen. Und ja, das ist toxisch. Diese Spieler wollen nicht Piraten sein, sondern As..

  • @asphaltscrpr1 said in Some GREAT some TOXIC Players:

    @cotu42 yes, equal weapons and equipment, just need more experience.

    Yes, practice, knowledge and experience will make you better at the game.

    Stop doing Tall Tales and Quests.

    Why? Tales have check points to reach, voyages are easier at low level and practice makes perfect.

    I wish there was a way to see how many ships were on a server.

    There a max of 6 ships, so a maximum of 5 others.

    Joining someone's alliance and saying friendly over here, then killing and sinking ships is FUN!

    Some people enjoy that, why would you trust a pirate with so few words and no actions.

    Always place yourself and your ship in safe positions, do not let people board you without permission and stay on guard. The success of an alliance is based on the strength of the crews involved.

    What do you do with the coins anyway? Buy cosmetics, quests, and your flag level for better paying jobs.

    Yes, so win or lose there is little at stake. So, be a good sport about it.

    So I'll just got the the far ends of the map to sink skeleton ships and have fun with that.

    If that is what you enjoy doing go for it.

  • Someone said:
    Not the PvP Players are toxic. They say "gg" after or during a fight.
    The PvE players are toxic during or after a fight and use gamer words with the F letter and the Y letter.

    I think he is right.

  • @asphaltscrpr1 your delusional if you think being racist isn't toxic but sinking other players is.

    Smh go troll somewhere else

  • @ajm123 You are the delusional one!
    I never said anything about being racist!!!!
    That is the problem we are all 1 race!!!!!
    Article 6 it's a game that could be GREAT.
    It 8lis fun when people don't just kill you for no reason.
    I know, I know, it's a pirate game.
    I wish I was the only person who has had this experience but some other people I have run into have experienced the same thing!!!!!

  • @asphaltscrpr1 said in Some GREAT some TOXIC Players:

    @ajm123 yelling or typing racist thing or other derogatory things is TOXIC? I call that verbal ABUSE! Not TOXIC!

    You stand corrected

  • @ajm123 Bless your little heart I stand corrected.

  • As far as I know the only way to get your friends in is to have the stars align and you all join the same server. Which is very unlikely. The best option you have is finding someone one the server with open spots on their ship and have them invite your friends. Or find someone who is getting off the game and have them invite your friend to their crew before they leave.

  • I’m a weekender Slooper. I occasionally see another ship. I occasionally attack and am attacked. I never see enough opponents. Hell I rarely see anybody period so I hunt Skeleton ships.

    I not a fan of rinse and repeat voyages. Not being able to earn a better position/equipment through work does annoy me. The ideology of working for costumes is just boring. Their is no real-time community.

    Outside of that. Sailing is great, I find the graphics beautiful. I don’t appreciate a Kracken attacking me when fighting a skeleton ship 😂

    I think the lack of progression is a negative. Outside of that I’ll be on 6am on a weekend morning with a cup of coffee when nobody else is.

  • Toxic? The only toxic thing here is you crying about piracy in a pirate game LOL

  • @hawgryder4184 said in Some GREAT some TOXIC Players:

    I’m a weekender Slooper. I occasionally see another ship. I occasionally attack and am attacked. I never see enough opponents. Hell I rarely see anybody period so I hunt Skeleton ships.

    I not a fan of rinse and repeat voyages. Not being able to earn a better position/equipment through work does annoy me. The ideology of working for costumes is just boring. Their is no real-time community.

    Outside of that. Sailing is great, I find the graphics beautiful. I don’t appreciate a Kracken attacking me when fighting a skeleton ship 😂

    I think the lack of progression is a negative. Outside of that I’ll be on 6am on a weekend morning with a cup of coffee when nobody else is.

    Wouldn’t against PvE progression, so long as it didn’t give others an advantage in PvP...

  • @asphaltscrpr1 You act as if you're the first to come here to report this "big problem". So what? You got sunk and died? They're toxic now? That is a major part of this game, and you have to just suck it up and move on, or beef up and move them

  • @asphaltscrpr1
    You have the power to prevent what's happening to you. Getting spawn camped? Scuttle or kill them back. Joining an alliance and getting betrayed? Don't trust people you don't know. Someone saying or texting something that offends you? Mute them. If you let these things happen it's your own asphalt.

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